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- This topic has 19 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 5 months ago by
August 31, 2018 at 12:09 pm #223911
I’ve dated a girl for about 8 years before we break up, split for a whole year and tried it again for another 6 months.
After the big break up I felt like I could have done so much better and still loved her, that’s why I gave the relationship another shot (she told me she felt the same).
It didn’t work once again and we broke up, this time feeling like it really was time to move on.
I was feeling great, focused on my new projects and helping people around me as much as I can. I’ve realized that I have an amazing life, since I’m surrounded by lovely people and have access to pretty much everything I could need or desire.
Suddently I was told that my ex was dating another guy and got very curious about it. I found his social media profile and the guy not only looks A LOT like me, but he’s pretty much EXACTLY where I plan to be someday and have planned to be and live with my ex. He looks like the projection that I have made for myself in the near future, it’s like me “when I’m ready”.
I can pretty much realize what a stupid comparison I’m making, but still can’t stop thinking about it. It’s like me ego is in pieces and even though I know that I should let it go (both my ego and my ex with her new relationship), the truth is that it has brought up all those things that I’ve worked a lot to let go – specially the feeling that we could still be together and live all that we have dreamed together.
I don’t feel angry, I absolutely feel no hate for her or for him, I know this guy must be a good a person as she is and I am too, but this situation has really put me down for the last several days and I’m having a hard time letting it go. Any thoughts on this would be very appreciated.
Thank You!
September 1, 2018 at 5:08 am #223955Anonymous
GuestDear Vicente:
September 17, 2017, almost a year ago, you wrote: “I am the ‘high achiever’ kind of guy. I’m always working so hard (too much I guess) to get the first place at something. I am very successful at my job, also as an athlete and at the academic level. This is something that is draining my energy…While I look like that unbeatable and super confident guy, deep inside I am an insecure person who needs external validation that comes from all these ‘gold medals’… I am afraid that I see getting my ex back like something that I must accomplish at any cost, what is absolutely crazy as she is not a trophy that I can get or a competition that I can’t lose”.
In 2018, following your previous thread, you got together with her again for another six months. Recently she got into a new relationship with a guy who you believe, basically, has more ‘gold medals’ than you do (“he’s pretty much exactly where I plan to be someday… He looks like the projection that I made for myself in the near future, it’s like me ‘when I’m ready”)
You wrote last year that the failure of the relationship meant that you lost a competition and the trophy was not for you to have (“she is not a trophy that I can get or a competition that I can’t lose” but… she was, for you). Now you had a look at a competitor who did win the trophy, for now at least. And you look at the competitor and see things about him that are superior to you.
The solution to all this is of course, to get out of the competition, to resolve that insecurity (“deep inside I am an insecure person”). Only it is not easy to do, if it was, you would have done it already.
When you were a child, I assume, it was communicated to you somehow that you were not enough, not worthy, that your achievements give you value that you otherwise don’t possess. This has become your core belief that keeps generating your life experiences. What do you think?
September 2, 2018 at 6:23 pm #224113Vicente
ParticipantHello Anita!
I can’t really figure out what happened during my childhood which lead me to believe that I must achieve anything to give me this value that I otherwise don’t have, but it really looks like that this is what keeps generating all this, like you have just pointed out.
I’ve been watching my feelings and my thoughts with a lot of curiosity and not really making any move out of it (besides asking for help here), which I think is good, since it could be disastrous if I had tried to get in touch with her after I found out that she’s in a new relationship, and I will keep doing so until I find a way out of it.
As I said I’m trying to focus my efforts on helping people around me and trying to make this the biggest purpose behind all my actions. All these achievments have put me in a position which a lot of people look at me as someone who motivates them and it feels great to help these people to believe in themselves to also achieve whatever they want. I feel really good doing so and I guess this might be much more fulfilling than any gold medal… Certainly it is much better than spend my energy comparing myself to my ex’s new boyfriend or whoever else.
Also, this obsession with her turns it impossible for me to really open my heart for a new relationship because nobody will ever be good enough while I keep her on this pedestal that I have put her.
Not an easy think for me to do, but I’m trying to work on it…
Thank you so much once again, I love your replies 🙂
September 3, 2018 at 6:31 am #224171Anonymous
GuestDear Vicente:
You are welcome. I think it is a good thing that you are examining your thoughts and feelings at this time instead of rushing into an action regarding your ex. If you want to keep looking into things with me, we can, and over time, we can figure things out. For that purpose, if you will, tell me about this pedestal you mentioned (“I keep her on this pedestal that I have put her”).
September 4, 2018 at 5:34 pm #224349Vicente
ParticipantHello Anita!
Its hard for me to put into words what I feel about it, but it seems like I keep comparing every woman to me ex and they dont really even have a chance against it, since I know I’m comparing them to the only the very best of her, what is crazy. I’m no longer with my ex for a reason, but it seems like I completely forget it when comparing other women with her.
I know I should stop with all these comparisons, but I’m being really honest here and it has been an issue for me.
Also, I feel that even to this day I’m really worried about what she thinks about me. We are not in a relationship anymore, we havnt even seen or talked to each other for more then 5 months but sometimes I catch myself worrying about what she might think about me… The interesting ting is that I’m not the kind of person who really cares about other people’s opinion about me, I’m pretty cool with it actually, except for hers.
I’m trying to free myself from these feelings… and I’m ready for a kick in the pants!
September 5, 2018 at 5:39 am #224381Anonymous
GuestDear Vicente:
I don’t think you need “a kick in the pants!” Gentleness is what you need, I say. Not aggression.
Well, what is it about your ex girlfriend, what was that “very best of her” that you use in the comparisons?
(I am trying to figure out what it is you value about a woman, wondering if she too is a “high achiever”, similar to you, if she has a collection of “gold medals” and what these may be.. or is it something else)
September 6, 2018 at 6:16 am #224485Vicente
She’s not a “high achiever”… funny thing is that this question is not that easy for me to answer, although I can certainly list many qualities of her, such as being intelligent, hard worker, funny and loyal. She’s also really good looking and has a beautiful profession (doctor). What I miss the most though, is the way she treated me (during the good times obviously) and our intimacy. I’m not sure if our chemistry was something natural that I will maybe someday experience with someone else for no specific reason or if it was a consequence of so many years together, which I will only find again when I spend enough time with someone else, or even both things. I feel like we had it “all” except for the fact that we obviously could not share our lives anymore because our core values were different, I guess…
I’m 28 and I’ve met when I was 19. This was the only serious relationship that I have ever had, she’s the only one to whom I have really opened my heart, shared my difficulties and all. Maybe this lack of experience with serious relationship is playing a role?
I love how your questions make me think. Thanks Anita
September 6, 2018 at 9:28 am #224503Anonymous
GuestDear Vicente:
You are welcome. And because you love how my questions make you think, I have two more questions for you on this post.
In your original post you wrote: “After the big break up I felt that I could have done so much better.. that’s why I gave the relationship another shot”.
You wrote that you felt that you could have done so much better in the context of the relationship (not that she could have done much better)-
in what ways did you think that you could have done much better and what were your efforts to do better during that one more shot that you gave the relationship?
Was it anything she could have or should have done better?
September 12, 2018 at 6:59 am #225301Vicente
ParticipantHello Anita,
This is not an easy question for me, that’s why I`ve tried to answer it a couple of times before but didn’t make it to the end.
I believe that during the last phase of my relationship I wasn’t giving enough attention to it, I was focused on my personal goals and had lost most of the curiosity about my partner. At that time we didn’t have many future plans together (even after almost 8 years of relationship and living together) and I felt that she wasn’t very supportive so I decided to focus on myself regardless of it. Obviously, things started to fall apart…
After the brake up I realized that she was going through a tough phase of her life and felt like I was the one who should had been more supportive and blamed myself for the end of relationship. As I said, we never really lost contact and got back together for another 6 months.
This time, however, I made it (the relationship) my primary concern. I realized that this was the only way to go, otherwise I could not have any better output. What I have realized, though, is that she was absolutely the same. She was still a very negative person and all those things that I though that I could have helped to fix being more present and more supportive were all there. We started to plan our future together, but our expectations towards life were very different.
It become pretty clear to me that we are not compatible. Period.
That said, I must point that she was honest, hard worker, loyal and intelligent (besides being beautiful) – and I really value these qualities. Also she treated me very well (during the good times) and I really miss our intimacy/chemestry which I don’t know if was a result of all that time together or a natural thing. Maybe a result of both?
So today I keep comparing women to her – or to the version of her that I have created in my mind – one that have never existed.
Thank you once again!
September 12, 2018 at 8:59 am #225321Anonymous
GuestDear Vicente:
This is my understanding: you have to be Number One. Not because you are arrogant but because in your relationships with your parents during your formative, childhood years (something you didn’t share about), it was instilled in you somehow that you are not worthy unless you are number one.
You wrote last year: “I am a very successful guy… But I still feel like a failure just because SHE is rejecting me”. Because she is a medical doctor and beautiful and so forth, you view her as the woman version of Number One. To gain and keep your Number One status, you must be with Number One woman, your ex.
“I see getting my ex back like something that I must accomplish at any cost”- I believe that you must accomplish being Number One at any cost, because if you are not number one, you feel worthless. And you fear that feeling.
You compared yourself to a guy she dated and you keep comparing other women to her because of your desperate need to be.. number one. You greatly fear not being number one.
You wrote about your ex: “I still feel like a failure just because she is rejecting me. What, actually, is absolutely not personal- she is rejecting a relationship with me, not myself as a person“- the italicized is your logic, your rational thinking commenting on how you feel. Thing is, as a child, you were rejected “as a person” for not being number one, and you keep fearing this rejection, wanting to undo it.
This having to be number one is draining your energy (“This is something that is draining my energy”) and is in your way of a healthy future relationship with a woman.
What do you think?
September 13, 2018 at 5:44 am #225513Vicente
ParticipantHi Anita!
I must agree that this desire to be number one, or recognized as someone who is very good at something, is an issue. Actually, this is what lead me to start developing my spirituality a couple of years ago, when I discoreved buddhism and this website. Since then I have changed my attitude a lot and I feel much better nowdays. I don’t really think that I must be the best at anything to not be rejected, I know that my family and my friends love me by who I am and I dont need any more gold medals to deserve this love. That said, I still try to do my best, what sometimes put me in a prominent position, but that’s because I love what I do and it doesnt hurt me or anybody else. I think I have made a good job changing my intention and not letting the desire of being number be, as an end in itself, the source of my intentions or motivation. It seems, though, that I still have some work to do regarding it in the context of my past relationship. I will reflect about this thing of a ”number one woman”, it makes a lot of sense!
But also here is something that Ive questioned myself yesterday and I would love to know what you think: Am I being a bit too harsh on myself regarding this break up?
I was told my ex is in a new relationship, got curious about it and and felt a bit sad since it made me remember some things (both good and bad) about our relationship. I tried to explore my feelings with curiosity and did nothing about it besides watch them come and go… Life went on and a couple of days later this is not really bothering me. Sure, I felt a bit down when I saw that the guy and that she has moved on, but is it that bad? Is it that bad that sometimes I think about her and miss the good times? We were together for almost ten years… I’ve become and adult with her by my side and we went through a lot together. She will always be part of my history, maybe its not big deal that sometimes after only 4 months of our definitive break up I still fell like this. I’m sure these feelings will soften over time… maybe I just need to be a little more gentle to myself, something that I don’t usually do regarding this subject. What do you think?
Thank you again!!
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
September 13, 2018 at 7:31 am #225527Anonymous
GuestDear Vicente:
You are welcome. Yes, reads like you have made much progress, an intentional made progress over some time. And yet, it takes more time and more patient work to make changes in well established ways of thinking/feeling and operating.
You wrote: “I felt a bit down when I saw that guy and that she has moved on, but is it that bad?”- no, it is not bad at all, it is neither good or bad, I say. “Is it that bad that sometimes I think about her and miss the good times? We were together for almost ten years..”- not it is not bad. But if you live your whole life not being open to a new relationship, but instead, be stuck in comparing a potential new relationship to.. something that wasn’t that great, well, you will be stuck with something that wasn’t that great, missing something that can be much greater.
“maybe I just need to be a little more gentle to myself”- I agree, absolutely. Keep your spiritual quest going, keep your awareness going, be gentle with yourself, notice your inclination to be number one, even in this very spiritual quest.
September 14, 2018 at 5:06 pm #225747Vicente
ParticipantThank you, Anita. I will keep practicing. Writting here and reflecting on everything that you have pointed out was very important to me and I feel much better now. You are great 🙂
September 14, 2018 at 11:01 pm #225749Bhuvana sk
I need advice.
Anyway, here is the thing. I was in love with a guy, R. We were in a relationship for a year. Fights and normal issues day in day out. I went through depression. But he brought me out of it. My family and friends thought he wasn’t worth it. Ever.
He broke up with me, because his mother told him to. And also told me he fell out of love.Fast forward to 2 years later, I got together with another guy, D , as a rebound, but he cheated on me. Not that emotionally drained because of him. D, was just a rebound. So, not having that much of a problem. But, we lost our friendship.
At the same time, R, moved on. He’s happier with his present girlfriend. I see them together everyday. It hurts. I am hurting everyday. My anger is going out of control. I just want all of this to stop. I am tired of the fact that I haven’t moved on completely, while he’s out there. It’s been 2 years, and I’m stuck in a vicious circle.I am going into depression again. I can feel it, but I’m helpless.
Please help me.
September 15, 2018 at 6:37 am #225773Anonymous
GuestDear Vicente:
You are welcome and thank you for your kind words and that smiley face. Post again anytime you’d like and I will be glad to respond.
* Dear Bhuvana sk: I read your post and would like to reply to you, but this is Vicente’s thread. Will you start your own thread? Click Forums above, click on the Relationships category, scroll down that page and enter your post there.
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by