
Balancing work and life/personal goals. Tips?

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Inky.
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    If you work full-time, have you ever struggled with accomplishing everything there is to do “at home” – maintaining relationships, keeping the house tidy, setting/achieving personal goals, etc? If you’ve found any solutions for being efficient/productive outside of work, I would love to hear them!! Thank you!


    Hi sbtravels

    I have struggled with this in the past. I work a 9-5 job and have a 45 minute commute each way. I also have my own flat, garden and allotment plus there are places I want to visit and a hundred different things I would like to do and experience in my free time. At times (spring/summer) this has felt overwhelming.

    My solution has been to give myself a break.

    When I notice that I am putting pressure on myself to keep the home tidy and clean, the garden and allotment weeded, fix things that need fixing, I remind myself that it is not necessary to be perfect, or to maintain high standards all the time, that I need to make downtime for myself and that there will always be another day. I have a discussion with myself about how I will feel if I put off my hair cut for another week, don’t wash the kitchen floor, let the weeds get 6 inches higher before I pull them. I guess what I am saying is I am learning to put myself first and the result of that is that I run around less, my anxiety has reduced and I am more relaxed.

    I hope this resonate with you and is helpful



    Hi sbtravels,

    I like the Flylady.net website. With her system the house practically runs itself!

    With relationships, make a standing date. One year we got season theatre tickets way in advance and that forced us to go out to dinner before, get out of our house and have a good time! With friends and family, just writing a text or FB post or giving them a call should hold them over until ~ a seasonal pot luck party you hold at certain times of the year!

    And for your personal goals ~ instead of (in my case) “I’ll work on my blog every day” (you don’t KNOW what each day will hold!) have a concrete end goal. “I will write one QUALITY blog post every month.” Meaning, make it more epic and more spread out.

    OK, those are my tips!

    Good Luck!


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