
How do I let go of these feelings?

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    So my situation is a little unusual. I’m friends with a guy who I met through a group activity. We get along fantastically, we have a lot in common, we flirt every now and then and it didn’t take long for me to develop feelings for him. My feelings for him are so strong that I’m always thinking about him. I look forward to seeing him every week, and I analyze every word he says, wondering if he has similar feelings about me.

    There’s one problem though – he has a girlfriend. I had to find this out from someone else. He has never once brought up his girlfriend when he’s talking to me, and I would never mention it, I can’t bare to think about it!

    And he’s like a drug! I could easily avoid him, but I don’t want to. I purposely continue my activity just to see him every week. He consumes my thoughts. I’ve never felt this way about someone before, and it’s making me feel crazy and distracted…I’m not myself. I just want to feel in control of my thoughts again, and be able to see him without my heart pounding out of my chest and my head floating into space.

    The last time I saw him he told the group we were with that him and his girlfriend aren’t doing so well, and that he doesn’t know where there relationship is going. I couldn’t contribute to the conversation, I didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to say the wrong thing. My emotions were running wild. I immediately started analyzing what he said, replaying the conversation in my head: Are they breaking up? Is he trying to tell me something?

    I need advice on how to reclaim myself here. My heart thinks that there’s hope for us but my head knows it’s just my imagination. I can’t even move on and give other guys I’m meeting a chance because I always have this guy in the back of my mind. Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me giving up the activity I enjoy?


    When I find myself intensely falling for someone and my brain starts acting funny like this, one way I try to temper my feelings is to remind myself that the guy isn’t perfect and I focus on flaws they have as a way to bring myself back down to earth.

    If this guy does end up breaking up with his girlfriend, I’d caution you to not immediately jump into a relationship with him. Give him time to grieve for the relationship. Be his friend, not his rebound!

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