
Desperately Hopeless.

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    I suffer from chronic major depression and I agree with everyone that meds are not always the answer. However, I can say that after some therapy and some trial and error with medications, I am now a much more balanced person. I am not missing work like I used to and there are much fewer days I cannot get out of bed.
    I don’t want to imply that medications are the answer, just don’t rule them out as an option.
    BTW, I took Accutane back in the 90’s for two 6 month courses which is more than most require and luckily I did not experience the negative side effects. Only the positive experience of great looking skin after the few years of anxiety related to terrible acne that came on suddenly in my early 20’s. I am sorry you did not get that benefit.
    Also, I am a registered nurse, I work in the intensive care unit and I know more than I should about different drugs and medications. I was reluctant to try anti depressants when I heard that some can make you feel worse but it became a situation where something HAD to change in my life, so I took that chance.
    Just don’t rule it out, and please see a psychiatrist. Regular primary care doctors can and will try to help you but psychiatrist know the ins and outs of all of the meds they prescribe. It is all they do.
    I wish you luck, but even more, joy and happiness

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