
Dealing with emotional/physical slumps on a regular basis

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    Dear jess:

    I will read your recent post and reply in about 12 hours from now.



    Dear Jess:

    I am sorry, I forgot to return to your thread on time. Next, I will have the time to reply to you in about 4 hours from now.



    Dear Jess:

    The question is how to overcome this. I feel like I have done plenty of journaling… I don’t feel like I have anything left to unlock. So I guess I don’t completely  know how to reverse this pattern of slumping besides just having a good healthy lifestyle, like socialising, healthy eating, exercise , having goals etc… Ok, so maybe I was a bit lonely when I was little. So how do I reverse that now?“-

    – First, acknowledge that you already partly fixed it, partly (“60% of the time it’s ok”), and keep doing what worked before, so to fix it further: the healthy lifestyle, forming goals, etc., and socializing.

    -Second, expand on the socializing: find your tribe, as the saying goes. Find the people with whom you feel more comfortable, more like yourself (over time). Socializing with people you feel most comfortable with in circumstances where you feel most comfortable, will change your brain/ body chemistry further, over time to the point where you no longer experience the slumps.



    Dear Jess,

    I am glad you’re feeling better and haven’t experienced a slump for more than 3 months! It definitely has to do with attending therapy and putting in place all those mechanisms to help you prevent and/or recover from a slump as quickly as possible.

    I do accept the idea that I may be lonely. Even though it’s not a link I would’ve made between less interactions and depression, it definitely makes sense. The question is how to overcome this. I feel like I have done plenty of journaling over the years and unloading my feeling. I don’t feel like I have anything left to unlock.

    In my previous post, in April, I made an assumption about what might have happened after you returned from your overseas trip: that you were disappointed that your friends – whom you felt were your family and really cared about you – didn’t really show much appreciation that you’re back and didn’t even ask you about your trip. As a result, you might have felt rejected and unloved. You might have concluded that you don’t matter. And this notion that we don’t matter to anybody, can be a huge driver for depression. How do you feel about your own worth – do you feel you matter?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Tee.
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