
Familiar mental chatter

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Inky.
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  • #273225

    I started seeing someone I had briefly dated a few years earlier and we had some incredible weekends together, we connect very deeply. But! We had one miscommunication that snowballed last weekend and just like that he pulled completely away. I know it’s not personal and that his reaction is his alone, but I want to go back to the time he hadn’t pulled away.


    He he expressed that he’s stayed single for 6 years because the drama of relationships is not for him, but what I don’t understand is why someone could abruptly pull away so severely. I’m fine being friends indefinitely, I just so enjoy being around him, he cracks me up. Should I continue communicating with him like nothing happened or let it go?


    Dear Jennifer:

    Welcome back.

    I was wondering what you were referring to by the  “Familiar mental chatter”  in the title  of your thread.

    This man that you were seeing “pulled away completely.. so severely”- but if you are still communicating with him (last line), in what way did he pull away?



    * didn’t reflect under Topics


    Hi Jennifer,

    I wouldn’t chase him. You not texting, calling, asking questions, etc. will drive him nuts. He hates drama in relationships? Don’t give him any. When he calls to talk about your relationship say in a neutral tone that you didn’t know you were in one. Play it cool.

    Stop doing all the emotional labor for him.

    In short, let it be awkward.



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