2020/2021 has been a stressful time for me, and the problems have now extended into my relationship. I had dated a girl for around a year and everything seemed to go well. However, earlier this year we broke it off due to events going on in our lives. But we agreed to remain friends. But it seemed like our friendship went down hill. We kept in close touch on social media platforms like snap chat and Instagram, but kindness started to turn to shorter ruder messages between us. The toxicity started to spread and we hadn’t talked in two months as of today. I love this girl, but today I realized the worrying over our relationship was causing me to lose sleep etc. I decided to remove her from all social media. However, I’m really hurting with this decision. I still love her, and I feel, from the signs I saw, that the feelings were mutual. I’m not sure if I made the right decision. Should I wait to see if she contacts me? Was blocking her so sudden a idiotic decision? Should I reach out in a few weeks? After I had posted some pictures from a vacation (not related to her), she was constantly posting pictures of her and a guy friend which just seemed to add to the awkwardness of the situation.