
coping with dog loss

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    my 8 year old dog passed away this week.  Does anyone have any coping skills to get through a very difficult week?


    Dear Marsh:

    I am sorry for the loss of your dog. There have been quite a few threads on this site submitted by people who lost their dogs. I wonder if you found those threads, if it would be of any help  to you.

    Regarding “coping skills to get through a very difficult week”- daily aerobic exercise can help, a brisk daily walk in the cool air, hiking, swimming if you have that available to you. Otherwise, there are blogs, articles, books on grieving humans and pets that may be helpful to you. I don’t know of any personally (I don’t read blogs and books).

    I hope other members answer you as well and that you feel better soon. Feel free to add to your thread anytime you’d like, if that helps.



    Dear Marsh:

    I read your post in the older thread. I hope you get a reply there. Members in older threads, a few years old, usually don’t return though. I looked up Pneumothorax in Wikipedia- a long, thorough entry there on the disease. It reads: “A primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) tends to occur in a young adult without underlying lung problems, and usually causes limited symptoms… Spontaneous pneumothoraces are divided into two types: primary, which occurs in the absence of known lung disease, and secondary, which occurs in someone with underlying lung disease”.

    There is much more in Wikipedia on the topic. You might find some answers there.



    Hi Marsh,

    This sounds counter-intuitive, but whenever I’ve lost pets, I’ve gone to our local shelter. NOT to acquire a new animal (quite yet!), but to pet them, hold them, breath in their cat smell. It reaffirms that life goes on, life is good, and the spirit of OUR animal is still with us. A good cry also helps!!

    Peace to You,


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Inky.
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