Dear Jess:
“The question is how to overcome this. I feel like I have done plenty of journaling… I don’t feel like I have anything left to unlock. So I guess I don’t completely know how to reverse this pattern of slumping besides just having a good healthy lifestyle, like socialising, healthy eating, exercise , having goals etc… Ok, so maybe I was a bit lonely when I was little. So how do I reverse that now?“-
– First, acknowledge that you already partly fixed it, partly (“60% of the time it’s ok”), and keep doing what worked before, so to fix it further: the healthy lifestyle, forming goals, etc., and socializing.
-Second, expand on the socializing: find your tribe, as the saying goes. Find the people with whom you feel more comfortable, more like yourself (over time). Socializing with people you feel most comfortable with in circumstances where you feel most comfortable, will change your brain/ body chemistry further, over time to the point where you no longer experience the slumps.