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    Hi everyone!

    So I’ve said this before but I loathe my job. Because of my job I have anxiety and mild depression. I work alone because my boss refuses to hire anyone, I work 10 hours a day, no break [people complained they saw me sitting and eating] no vacation, no sick days. At the end of the day I go home and sleep. I know you shouldn’t put your happiness on outside influences, but when almost every waking moment I’m either alone or being told what a terrible person I am for stupid reasons, it gets to you.

    On the plus side my boyfriend and I are planning on moving early next year [date pending, but it appears to be around March] does anyone have any tips to help get through the day happy? I am happy when I’m not at work, and all my stress is pretty much gone [the only anxiety outside of work is me panicking because of something coming up that’s work related] sadly I can’t quit or move yet, so those options are out.

    Thanks for any advice.


    sounds like a terrible job. I couldn’t work 10 hours straight without a proper break. Work on your escape plan is all I can suggest. No one is meant to put up with that for long and earning peanuts I imagine as well. That abuse sounds totally uncalled for. Take care.
    You have a right to complain.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by jock.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by jock.

    Lol thanks. I just hate being in this mood. I wind up feeling better when I’m not at work, but when I’m back that’s when it starts up again. I just need to find a way to cope until I can quit.


    Dear Nekoshema:

    Maybe…when you are at work, imagine you will always be there, that is do not think of the time you will be off work, stop desiring to get the day finished. When someone was asked: how do you free yourself (from a jail cell)- the person answered: stop wanting out!

    Resign yourself to being there, stop rushing through the day so to get home. Imagine these 10 hours to come are all the hours remaining in your life (it is a real life possibility for all of us). So there is nothing better to look forward to. Stop looking forward to something better.



    I would like to suggest an online course that purely helps in making career decisions and personal decisions. The online course is one” Life Coaching – Becoming your Best Self”. It will help you develop growth in your career. The course has motivational talks and ideas to get cheered up in career and life. Why I am suggesting this is, it is taught by one of the best motivational speakers. The author once came to my college as a guest lecturer. Listening to her talks made me cheer up both in my thinking process and decision making. It was really helpful. I have joined the course and waiting for its start date. It starts from Feb 26th. Here take a look at it https://www.classle.net/#!/online/course/life-coaching-becoming-your-best-self/coursehome/
    I am sure this will help you!

    Cheer up and live life like you want 🙂


    * Sarah: do you have a personal financial motivation in suggesting this online class?

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