
Feels like Time is passing too fast

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    Hi SereneWolf,

    Ohh Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Knee and back pain, both. Thatā€™s hard to deal with. I hope you find the strength to deal with that pain. Try to rest as much as you can and donā€™t push yourself too much. I hope your pain eases up soon.

    Thanks, my back is now behaving a little better fortunately, so it’s the knee that is giving me the most trouble. I hope it’s temporary and not some big setback.

    To get to the essence, I understand your point of view. But are you suggesting me to find someone and have a committed relationship just when I started my travelling journey? Like I mentioned I donā€™t want LDR again.

    Does it mean you’ll be living like a digital nomad, working remotely from various places, not having a fixed address? And for how long are you planning that?

    Your focus in the next period will be very much on traveling, right? But you seem eager to have a relationship too. In my last post, I misunderstood you and thought that by casual, you meant FWB. But you say: FWB for me is more than casual sex.

    Which means that when you said:

    With Casual I can at least be straight forward and clear like hey Iā€™m working on myself and I canā€™t commit with you for a full fledge relationship but I wouldnā€™t mind spending a good time with you if youā€™re okay with it.

    — you meant casual sex, right? Like no strings attached? No games and confusing vibes?

    You’ve actually talked about it before, half-jokingly:

    If Iā€™d be just dating a local woman from the city that Iā€™m staying. Itā€™s also good for activities and time spending outside the work. So spending good time together and some sweet memories and then say see ya senorita on the next adventureā€¦

    So is that what you have in mind for your next phase? Or how exactly do you envision your love life in the next phase?


    I donā€™t understand whatā€™s wrong in telling ā€œwell if you miss me, why donā€™t you write more?ā€ Because I didnā€™t missed talking to her that much.

    Well, if you didn’t miss her, why were you angry that she is playing games with you and sending you confusing vibes?

    she makes me angry too. Like on Weekend she texted like She missed talking to me. I replied whoā€™s stopping you? and then she replies me for that 2 days after with a funny IG reel. And I have much better things to do than focusing on someone like her who isnā€™t sure of anything and changes colour like a chamaeleon. Like Iā€™m exhausted with dating games. Like if itā€™s a Yes or no. and confusing vibes.

    she have many options so maybe thatā€™s why she be playing games like who wins and I donā€™t want to be a part of that game

    This doesn’t sound like you didn’t really care about her. It sounds like you care, and you are hurt and angry that she is playing hot and cold. But you pretended not to care, by replying sarcastically: “well, who’s stopping you to contact me?” You didn’t express your vulnerability (e.g. you didn’t say “I miss you too”), or your upset, by you pretended not to care whether she writes or not.

    That’s why I asked you to be honest with yourself. To acknowledge your feelings – not necessarily to her, but to yourself. To acknowledge that she did stir interest in you, that she does seem mysterious and exciting in a way, and that it doesn’t feel good when she is playing games with you and playing with your feelings. But also, that you don’t like her drinking and smoking and I don’t know what else you object to.

    Perhaps write it all down: everything you feel about her. Like in that exercise by Anna Runkle (youtube channel “Crappy Childhood Fairy”, her “Daily practice” exercise).

    So what I am suggesting is to be more honest with yourself about how you’re feeling. Don’t share those emotions with her – don’t show your vulnerability to her – because she might not deserve it. But be honest with yourself, allow yourself to feel those emotions, don’t stuff them down immediately.

    You’ve been stuffing down your emotions for so long, and now it’s time to let them flow – to feel them. I think you now have the capacity to let them flow through you and not be overwhelmed. You’ve grown a lot in the recent years and developed that capacity.

    Remember, you are allowed to feel those feelings, and you don’t need to hide them, because neither your mother or your father are watching you. You can feel whatever you feel, and that’s okay.

    And as I said, you can start writing down your feelings, to make them more contained and less all over the place. It’s something you do only for yourself, for your own healing.



    *typo, it should be like this:

    but you pretended not to care whether she writes or not.


    Hi Tee,

    Oh wow, congratulations! Iā€™ve checked the Statue of Unity (didnā€™t even know about it), and oh my, itā€™s 182 m high, which is almost double the height of Statue of Liberty! Must admit, itā€™s not that beautiful :), but it is impressive, for sure. How did you cope with the high temperatures that were measured in India recently?

    Yup itā€™s not that awesomely beautiful statue. But that man helped the India how it is now otherwise it would like Europe now. So many countries. Sardar Patel made all the small and medium size to big states sign the treaty to join India. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called statue of Unity.

    It’s starting of the Monsoon season here, and actually because of the heat I decided to move to a city with a better weather. (Iā€™m already in train as Iā€™m writing this)


    Thanks, my back is now behaving a little better fortunately, so itā€™s the knee that is giving me the most trouble. I hope itā€™s temporary and not some big setback.

    Ah I hope so too. Try to have more calcium rich food it may work.


    Does it mean youā€™ll be living like a digital nomad, working remotely from various places, not having a fixed address? And for how long are you planning that?

    Yes. Iā€™m planning to live as a Digital nomad as least for 2-3 years. Until I finish my travel bucket list. After that Iā€™ll decide where I want to stay. Like good and peaceful place for a family to grow. As of now India doesnā€™t seem like it for long term.

    So is that what you have in mind for your next phase? Or how exactly do you envision your love life in the next phase?

    Thatā€™s a hard question to answer. And you may still think that Iā€™m being too much hopeful. But I think love of my life will just come. If itā€™s written in my destiny she isnā€™t going anywhere. Weā€™ll meet when the time is right. So, I donā€™t have like a foolproof plan for how to find love during my travel journey. But just a hope that itā€™ll happen.
    During the journey my work wouldnā€™t be finding love, but try to find my own self. Enjoy the mother nature. Be in the present and know that Iā€™m part of this big ever-changing universe.

    I also know that during my journey Iā€™ll also meet lot of people and Iā€™ll create lot of connections. So who knows it could be one of them? Only time will tell.


    Well, if you didnā€™t miss her, why were you angry that she is playing games with you and sending you confusing vibes?

    Because she said stuff like that and then acted like nothing happened.


    This doesnā€™t sound like you didnā€™t really care about her. It sounds like you care, and you are hurt and angry that she is playing hot and cold. But you pretended not to care, by replying sarcastically: ā€œwell, whoā€™s stopping you to contact me?ā€ You didnā€™t express your vulnerability (e.g. you didnā€™t say ā€œI miss you tooā€), or your upset, by you pretended not to care whether she writes or not.

    Yes because like I said Iā€™m being logical and seeing the end result here? Why should I put energy into those things If I donā€™t want go deeper into that relationship? I donā€™t even like her that much.


    Thatā€™s why I asked you to be honest with yourself. To acknowledge your feelings ā€“ not necessarily to her, but to yourself. To acknowledge that she did stir interest in you, that she does seem mysterious and exciting in a way, and that it doesnā€™t feel good when she is playing games with you and playing with your feelings. But also, that you donā€™t like her drinking and smoking and I donā€™t know what else you object to.

    Okay youā€™re right about this. I kept shutting up myself like shut up sheā€™s not your type so donā€™t hype up about her, donā€™t think about her. Donā€™t get excited. But yeah, reality is she did stir interest in me a lot At first. Now that interest is faded. After knowing she keeps repeating her mistakes. Sheā€™s quite childish and angry and no improvement in her even after years of therapy. And itā€™s not just about her in this. But Iā€™m being selfish here. Why should I put time and energy for this? Sheā€™s older than me. She knows whatā€™s right and wrong. Iā€™ll just let her be. Because if Iā€™m in her or not it wouldnā€™t make much difference.



    Perhaps write it all down: everything you feel about her. Like in that exercise by Anna Runkle (youtube channel ā€œCrappy Childhood Fairyā€, her ā€œDaily practiceā€ exercise).

    So what I am suggesting is to be more honest with yourself about how youā€™re feeling. Donā€™t share those emotions with her ā€“ donā€™t show your vulnerability to her ā€“ because she might not deserve it. But be honest withĀ yourself, allow yourself to feel those emotions, donā€™t stuff them down immediately.

    Youā€™ve been stuffing down your emotions for so long, and now itā€™s time to let them flow ā€“ to feel them. I think you now have the capacity to let them flow through you and not be overwhelmed. Youā€™ve grown a lot in the recent years and developed that capacity.

    Remember, you are allowed to feel those feelings, and you donā€™t need to hide them, because neither your mother or your father are watching you. You can feel whatever you feel, and thatā€™s okay.

    And as I said, you can start writing down your feelings, to make them more contained and less all over the place. Itā€™s something you do only for yourself, for your own healing.


    Thanks, youā€™re right this is something also I really need to work on. When something like this happens, I just deny my feelings, Like what? This canā€™t be me. So I should be more honest with myself and accept that itā€™s okay to simply allow those human emotions. Itā€™s normal.

    I think there should be some good journaling course. Because there are times when Iā€™m able to write down what Iā€™m feeling but sometimes if Iā€™m overwhelmed with lot of emotions at once itā€™s not easy to put it on paper.

    And no I wonā€™t be vulnerable with her. Like you said because I feel like she doesnā€™t deserve it.


    Hi SereneWolf,

    Yup itā€™s not that awesomely beautiful statue. But that man helped the India how it is now otherwise it would like Europe now. So many countries. Sardar Patel made all the small and medium size to big states sign the treaty to join India. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called statue of Unity.

    I see. I’ve looked him up – he was a prominent figure in the Indian independence movement, together with Mahatma Gandhi. He organized non-violent civil disobedience movement in his home sate of Gujarat against the British rule. And later he was instrumental in uniting the various princely states to join the independent India. Cool!

    I am glad you had a good time in Gujarat but are now moving to a place with a better climate!

    Yes. Iā€™m planning to live as a Digital nomad as least for 2-3 years. Until I finish my travel bucket list. After that Iā€™ll decide where I want to stay. Like good and peaceful place for a family to grow. As of now India doesnā€™t seem like it for long term.

    Does it mean you’re planning your trips and explorations outside of India as well? Or the bucket list includes India only, and then you plan to settle somewhere abroad?

    Thatā€™s a hard question to answer. And you may still think that Iā€™m being too much hopeful. But I think love of my life will just come. If itā€™s written in my destiny she isnā€™t going anywhere. Weā€™ll meet when the time is right. So, I donā€™t have like a foolproof plan for how to find love during my travel journey. But just a hope that itā€™ll happen.

    During the journey my work wouldnā€™t be finding love, but try to find my own self. Enjoy the mother nature. Be in the present and know that Iā€™m part of this big ever-changing universe.

    No, I don’t think you are too idealistic to believe that your true love is waiting somewhere for you. And that you’ll meet her when the time is right.

    What you are describing is a very beautiful idea: to find your true self on your travels, and be one with mother nature and the universe. And if in that state of Being, you find someone who clicks with you and can Be (herself) alongside of you, that’s what you’re actually hoping for, right?

    I just want to juxtapose this idealistic, romantic view with the idea of casual sex and “see ya senorita”, which you mentioned as a preferred approach during your travels. You cannot meet “the one” – who might be written for you in the stars – if you engage in casual sex with random girls you meet on your travels. You also cannot meet “the one” while in deadly fear of intimacy.

    So you would have to choose which path to take. The path of trust (in the universe, to bring you closer to “the one”), or the path of fear, where you opt for casual sex and no strings attached.

    In fact, when you meet “the one”, you’ll want to be attached to her with as many strings as possible, and for as long as possible… so actually, to be attached and bonded to the right person is a good and beneficial state of Being. It is called true love. But it cannot happen if you are afraid of those “strings”, i.e. of attachment to someone who deserves your love.

    Okay youā€™re right about this. I kept shutting up myself like shut up sheā€™s not your type so donā€™t hype up about her, donā€™t think about her. Donā€™t get excited. But yeah, reality is she did stir interest in me a lot At first. Now that interest is faded. After knowing she keeps repeating her mistakes. Sheā€™s quite childish and angry and no improvement in her even after years of therapy. And itā€™s not just about her in this. But Iā€™m being selfish here. Why should I put time and energy for this?

    Fair enough. You felt intrigued at first, but then you saw some of her behavior, which she keeps repeating, and you don’t like it. And it’s totally okay to use your discernment and say “no, I don’t want this, I don’t need this type of girl.”

    And in that case, it’s okay if you act somewhat cold with her when she writes. I just thought you still have feelings for her because you said you got angry that she is playing games with you and sending you confusing vibes.

    But it seems that you kind of accepted that she is like that, and you’re not expecting too much from her, except occasional chat (Weā€™re not enemies so we can talk sometime and thatā€™s about it.).

    In this case, your being on guard was justified because you saw the behaviors you don’t like (some of what you mentioned is: childish, angry, drinking, smoking, sending confusing vibes). So there was a reason to be on guard and not follow your emotions, even if she seemed exciting and mysterious at first.

    So that’s cool that you didn’t throw away your rational mind but included it in the decision making. Because we need both the heart and the mind when deciding about important matters, including matters of the heart.

    What I was warning you about is not to stuff down your emotions in general, even if you meet a girl that you like and whose behavior doesn’t raise red flags. When things are fine, and she seems fine, but then the fear in you awakens, and you start pretending like you don’t care.

    I remember that with the doctor, you failed to write to her during your entire stay at your parents’ place, which was for more than a week, if I remember well? She was upset about it, and I’d say rightfully ā€“ because you were officially in a relationship.

    I don’t know what you felt about her, but if you failed to write because you didnā€™t want to seem needy and like you cared too much ā€“ that’s a defense mechanism. That’s when your avoidance stems not from proper discernment, but from fear.

    So I just wanted to make that difference.

    Thanks, youā€™re right this is something also I really need to work on. When something like this happens, I just deny my feelings, Like what? This canā€™t be me. So I should be more honest with myself and accept that itā€™s okay to simply allow those human emotions. Itā€™s normal.

    Yes, you can allow yourself to feel, but you also don’t need to switch off your rational mind. Like, you are not completely swept off your feet that you throw away all common sense through the window. But I guess there is a little probability for the latter, since being careful, rational and on guard is your default “setting” šŸ™‚

    So I am encouraging you to keep using your common sense, also when it comes to romantic relationships. But also not to give in to fear if there is no real objection to the girl, but you suddenly start feeling trapped and you want out. Because that’s the fear speaking, not common sense.

    Also, I think it would be important to express if something is bothering you about the girl. For example, if she is always late, you can say “I don’t like that you are always late. I’d appreciate if you arrived on time.”

    Because if I understood you correctly, you have difficulty with expressing when something bothers you. You rather take it a danger signal and start withdrawing immediately, and shutting down vulnerability (as a part of your fearful avoidant attachment), rather than talking to the girl and expressing what is bothering you.

    Because she might not be doing it on purpose, but because she isn’t aware that it bothers you. And she would be willing to change that behavior if she knew it bothers you.

    But if you don’t say anything but start feeling resentful, you sort of circumvent vulnerability, because admitting that something bothers us is vulnerable. Because we might be rejected or ridiculed or told that we are too sensitive. We might be accused to being weak if we admit that something bothers us.

    So I guess expressing our boundaries makes us vulnerable in a way. But it’s a must for communicating clearly and remaining emotionally intimate ā€“ remaining both true to ourselves (authentic) and open towards the other person.

    So we don’t betray ourselves (and our needs), but we also don’t withdraw from the person. We express what we need. That’s how emotional intimacy is maintained.

    So I guess a part of the exercise of allowing yourself to feel your emotions, is not only allowing yourself to feel excitement about a girl, but also to feel angry and hurt about something that she is doing, that you don’t like.

    You don’t suppress your anger and pretend it’s not there (because that’s what you were doing in your first LDR), but you express what is bothering you. And then if you see they keep doing it again and again, with no regard for your feelings, and it’s something that is important to you, you may want to consider whether you want to be with that girl or not.

    So in general, allowing yourself to feel all emotions, not stuffing them down, is the way to go (of course, you don’t need to show your raw emotions to everyone. But feel them and acknowledge them – for yourself).

    BTW feeling all emotions is the way to decide what we want. Without being in touch with our emotions we cannot make good decisions.

    That was even scientifically proven by a neuroscientist Antonio Damasio. He discovered that in patients who had a specific brain injury, due to which their neocortex wasnā€™t receiving signals from their limbic and reptilian brains (our emotional brain), the person lost interpersonal skills, the ability to read social cues, as well as the ability to make decisions. Which means that we need emotions to know what is good and bad for us ā€“ we cannot rely only on our rational mind.

    I think there should be some good journaling course. Because there are times when Iā€™m able to write down what Iā€™m feeling but sometimes if Iā€™m overwhelmed with lot of emotions at once itā€™s not easy to put it on paper.

    If you go to youtube and search for “Crappy Childhood Fairy Daily Practice”, you’ll get several useful videos, including the one titled “FREE Course: The “Daily Practice” for Healing Childhood PTSD and CPTSD“. In the description of that video is the link to the free “Daily Practice” course. Which is basically the way to journal about your emotions. You write about things that you are afraid of and things that you are resentful about. So basically you journal about your fear and anger. And lots of good stuff comes out of it šŸ™‚

    And no I wonā€™t be vulnerable with her. Like you said because I feel like she doesnā€™t deserve it.

    Good. It does seem she has many issues (including the drinking problem), and isn’t really someone you could have a healthy relationship with. So it’s better to stay away and as you said, have a superficial contact.

    BTW I hope I am not burdening you with these “tractates” (because I see this ended up being a looong post again). I sometimes tend to go overboard in trying to explain my point šŸ™‚ Anyway, let me know if I should cut down a little šŸ™‚



    Salute Tee,

    I hope your health is getting better?

    Does it mean youā€™re planning your trips and explorations outside of India as well? Or the bucket list includes India only, and then you plan to settle somewhere abroad?

    Obviously bucket list includes the Worldwide places. Mainly Europe and Southeast Asia though. Some South America and few places in USA.


    What you are describing is a very beautiful idea: to find your true self on your travels, and be one with mother nature and the universe. And if in that state of Being, you find someone who clicks with you and can Be (herself) alongside of you, thatā€™s what youā€™re actually hoping for, right?

    I just want to juxtapose this idealistic, romantic view with the idea of casual sex and ā€œsee ya senoritaā€, which you mentioned as a preferred approach during your travels. You cannot meet ā€œthe oneā€ ā€“ who might be written for you in the stars ā€“ if you engage in casual sex with random girls you meet on your travels. You also cannot meet ā€œthe oneā€ while in deadly fear of intimacy.

    So you would have to choose which path to take. The path of trust (in the universe, to bring you closer to ā€œthe oneā€), or the path of fear, where you opt for casual sex and no strings attached.

    Yes like I said intentions matters. And Iā€™m not travelling just for casual sex. But let me give you an example what I mean, Like if I met some girl during my journey we hit it off at first, We kinda start dating and explore places together might even physically involved. But after sometime Iā€™d find out that Iā€™m still not feeling that connection & warmth with her as Iā€™d like in a relationship even If I donā€™t let my fear of intimacy come in between. In that case what Iā€™d do? Force the connection? Or just appreciate moments with her and move on?
    and In that case physical involvement would described as casual sex? Again, Itā€™s not a need but I noticed that these things happens in the moment. Because it happened with me in the past.


    In fact, when you meet ā€œthe oneā€, youā€™ll want to be attached to her with as many strings as possible, and for as long as possibleā€¦ so actually, to be attached and bonded to the right person is a good and beneficial state of Being. It is called true love. But it cannot happen if you are afraid of those ā€œstringsā€, i.e. of attachment to someone who deserves your love.

    Yes thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking! Like I believe she will make attached to her yet it would feel so natural. It wouldnā€™t feel like Iā€™m giving her the control to hurt. But more like hereā€™s my lil heart I trust you to take care of it and there would be no fear. Just thinking about making me go full of joy haha


    In this case, your being on guard was justified because you saw the behaviors you donā€™t like (some of what you mentioned is: childish, angry, drinking, smoking, sending confusing vibes). So there was a reason to be on guard and not follow your emotions, even if she seemed exciting and mysterious at first.

    So thatā€™s cool that you didnā€™t throw away your rational mind but included it in the decision making. Because we need both the heart and the mind when deciding about important matters, including matters of the heart.


    Thanks, and Iā€™m not regretting it. Because I want to be around the woman who make me feel like yeah good woman do exist.
    Although itā€™s same for woman though, I keep hearing from my female friends that there hardly good man left on earth lol

    What I was warning you about is not to stuff down your emotions in general, even if you meet a girl that you like and whose behavior doesnā€™t raise red flags. When things are fine, and she seems fine, but then the fear in you awakens, and you start pretending like you donā€™t care.

    I remember that with the doctor, you failed to write to her during your entire stay at your parentsā€™ place, which was for more than a week, if I remember well? She was upset about it, and Iā€™d say rightfully ā€“ because you were officially in a relationship.

    I donā€™t know what you felt about her, but if you failed to write because you didnā€™t want to seem needy and like you cared too much ā€“ thatā€™s a defense mechanism. Thatā€™s when your avoidance stems not from proper discernment, but from fear.

    So I just wanted to make that difference.

    Yeah youā€™re right about that that was my mistake and I guess at that time I unconsciously just played around relationship game listening to one of my female friend. But I wonā€™t make that mistake again. Clear communication is very important in every relationship. Romantic or Friendship. But to update you on that one nowadays I reduced my communication with friends a lot. And I only talk to one of my female friends who is quite younger than me so it kind of also helps because she make me remember my teenage days and what silly and fun things we used to do.


    Yes, you can allow yourself to feel, but you also donā€™t need to switch off your rational mind. Like, you are not completely swept off your feet that you throw away all common sense through the window. But I guess there is a little probability for the latter, since being careful, rational and on guard is your default ā€œsettingā€ šŸ™‚

    Haha thatā€™s what you think for my current ā€œsettingā€? But yeah something similar I guess

    So I am encouraging you to keep using your common sense, also when it comes to romantic relationships. But also not to give in to fear if there is no real objection to the girl, but you suddenly start feeling trapped and you want out. Because thatā€™s the fear speaking, not common sense.

    Also, I think it would be important to express if something is bothering you about the girl. For example, if she is always late, you can say ā€œI donā€™t like that you are always late. Iā€™d appreciate if you arrived on time.ā€

    Yes exactly instead just being angry or using the silent treatment. Like I need to express whatā€™s really bothering me.

    Because if I understood you correctly, you have difficulty with expressing when something bothers you. You rather take it a danger signal and start withdrawing immediately, and shutting down vulnerability (as a part of your fearful avoidant attachment), rather than talking to the girl and expressing what is bothering you.

    Because she might not be doing it on purpose, but because she isnā€™t aware that it bothers you. And she would be willing to change that behavior if she knew it bothers you.

    But if you donā€™t say anything but start feeling resentful, you sort of circumvent vulnerability, because admitting that something bothers us is vulnerable. Because we might be rejected or ridiculed or told that we are too sensitive. We might be accused to being weak if we admit that something bothers us.

    Something very important! So does that mean even though I feel like I donā€™t need that person, Unconsciously just the fear of rejection or want for the acceptance makes me stop being vulnerable?

    I actually stumbled upon a book because of the YT called Courage to be disliked itā€™s already on my reading list.

    So I guess expressing our boundaries makes us vulnerable in a way. But itā€™s a must for communicating clearly and remaining emotionally intimate ā€“ remaining both true to ourselves (authentic)Ā andĀ open towards the other person.

    So we donā€™t betray ourselves (and our needs), but we also donā€™t withdraw from the person. We express what we need. Thatā€™s how emotional intimacy is maintained.

    Definitely and that balance is something Iā€™m struggling with


    So I guess a part of the exercise of allowing yourself to feel your emotions, is not only allowing yourself to feel excitement about a girl, but also to feel angry and hurt about something that she is doing, that you donā€™t like.

    Agree and those bad emotions what I was trying to reject but it was there

    You donā€™t suppress your anger and pretend itā€™s not there (because thatā€™s what you were doing in your first LDR), but you express what is bothering you. And then if you see they keep doing it again and again, with no regard for your feelings, and itā€™s something that is important to you, you may want to consider whether you want to be with that girl or not.


    So in general, allowing yourself to feelĀ allĀ emotions, not stuffing them down, is the way to go (of course, you donā€™t need to show your raw emotions to everyone. But feel them and acknowledge them ā€“ for yourself).

    BTW feeling all emotions is the way to decide what we want. Without being in touch with our emotions we cannot make good decisions.

    That was even scientifically proven by a neuroscientist Antonio Damasio. He discovered that in patients who had a specific brain injury, due to which their neocortex wasnā€™t receiving signals from their limbic and reptilian brains (our emotional brain), the person lost interpersonal skills, the ability to read social cues, as well as the ability to make decisions. Which means that we need emotions to know what is good and bad for us ā€“ we cannot rely only on our rational mind.


    That’s very interesting and I think thatā€™s also has to do something with naming our emotions? Because lot of times I would be feeling lot of different things at the same time so journaling and naming and then acknowledging those emotions?


    If you go to youtube and search for ā€œCrappy Childhood Fairy Daily Practiceā€, youā€™ll get several useful videos, including the one titled ā€œFREE Course: The ā€œDaily Practiceā€ for Healing Childhood PTSD and CPTSDā€œ. In the description of that video is the link to the free ā€œDaily Practiceā€ course. Which is basically the way to journal about your emotions. You write about things that you are afraid of and things that you are resentful about. So basically you journal about your fear and anger. And lots of good stuff comes out of it šŸ™‚


    Thanks for sharing! I checked it out and I think I did try that before as well but I didnā€™t sticked to this habit. Now Iā€™ll try to. And it does work very well I remember that. I also took an online CPTSD test again and the score is 38/80
    0-32 = None-low
    33-80 = Likelihood of CPTSD
    also checked again for ADHD test. It says Mild ADHD but I feel some of ADHD symptoms are quite bothersome

    And because of that Iā€™m thinking about starting Bullet Journaling

    BTW I hope I am not burdening you with these ā€œtractatesā€ (because I see this ended up being a looong post again). I sometimes tend to go overboard in trying to explain my point šŸ™‚ Anyway, let me know if I should cut down a little šŸ™‚

    Itā€™s fine as long as youā€™re okay with it. Just take care of your eyes and back too haha


    I’d like add to feeling my emotions, I’ve been rationalizing a lot, Like Ā a tendency to disassociate myself a lot, whether through daydreaming or activities. So, I rationalize so much that I reach a point where I don’t know if my own rationalization is a way for me to disassociate too. And also, I have to try to understand much more how I have to feel, than what I’m feeling, because I don’t know what I’m feeling, so any conclusion of “which feelings makes more sense at this moment” would be my feeling right now.

    And like when I was in therapy she told me something similar like you said she mentioned that this kind of existential crisis that happens is a form of rationalizing ā€” of having to make sense and rationalize my emotions by relating it to others– as opposed to when you cry because you’re sad or you’re laughing even when things are scary. she told me to feel my emotions when they come, and to not repress myself when I’m feeling upset because “it is better to feel yourself now than build unhealthy mechanisms and hurt yourself and others in the future” and I repressed myself for many many years as you know

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