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    Dear Anita,

    It feels now like I’m almost battling small spouts of depression. Small little pockets of it that spring up, but then leave again. Does this sound familiar?

    It’s like I get scared….scared to live, or like I lose all belief that I can do the smallest things. like washing up.

    I can’t remember if I tried to give up smoking recently, not sure if I tried or not.

    I just had a realisation, that I fear to live sometimes. Fear going on my skateboard. Fear playing guitar. Whereas a few weeks ago, I was jumping on my skateboard and loving life in general…. I’m trying to figure out where this fear and lack of confidence has come from.



    Dear Cat:

    You wrote that you are trying to “figure out where this fear… has come from”-

    You answered your own question back in your first post, Feb 3: “She (your mother) would scream and shout at me… and when my Dad came home she would yell at him so he would end up slapping us”- when a child is being yelled at and slapped, a child feels fear.

    It is the same fear of then that is activated now. The fear of then was not about going on skateboards. It attached itself to skateboarding recently. It is the same old fear attaching itself to current circumstances.

    Basically we keep experiencing the feelings we did as children in our current life circumstances.



    Dear Anita…..

    I have had a revelation about my fear today, which I will explain in a bit.

    In response to your earlier post from the other day about your BPD diagnosis:

    It sounds like your experience of BPD was more extreme, compared to what mine is now. As it seems like you were more isolated? Whereas I have stable relationships with my housemates, people at work etc etc. And it’s only romantic relationships that trigger me, and are that intense up-and-down trust-lack of trust thing….. I can somewhat relate to how you felt about that guy… Not in the space of that time, but over time – I build someone up to be the best person in the world – because they are showing me that side as well – caring, loving, complimenting, in love etc. And when things go wrong and they start pointing out my flaws, that’s when I start to see them as being cowardly/ liar etc. As I think, if someone loves me, how can they be mean to me?

    The other day was like….I don’t know. Everything seemed unbearable. Everything seemed heavy. Everything seemed as though it was just too huge to do….Whereas today I feel more light and feel like I can do the things I want to do easier. Maybe that is part of the depression/ BPD. I am going to organise a Dr’s appointment soon, and ask for an increase of the antidepressants.

    In terms of the fear…. I realised this weekend. What I fear most, is wasting my life/ my time by not doing what I want to do or not accomplishing what I want to achieve. But at the same time I have a MASSIVE fear of having a schedule!!! As the thought of my brain needing to be in the right mode and focus, and to dedicate so much time and commitment to something….That’s terrifying for me!!!

    Maybe this fear comes from watching my parents just devote all their time on each other when I was younger, and them not having commitments. Watching them be pessimistic about goals and hobbies and achievements etc. And also, that fear of commitment coming from worrying I’m going to end up with a life imprisonment as a routine, like they both did *shudder*.

    I think that’s why I’ve been so go-with-the-flow, airy fairy for so long. As I wanted to feel free. I saw their way of life and how trapped in they were, and really didn’t want to be like that.

    But now, I have so many goals I want to do, and those goals require time and dedication…and a schedule!! I am allowing myself today, Sunday, to just try and enjoy relaxing, and also allowing myself to come to terms with the fact that I need to start a schedule but I am terrified. So I am allowing myself time to accept that fear in myself this evening….And looking up advice and experiences!!

    Your opinion on this would be great,


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Cat.

    Dear Cat:

    Reads like my BPD experience was more extreme than yours.

    You wrote: “when things go wrong and they start pointing out my flaws, that’s when I start to see them as being cowardly/liar etc.”- verify after assuming,  that indeed a person was pointing out a flaw and that it is not a misunderstanding on your part (ask gently). And depending on the flaw pointed out (if it is), it may be something that you should correct. For example (an example not taken from your story), if you are late to appointment, better correct this flaw in behavior.

    Regarding your fear of a schedule and commitment, I ask so to understand better: what schedule/ routine did you observe them sticking to and what commitment/s did you observe them adhering to? Tell me more about your observations as a child of their schedule and commitments.



    Dear Anita,

    Yes – your experience does sound more extreme.. But when I was 17, I had really turbulent relationships, and I can REALLY relate to what you have said…. a time where I was in my head all the time, socially anxious – wouldn’t say ANYTHING. Didn’t know myself, just went along with life in my head… I felt like I wasn’t really using my brain, and I had NO self awareness at all(!) It was around that time I was realising how repressed I had been growing up, and was getting involved with the punk scene etc etc. – May talk about this more another time.

    Sorry – I usually am fine with people telling me about flaws – friends, work etc. I think it’s during an emotional breakdown, when things are really intense.. And then they see this. That’s the part that hurts the most. I think it hurts because I’ve allowed people I’m romantically involved with to see this really, damaged/ underlying side etc. And I guess it’s losing my dignity from that that makes it all so unbearable.

    But, PROGRESS!! I went to work today (will talk more about that later too) – new job in different care home. Came back, and went out with my skateboard, and went up some hills and progressed higher up the hills 😀 😀 I realised – When I was out doing it…. I refused to panic about it.

    I refused to panic about it. And also….I didn’t attach any emotion to what I was doing at all.

    It felt great. And not attaching emotion to things is something I feel will bring me more progress and peace. <3



    Dear Cat:

    You made lots of progress then, since you were 17, repressed then, very expressive now.

    You wrote: “it hurts because I’ve allowed people I’m romantically involved with to see this really, damaged/underlying side”- next time perhaps, see to it that the person you open up to this way is able to see it. Not everyone is able. People get overwhelmed, distressed, not knowing what to say or do.

    You refused to panic and didn’t attach any emotion to what you were doing, skating. I hope to read more about this experience.

    In your new job, the new care home, do what you can do to form pleasant professional relationships with co workers, right from the beginning, so to make your new work environment pleasant long term.




    Dear Anita,

    I hope you are well – and I hope this message finds you fast as well..

    It’s been a big day for me. Firstly, I started therapy today – My new therapist is lovely, and seems to be REALLY good at her job!! SO that was a positive step.

    I had first band practice today… And this I’m confused about…

    So, My friend Greta is 31 and has been in a band with her husband for 8 years or so. She’s a bassist. She wanted to start a band that was me, her, and a drummer. I’m 25 and this is my first band. Greta has been involved in the punk scene for years… but more the old school punk scene – very male dominated, heavy on testosterone and a lot of guys who can’t talk about their feelings etc. Greta picked the drummer – who’s 45ish – old school punk etc.

    A couple weekends ago, I saw the drummer – Nigel out in Bristol. I went up to him, enthusiastic about the band, and he wasn’t enthusiastic back at all…. I felt a bit disappointed to be honest, and had doubts about it. I had doubts about him anway. Later on in the evening, there was a girl there who had previously been enthusiastic about drumming in a band with me. I said to Nigel, if you don’t want to drum, then she can drum etc. I said this because he wasn’t enthusiastic about the band.

    Anyway, we had band practice today… And obviously I was nervous as hell. Bit of a problem with the tuning of my guitar but I need to sort that. There was a bit of stop/ start etc. But Nigel sat on the drums and looked like he was judging to be honest. He played drums a bit, but after a while he stopped and said that he didn’t want to be in the band.

    And that point Greta said “Well this isn’t going well”. And then Nigel mentioned what I’d send a couple weekends ago. I explained that I didn’t think he was enthusiastic etc. He’s very…. old, not good at talking emotions, and used to the male scene if I’m honest…. We went outside, and he said “Well i came down here to jam with some mates a few weeks ago and that was fun”. And I just said “You’re a lot older than me, you have so much experience. This is my first band. Of course I’m going to be stop/ start to begin with, on first practice, and I’m not sorry about that”.

    It was a tough situation. Especially as I don’t know Greta incredibly well. But, I felt like Nigel was judging me because I wasn’t perfect asap, whereas he’s used to all the 40 year old punks who have been playing for years etc…

    After I went back in Greta said that the 3 of us wasn’t working, but she thinks that me and her can work. We practiced again a bit. Some bits were good and we played well together.

    We agreed that its going to be just us 2 for a while, until we’re really confident together, and then we can look for a drummer.

    But another thing. After band practice, I came home with a massive headache… The last time I met up with Greta on a night out, I had the same headache at the end of the night. Exactly the same. I’m worried that this is a sign from the Universe??

    Would like to know your thoughts on all this,



    – more thoughts.. Tonight, my housemate is having a bbq. She is Spanish but speaks great English. All of her friends tonight are Spanish. I tried sitting with everyone, but not much to talk about… I have a slight headache again. I’m wondering if I get headaches when I’m pushed out of my comfort zone? I’m currently sat upstairs with hot chocolate. Realising how much I am in my comfort zone and find comfort, safety and sanctuary in that. I guess it’s taken me years to have a comfort zone, which is why when things happen, I tend to retreat back and regather energy. If that makes sense?


    Dear Cat:

    First, your headaches, I don’t think a headache is “a sign from the Universe”. I think a headache is a result of a physical process, inadequate oxygen delivered to the brain perhaps. Notice your past experience with what you believed to be signs from the Universe, such as getting in the front line of that music concert leading you to Chicago, what was the end result of that supposed sign from the universe?

    Did previous believed to-be-signs from the Universe lead you to better mental health and functioning better in life?

    Regarding Nigel, I think you took it very personally that he wasn’t enthusiastic about being the drummer. He may very well be tired, that is all. At 45 he may be tired of hoping and dreaming and trying and nothing much happening in his life. You thought he was judging you. Maybe he was not judging  you. You judged him, assuming he is certain things being old school punk.

    Instead of telling him “if you don’t want to drum, then she can drum”, you could have asked him how he is feeling, try to get him to share with you how he feels, get information before assuming. Get information first, then process it, then figure things out.

    Try to not be alarmed by your headaches, take deep breaths, take in oxygen, rest.



    Dear Anita,

    I hope this message finds you well, and fast.

    I’ll reply to your message as a later date..

    At the moment I have been transferred in my job, and I’ve started work in a nursing home… ALOT  of personal care. It’s extremely full on, and at the moment I am finding myself really drained, and not having time to do much else.

    Things such as: practicing guitar and singing, waking up earlier etc. But mainly those two.

    I’m staying with this job for time being because I have quite a bit of debt to pay back and don’t think I can afford looking for a new job.

    Please can you help and give me some tips on how to manage it all? As at the moment I am trying to not be depressed about going to work, and I am trying to not beat myself or be frustrated about the things I’m not doing. I really want to sort my life out now and so I can work hard and also have enough guitar practice as well.



    Dear Cat:

    Because this is a new and very demanding job, and because you have debt, better focus on the job, for now. Make it your number one priority. Put everything else aside, for now, for the next seven days and evaluate in seven days.

    Be flexible and re-evaluate plans. You planned to work and do the other things. Work is more demanding than you thought it would be, so change the plans and don’t do those other things for seven days.

    You don’t have to stick to a plan when circumstances change.



    Dear Anita,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    Good news – I’ve switched to 15 hour days, which means I have days off inbetween my shifts – sometimes one day, sometimes 2 days, sometimes 4 days etc. A lot better for me, as I have to catch the bus there an back. And it means on my days off I can relax, catch up with messages and Tiny Buddha, food shop, hobbies etc.!!

    It’s my day off today – so I’m doing a food shop, catching up with you, and doing therapy homework, tidying and cleaning a bit, play guitar and catching up with my friend from Chicago.



    Dear Cat:

    Good to read from you and good news indeed. What therapy homework do you have?



    Dear Anita,

    My therapy homework, is filling in a situation/ emotion/ thoughts/ behaviour log – so if something happens that I have an emotional reaction too, I log it. I have also started an activity diary, where I write what I am doing each day, followed by how I felt doing it, and then a scoring system: A= achievement 0-10, C = closeness with other 0 – 10, E = enjoyment 0 – 10. So for example, it might be: ‘Working out finances. Progressive 70%. A=5 C=0 E=4’.

    With my finances – I’ve worked out a strict budget. As I am very much in to my overdraft, and have a lot of things to pay for. I am trying to not worry about it. Because of my phased return/move to different service, it’s unclear how much I will get paid in July. So this means that I may have to extend my overdraft for one last time in July, and then be saving, saving, saving with my budget plan for the next few months to pay it all off…. Hopefully it will all work out.

    In terms of my health. I did a food shop the other day, part of the strict budget. So eating is fine. I am prone to getting severe nightmares. I had one the other night, and on Thursday morning it took me all day to feel back to normal. The nightmares always revolve around something that’s happened in the past, but it happens again in the dream, but differently, and can involve people from different situations etc. After I’ve had the nightmares, my mind feels so trapped, taken back to the past and a bad place, and sometimes it can take me all day to get back to my present reality.



    Dear Cat:

    The “situation/emotion/Thoughts/behaviour log” is a CBT exercise, Cognitive (the Thoughts) Behavioural Therapy. So is the Activity Diary. I am glad you are doing your homework and hope you persist and keep doing it.

    Your financial plan reads reasonable. Glad you are paying attention to eating well. Regarding the nightmares, can’t control them, that is can’t not have them. But when you wake up, first thing perhaps, aim at not being alarmed by the nightmares, as distressing as they were while happening, they do not indicate any danger in your real life, present reality. In the present you are doing very well, eating right, making good financial choices, working, attending therapy.

    When you wake up from a nightmare, remind yourself that you are currently safe. That there is no danger you need to attend to, that what happened was that some neuropathways were activated while you slept. Nothing happened outside that space in between your ears.


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