
Feel in need of a virtual cuddle…

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    Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has any advice. A number of relationships in my life are facing difficulties and I feel like I’m on a downwards spiral. I recently went away on holiday with my boyfriend and I don’t know… there was something very boring about it. We’ve been together over two years and I love him to bits, but admittedly, he’s not a great conversationist, and I really struggle to engage him in any kind of conversation unless it’s about some video game or other that he likes. He’s also quite a negative person and complains a lot, which I never realised the extent of until this trip. I don’t want to break up with him but our relationship needs to change, to become exciting and interesting again, and I’d love him to be more positive (which I’ve told him before but he always returns to negativity in the end). I don’t know how exactly to go about this without hurting his feelings.

    My parents are currently separating. I rarely see my dad, who cheated on my mum with someone significantly younger than him and now lives away from home. My mum is quite a positive person but she’s also childlike in many ways, impulsive and energetic but also vulnerable. She’s been going from dating website to dating website with only disappointment resulting from each encounter. I feel deeply sorry for her because she deserves a good, loyal partner, but at the same time, she’s quite gullible, and she keeps falling for the tricks of scammers on these sites. I feel like I’m constantly having to look after her, not just for this, but also because of the break-up with Dad, and because my older brother is so hard to deal with. He has Asperger’s syndrome, but also deliberately takes advantage of Mum’s kindness and ‘borrows’ money constantly from her (and then never pays her back). He’s unemployed and essentially cannot be bothered to work. I help her figure out how best to handle him, as well as my younger brother.

    But as a result of all this, I feel parentless. Dad has left, and Mum doesn’t feel like a mum anymore, because our roles have reversed. I’m looking after her now, which I kind of resent, because I have so many problems of my own, including anxiety difficulties. Mum only ever wants to talk about herself these days, which is understandable I suppose, given her situation. But if I ever want to talk to her about a problem I’m having, she might talk about it for a short time, but then she’ll launch into her own problems again, and she’s constantly putting pressure on me to come up with answers to them. I don’t want all of this responsibility simply because I’m probably the most sensible, sane member of the family right now!

    I’m feeling very, very depressed about everything. I’m seeing a psychologist for EMDR sessions as well as counselling but I only have one more session with her and then I have to wait until after the next uni term. I just want to feel more positive and less miserable about my situation. I’ve tried to be grateful for what I have, and accept the situation rather than longing for it to be different, but still I find myself crying at night, worrying about all these things. What’s a good way to feel more positive? 🙁 Sorry for the essay!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Penguin.


    I’m empathetic to your struggles, sister, and can hear your good heart aching at the suffering of those around you. You sound burnt out on everyone else’s business, their responsibilities. My teacher used to talk about how we plant roots in the fertile soil first, doing good where it actually does good. With boyfriend, you can’t change him, and might have to face the hard decision sooner or later that he just is that way. Is that OK? With mum, it sounds like she’s doing some role reversal on you, in her difficulties trying to get you to mother her. Neither of those show great fertility for your own happiness. What else do you have going on? Hobbies? Interests? Your own needs?

    As an exercise, try to imagine what you would spend your attention on if you weren’t worrying about other people, and simply concerned about you. If mom and dad and brother and boyfriend left town for a month, what would you do with your time? What would you want your life to look like? What do you like to do? See where this is going?

    Its one thing to be nobly helpful to our loved ones, and quite another to become so wrapped up in their tunes that we lose our own, run ragged thinking and feeling and planning and trying to help them. Its not your job to be leaned on by them, sis, even if they press you for it. Take good care of yourself, following your dreams and interests, and perhaps they will be so inspired by your positive momentum they will find their own pep to their step.

    Right now, it sounds like you’re running co-pilot on your own ship, no wonder there is sorrow. Captain to the helm! All systems go! 🙂

    With warmth,


    Hi Penguin,

    Sometimes when kids launch for college, the parents, as if on a timer, start to fall apart.

    Now ~ Are you living on campus, or at home? If you’re still living at home, I strongly encourage you to move out!

    Then, when you’re visiting home, have clear boundaries (even mentally) about what’s your stuff, his stuff, her stuff, their stuff.

    Dad had his midlife crisis and is with some younger chick. That ship has sailed. If you want to see your father, call him and have lunch just the two of you at a diner.

    Your brother has always had Aspergers. Believe me, your mom has always given him money and supported him and will always do so. Now she’s just giving cash to him directly. The only conversation you should have with her is if you will support him after she’s gone if he is truly unemployable.

    Your mom will continue to meet internet rascals. The worst thing that will happen is she will be swindled. It’s hard to watch, but, it’s her life, her money. If you must, perhaps call her favorite sister or best friend and implore them to keep an eye on her.


    P.S. The boyfriend is optional. Too good to leave, too bad (boring) to stay.


    Oh, Penguin!! Big hugs to you. You remind me so much of myself, down to the self-involved mother and needy brother. Matt & Inky already gave you great advice so I don’t have much to add except to say you might benefit from reading up on codependence. “Codependent No More” is an excellent book on the topic.

    You may want to consider the expectations you have for your romantic relationship. Your boyfriend’s negativity and poor conversational skills may turn out to be deal-breakers for you. And that’s ok. If you’re not compatible, it doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. And you’re certainly not responsible for his feelings. I can tell by your words that if it came down to moving on from him, you would do so in a loving and kind manner. That said, be careful about wanting things “exciting and interesting” again. While the initial buzz of a new love is beyond compare, at some point relationships tend to mature into a comfortable, stable arrangement (lower on the “excitement scale”). That’s not to say you won’t experience warm and fuzzy, exciting feelings with a long-term partner, just be careful you’re not “chasing the dragon” to try to recreate that high of a new love.

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