
Feeling bad because of flirt

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    Hi all and thanks for reading,


    I will try to shorten my story and get to what is bothering me. I have done something that makes me feel enormous guilt, sadness and disappointment in myself.

    In short, I’m 29 and I’ve been in a relationship for almost 12 years (since I was 17) with a person who is my love and best friend. During that period, I went through various emotional phases and asked myself questions: should I stay in a relationship, do I want to experience something new, am I missing something… and many similar questions that I believe many people worry about when they get into a relationship early. Somehow I always managed to get over it in the end and continue to be with my girlfriend.

    I also have to mention that I never spent too much time in the nightlife and all the craziness of young people because many things. I am an active athlete, all my schooll and most of college days I was only focused on studying and sport and didn’t have much time for spontaneous meetings, parties and similar. Also I never in my adult life experienced some serious flirt with other woman, not to say anything more than that. I believe this is also one of the reasons I feel I missed out on a lot as a young man.

    In our relationship I never had cheated or done anything I regret. It happened that when I was 20 years old, I exchanged a few messages with a girl (probably because I felt that I was missing something like that in my life) but absolutely nothing more than that. It hurt my girlfriend a lot and it broke her trust in me at that moment.

    I live outside my country for work, my girlfriend is here but I miss spending time with my friends, family and lifestyle at home. At work, I have periods when I am very stressed and one of the problems I struggle with is that sometimes because of all that stress, my situation and little social anxiety I drink too much alcohol (a problem for myself and another forum) and then I regret it. That happens maybe once or twice a year.

    What bothers me is a recent event, where during one period of strees and anxiety an unplanned night out with friends happened.

    On that night out, towards the end of the evening, I met a girl whom I had seen once in my life, but she knows who I am, and I know who she is. During that first meeting in past, I got the impression that she liked me, but it was a conversation of 2 minutes. That evening, I had already visibly drunk a lot of alcohol, as did she, and we were talking, and then I felt that she was flirting with me a little. Considering my condition, I allowed it, that is, I did not stop that or get away from her. After that there was a moment when I no longer remember some things because of the drunkenness, but I remember that I ended up in her arms. (no kiss or anything). At that moment my friend came to pick me up and we left.

    I don’t remember half of that evening, but I know that I ended up in the arms of another woman, and that I didn’t stop that flirt. That was 6 months ago, and to this day I still feel guilt and sadness. I feel bad just thinking that I would hurt my girlfriend’s feelings and trust, that I could hurt her and damage our relationship. I have such feelings of regret that sometimes I can’t sleep. I’m constantly asking myself how is possiblle that I let that happen, what kind of person I am… Only I know is that with every day I am loving my girlfriend more and more and I’m thankful for having her in my life. That’s why, feeling of hurting her is one of the worst feeling I had experienced.

    After the event, I didn’t know what to do, should I tell her or no. At first I wanted to tell her everything, then I have heard that sometimes it is better not to tell such stuff, because it can only make damage to the other person. That it is kind of selfish form me to search for relief, while knowing that other person can got hurt a lot. I’m confused to this day but at least I have put it on paper and let it out from me.

    So there it is, it was a lot of I, I, I but I just wanted to write a short backround about who I am.

    Thanks to anyone reading this and have a good day!



    Dear David

    May I ask a couple of questions.  Do you live with your girlfriend if not why? Have you two ever talked about important things such as marriage & children?

    What have you learnt from this incident and what are you going to different in the future?


    Hi David

    Summarising what I gathered from this is that you flirted with another woman while you were drunk and hugged or cuddled her. Would you agree?

    I think that if you told your partner she would be understanding especially since you feel bad about it. Do you think this is true?

    It sounds like a source of anxiety for you linked to your earlier fantasies about exploring options outside of your relationship. What do you think about this?

    Thoughts are just thoughts though and they’re automatic on some level. They’re not actions. You’re not a bad person for having doubts every now and again. Just human!

    Wishing you all the best 🙏


    Dear Roberta,

    Thank you for your answer.

    First of all I’m coming from Croatia in Europe so many if you are from US many thing work different here. We both come from a same city where our college was situated, so we both remained to live in our parents apartments for very long time. (very common at moment due to big cost of living and low salaries). We had 2 opportunities, aged 23 and 26 but at both we didn’t go for it. At first I was the one thinking that I’m not ready, I saw that as a very serious, adult thing at the moment. At 2nd attempt she was the one that wasn’t ready for some reason. Finally at 2020 we got a new opportunity and we went for it, ready to live together and comfront all that is coming with it but only one month after I got an offer to play proffesional abroad and we both left the country. Here we had to live with roomates at first, but last year we got better terms and are living alone for a year. Now that is our situation and where ever we live, we will be together.


    We got engaged recently and we are getting married this summer 🙂 Regarding kids, we are both avare that there is nothing more to wait, so I really hope we will go for it soon.


    I always loved my girlfriend and that is the reason we are still together, but at some moments of my life that feeling of missing out was very strong. This incident showed me that those things I thought I was missing, are not important for me as it is to have such a good person next to me. What I felt afterwards showed me how much I really care about our relatinoship, removed my concerns and helped me to realise that I don’t want or need sometihing like that in my life. After long time I don’t feel bad about missing out on something, I’m just feeling bad about ruining what I have instead.


    Dear Helcat,

    Thank you for the answer.

    “Summarising what I gathered from this is that you flirted with another woman while you were drunk and hugged or cuddled her. Would you agree?”

    I even wouldn’t say cudddled, but there was a drunk hug, yes. My assume is that she expected kiss or something but that didn’t happened.

    “I think that if you told your partner she would be understanding especially since you feel bad about it. Do you think this is true?”

    I’m not 100% on this, but I think that she would understand in the end.

    “It sounds like a source of anxiety for you linked to your earlier fantasies about exploring options outside of your relationship. What do you think about this?”

    I definitely had a lot of anxious moments because of that, simply I had a strong feelings of missing out. It was not helping that I was surrounded by frineds all the time, who were going on casual dates, exploring and even telling me that I’m missing out a lot.

    Thank you for your words 🙂

    Wish you all the best too!



    Dear David,

    what you did wasn’t a major thing (hugging a girl who flirted with you while you were half drunk). Specially since it made you realize that you’re not missing out on anything:

    This incident showed me that those things I thought I was missing, are not important for me as it is to have such a good person next to me.

    So basically this incident strengthened your commitment to your girlfriend and clarified any dilemmas you might have had. That’s the most important.

    I think you don’t need to tell it to your girlfriend though, because it might unnecessarily hurt her. You’ve already solved it with yourself – you are more committed to your girlfriend than ever and you’re not planning to do something like that again.

    Bringing it up with her however may make her doubt your love and commitment – which is the opposite of what you want. I think it might hurt her and cause unnecessarily friction and mistrust due to something that is already resolved in your mind and won’t be influencing your life any more.

    So my advice is not to tell her, but to focus on your wedding plans. Look towards the future, since this incident is already in the past and resolved.

    And lastly, I’d like to say: forgive yourself. You’re not a bad person for this little misstep. You are a good, conscientious person, who cares about his girlfriend a lot and doesn’t want to hurt her. Your intentions are pure. So keep that in mind, and forgive yourself. And focus on the future ahead!

    Wishing you best of luck!


    Hi David

    I feel like you’re worrying over a very small incident.

    If my husband came up to me and said he was worried because he didn’t tell me about hugging someone while he was drunk 6 months ago I’d laugh. Not in a mean spirited way, just because it is a very minor thing.

    Worst case would be if something worse happened while you were drinking in the future. But watch your drinking around women when your partner isn’t there would prevent any issues.

    How are you feeling about the marriage this summer?

    I love my husband very much, but when it came to getting married I still had doubts even though I knew it was what I wanted. It’s a very big decision, potentially life changing. That alone is enough to give anyone doubts.


    Hi David,

    From what you’ve written, you seem like a wonderful human being for being so considerate towards your relationship and as to how your actions could affect your girlfriend. Some of us do not pause to think about these things. The state you are in now speaks volumes about your character and integrity. Sometimes events like this teach us a lot about ourselves. As for your feelings about missing out on things in life .. I guess the grass always seems greener on the other side. I do wish and hope that going forward, this incident will always remind you of what’s most important to you.



    Dear Tee,

    Bringing it up with her however may make her doubt your love and commitment – which is the opposite of what you want. I think it might hurt her and cause unnecessarily friction and mistrust due to something that is already resolved in your mind and won’t be influencing your life any more.

    That was my biggest concern and in the end that was the reason why I didn’t tell her. You said it better that I would.

    And lastly, I’d like to say: forgive yourself. You’re not a bad person for this little misstep. You are a good, conscientious person, who cares about his girlfriend a lot and doesn’t want to hurt her. Your intentions are pure. So keep that in mind, and forgive yourself. And focus on the future ahead!

    Thank you for those words, It really means a lot to hear that 🙂 I am definitely focusing on wedding and future in general without any doubts.

    Thank you one more time and wish you all the best too!


    Dear David,

    you are most welcome! I am glad this confirmed your decision and gave you a peace of mind 🙂

    Wishing you good luck with wedding preparations and every happiness in your future marriage!


    Hi Helcat

    Worst case would be if something worse happened while you were drinking in the future. But watch your drinking around women when your partner isn’t there would prevent any issues.

    I totally agree. This is just one of the additional reasons to watch my alcohol intake in the future.

    How are you feeling about the marriage this summer?

    I love my husband very much, but when it came to getting married I still had doubts even though I knew it was what I wanted. It’s a very big decision, potentially life changing. That alone is enough to give anyone doubts.

    Honestly, I also had doubts. Given the nature of my relationship (a relationship since 17,18 years old), I wondered if I was ready, if I needed to experience anything else in my life and if I was doing it out of habit. Every relationship is different so the doubts are, but I believe that many have them. It really is a big, life changing decision and maybe we are never 100% sure.

    What helped me to settle down with getting married is a fact that I really see her as my life companion in the future. I get support, respect and love from her and I am asking myself what else do I need. Also, the thought that she is the mother of my children makes me happy because I believe she is the right person for that.

    In the end, the thought of hurting her really make me sad and that’s why I started to write here. I really believe she deserved the best from me.

    If you feel the same way or similar for your husband, I think that getting married is not a mistake.

    Hope that this helped you a bit.




    Hi David

    It’s good to hear that you will be keeping a mindful eye on drinking. I doubt that you would actually overstep a boundary and risk hurting your partner. So I wouldn’t worry too much. You are very thoughtful worrying about a simple hug.

    That’s a very mature mindset about marriage. Your love for your partner shines through.

    Any doubts I had before the marriage disappeared once we got married. Sometimes it’s just anxiety around a big life decision. We can’t control automatic thoughts, but we can decide for ourselves what we want from life. Like you, I’m very happy with my decision ❤️

    Wishing you both all the best! 🙏




    Hi Helcat

    I understand the anxiety you are talking about. As you said some thoughts are automatic, so we should have that in mind and don’t let them make us worry too much. I’m glad that you are happy with your decision.

    Thank you one more time for your words and wish you all the best too! 🙂


    Hi Shve,

    Thank you so much for those words, it means a lot.

    Sometimes events like this teach us a lot about ourselves. As for your feelings about missing out on things in life .. I guess the grass always seems greener on the other side. I do wish and hope that going forward, this incident will always remind you of what’s most important to you.

    Exactly, I feel that this event was actually a big step forward for my view of marriage and future with my girlfriend. It certainly taught me something, because if I wasn’t 100 % sure what was important in my life by now, it’s helped me to understand.

    Wish you all the best! 🙂


    Hi David,

    Congratulations on your wedding! I wish you all the happiness. I’m a bit late to the thread, but I had a similar experience to you. I’ve been with my husband for 7 years, married for 1. A few months ago I was at a party without my husband, I had drunk a lot of alcohol, and I struck up a conversation with an attractive man I had never met before. Within a few minutes, he touched my forearm so I thought he was flirting with me. I quickly made it clear that I’m married. He didn’t seem bothered by that, and we kept talking for another hour or so. The conversation itself was not flirty (we were talking a lot about politics haha) but he continued to touch my forearm periodically and I didn’t stop him. Nothing else happened. But the next day I felt bad that I let myself keep talking with someone I found attractive who was probably flirting with me and that I didn’t set a clear boundary about touching my arm. I think I was enjoying the attention and I was drunk so I didn’t have the awareness to leave the conversation. Like you, I feel guilty and wonder if I should I tell my husband or will it just make him unnecessarily worried? I’m completely in love with my husband and I don’t feel like anything is missing from our relationship, so I do think this was an involuntary drunken response to an attractive person but I’m still angry with myself. Like you, I learned that I want to reduce drinking for many reasons including not putting myself in a situation like this again.

    One thing I wanted to add to what others have said, it might be a good idea to have a conversation about boundaries – what does your spouse consider flirting and what do they think is crossing a line? People have different ideas about this. I think I want to have this conversation with my husband but I haven’t worked up the courage/found a good way to bring it up yet. If anyone has suggestions on this I would be happy to hear. Wishing you all the best David.

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