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March 5, 2019 at 7:42 am #283071
ParticipantHi everyone,
I posted in the Relationships forum about two months ago about something that was causing a great amount of distress in my life. For those who did not read the post, I will summarize it very quickly. Right now I am in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend (2.5 hours) after having graduated college. I am living at home and working at a job in my field of study while my boyfriend is in medical school. Two months ago, I was so in love with my boyfriend, and we had plans for me to move to his city so that we could be closer. My boyfriend and I discussed marriage and having children, and I saw/see him as the man of my dreams. However, after New Years Eve everything changed, and my life has been in shambles. I went to visit my boyfriend on NYE and his roommate (a friend from high school) went out with us because he doesn’t get out much. We feel bad for the guy because he’s kind of the loner type, and he hasn’t been in a relationship in years. I got very drunk on New Years (I kind of lost sight of my drinking limits after graduating college because I don’t drink as often) and parts of the night were a blur. When 12 o clock hit, I walked over to my boyfriend and gave him a kiss, and I felt bad for his friend because he was alone on New Years. A little while later, his friend said something like “where was my kiss?” probably jokingly, but in my drunken state, I gave him a peck on the ear (not even the cheek). This act disturbed me so much because I acted impulsively and didn’t have control over my actions. I cried to my boyfriend about it a little while later and told him what I did because I felt like I did something bad but I was just trying to be nice. However, I would never do that sober so it really bothered me. Also, my boyfriend was cheated on by his ex-gf (she slept with someone else), so I felt like I betrayed him when I had no ill-intentions. My boyfriend didn’t think it was a big deal, but I spent two months ruminating and obsessing over it. I questioned my intentions and I felt like I wasn’t worthy of my boyfriend’s love. I built up this self-hatred over something so small that meant nothing. I obsessed over the situation so much that it made me anxious/depressed. I can’t sleep at night anymore (I probably get a max of 2 hours of sleep) and I lost about 10 pounds in 2 months because I was unintentionally not eating enough. I finally sought help and got put on an anti-depressant (SSRI) and anxiety medication. I am also trying to get therapy. This small event put me into a depression to the point where I don’t enjoy life anymore, I just look forward to sleeping. I have no motivation to do the things I used to enjoy doing, I’ve lost touch with my friends, and worst of all, I feel disconnected from my boyfriend physically and emotionally. I don’t want to be feeling this way, I want the old me back. My boyfriend has been so supportive through all of this thankfully, but I don’t understand why I feel numb towards him. I want my old feelings back. I want to feel excited to visit him, I want to feel that spark but I feel like it is gone forever. Has anyone experienced this before? I don’t know what to do anymore. Do I break up with my boyfriend? I want to be with him so badly, but it’s hard for me to express my feelings for him at the moment and I don’t understand it.
March 5, 2019 at 8:09 am #283077Anonymous
GuestDear Christina:
I just reviewed your previous thread where I communicated with you. I will ask you a question that may seem to come out of nowhere:
Do you remember doing something as a child, something you figured was a bad thing to do, a very bad thing, something you did during the six years that the step mother and step sisters lived in your home?
March 5, 2019 at 8:29 am #283083Christina
ParticipantHi Anita,
It’s nice to hear from you again. I do remember something from when I was little that made me feel very ashamed. As you know, my mother was never around when I was young. However, I would visit her sometimes when she lived/worked in New Jersey, and when she had to work, she would have her friend babysit me. Her friend had a daughter who I would hang out with when she “babysat” me, and I was around 5 or 6 years old at this time. Her daughter and I would hang out in a separate room, and she would make me engage in fake sexual acts with her. She would ask me if I wanted to play “mommy and daddy,” and she would make me pretend to have sex with her with clothes on (she would sit on top of me or I would sit on top of her). This happened multiple times, and it made me feel very uncomfortable and gross. I eventually told my mom about it, and she stopped bringing me to their house. However, when my step sisters came into the picture, something similar happened again. I asked them if they wanted to play “mommy and daddy” and my younger step sister agreed. I felt so ashamed and gross for wanting to play it when it made me feel uncomfortable before. I remember trying to block the memory from my head as I got older. I’m not sure if this is the cause of all of this, but it was something that made me feel dirty.
March 5, 2019 at 9:06 am #283099Anonymous
GuestDear Christina:
When you were five or six years old, you were introduced to a sexual play activity by your babysitter’s daughter, activity that you later introduced to your step sisters, and one of them participated in it with you.
This is what I think happened: at some point while playing that way with your step sister, or after you no longer did, you felt great shame over the activity. You felt an overwhelming shame and self hate, thinking something like: oh, what a bad girl I am, oh, what have I done? I must be the most horrible girl in the world to want to do this, and to do it.. I must be very careful to not do anything like this again, I must be in control!
Fast forward and years later, New Year 2018, you kiss your boyfriend’s roommate’s ear, a split second contact with his ear, and that intense shame of childhood, well recorded in your brain, was activated big time.
This is how intense that recorded shame is and has been for years: it caused you elevated anxiety and depression, led to you obsess for two months at this point, caused you to lose sleep, to lose weight, to get on anti-depressant and anti anxiety medication, to lose all motivation and all feelings of affection and love (“two months ruminating and obsession… it made me anxious/depressed. I can’t sleep at night anymore… I lost about 10 pounds… got put on an anti-depression (SSRI) and anxiety medication… I don’t enjoy life anymore.. I have no motivation… I feel disconnected from my boyfriend”).
It is time, and I hope that it will be done during therapy, maybe start here and proceed there, to revisit that sexual play in your mind, to understand what it meant and what it did not mean, come to peace with the fact that it happened and release the shame attached to those memories.
You were introduced to that sexual play, probably didn’t think much about it, then you introduced it to your step sisters, still n0t thinking it is wrong, then later you heard about sex, people saying things, that it is shameful and so on, and you retroactively felt shame over what you did- do you think this is what happened?
March 5, 2019 at 9:37 am #283107Christina
ParticipantDear Anita,
I think it is very likely that I triggered memories of that event from when I was younger. Everyone who I have talked to says that it is not the act itself, but something that I triggered so I think you were right all along for trying to delve into my past experiences to find an explanation. It makes me very sad that s0mething so small has caused all of this damage, and I’m hoping it will all go back to normal with time. I have a feeling that once my sleep goes back to normal, things will start to look up. Do you think this loss of feeling is only temporary? I love my boyfriend so much, and I want to be able to feel those feelings again. This past Sunday, I was honest with him and told him how I feel numb and feel unable to love and almost broke up with him because I don’t want to hurt him, but he said he wants to help me get through this. I’m trying to find an excuse for why I can’t sleep at night, and sometimes I wonder if breaking up is the only option for me to get better. My boyfriend says this isn’t about me or him, it’s something much deeper and I think he’s right. I’m just feeling impatient and hopeless. I feel like all of our future plans are ruined because of my mental state at the moment.
March 5, 2019 at 10:22 am #283113Anonymous
GuestDear Christina:
“It makes me very sad that something so small has caused all this damage”- the peck on the ear was not what caused all this damage, the feelings you buried best you can were resurrected by that small event. These feelings were not gone, they were there all along and interfered with your life so far, only not in the overt ways of late.
“I’m hoping it will all go back to normal with time”- your eating, sleeping, yes, I hope so too, but if you attend quality therapy and heal, things in the future will be better than normal. Because, like I wrote above, that intense shame and self hate has been hurting you all along, only not in the forms of losing weight and sleep and so forth.
With adequate healing life will not be the same for you, it will be better.
You need therapy for at least a few months at this point, I am guessing, at least 30 sessions or so, hopefully less than six months of two sessions per week (again, I am guessing here). Let your boyfriend know that you believe or suspect that you identified that “something much deeper” that is causing your great distress and that you will need to work on it in therapy for a few months, maybe six months, and that you will let him know how therapy progresses.
While in therapy, during the coming few months, it is better- I believe- that you will not be in a gf-bf relationship with him, and instead be friends. It will simply be too uncomfortable for you otherwise.
March 5, 2019 at 10:45 am #283119Christina
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you so much for your input, it has helped me greatly. I have an appointment with a therapist set up for this coming Monday, and it will have to be a once a week thing unfortunately due to the costs (my insurance has a high deductible). I think I have always been an anxious person and could have always used therapy, and my extreme reaction to that event has made it even more clear. I’m so scared of hurting my boyfriend, and I feel like asking him to just be friends for the moment will do just that. I think I will see what the therapist has to say as well. I can’t wait until the day that I can post in this forum about how I have healed from all of this. I look forward to that day.
March 5, 2019 at 10:59 am #283125Anonymous
GuestDear Christina:
You are welcome.
“I have always been an anxious person”- the experience of childhood that we discussed here is one big factor of your anxiety, fueling your anxiety because it is scary to believe that you are shameful and about to be discovered at any time. This is what I meant by these feelings (shame, self hate) being “there all along and interfered with your life so far”.
I hope your therapist is capable and hard working and that you will work hard as well. Be patient and I welcome you to post here anytime.
March 6, 2019 at 6:43 pm #283417GL
ParticipantDear Christina,
I hope this situation of yours has already been resolved, but if not, then there is something about the situation that is questionable. From what you’ve written, your ‘act’ of kissing a friend of your boyfriend’s on NYE had shamed you into questioning your loyalty to your boyfriend, but your boyfriend thought it was no harms done. You were only doing it in the spirits of the holiday, what was bad about that? But there’s not much information to go on from that since a person’s character can’t be determined from the across the keyboard so there’s only a series of questions that might be helpful in this situation.
Were you ever shamed by people for being a ‘slut’, ‘bitch in heat’, ‘tart’, ‘vamp’, ‘tramp’ and other less than desirous nouns? Being shamed like that can leave serious trauma which causes people to be extra loyal to romantic partner and try to keep minimal contact between them and other people less they were seen as being slutty.
Were you taught that a girlfriend should never touch another male intimately, say, kissing them, even on the cheek, because that’s a serious breach of conduct as a good girlfriend? That teaches girl that they should never engage in contact with other males unless it’s their boyfriend and maybe family, but if they do, then they should be ashame for doing so. Questionable morals and all.
Is your boyfriend somehow pressuring you to be loyal to him because his ex cheated on him? Or did you take his past as an exercise in caution to never, ever betray him by touching someone else intimately, putting the onus on you to never cheat. Thus making yourself responsible for the fact that your relationship might head south should you ever engage in any questionable act, even when drunk. So when you do breach the boundaries of your responsibility in any ways, you are then the bad person in the relationship. That’s a very heavy responsibility which you’ve linked to your self identity.
Basically, there is a certain shame that you’ve linked to yourself in that should you do something promiscuous, even when it’s innocent as a kiss on the ear, that might threaten your relationship in any way, then you are a bad person and should be ashame of yourself. Where that shame comes from is determined in what you were taught as child to teen to adult. Society tend to demoralized females in showing their sexuality in any way so it’s not common to find a lot of females who feel ashamed being sexual since people have shamed them, figuratively and literally, for being sexual. Families and friends also has no qualm about shaming their daughters/friend about their sexuality so you’re not alone if that has ever happen to you. But it’s a teaching to examined closely since it’s detrimental to your emotional health if you keep feeling ashamed, as if you are a slut, every time you do something as innocent as giving a friend a friendly kiss yet deem it as promiscuous.
Good luck.
March 7, 2019 at 7:45 am #283475Christina
ParticipantDear GL,
Thank you for your reply to my post. I have never been “slut-shamed” or anything like that in the past. I just would never ever want to betray my boyfriend in any way, so it scared me that I could become that loose and friendly when drunk, even if it was a holiday. I am extremely against cheating and am a very loyal person, so this really affected me. Also, I remember getting jealous earlier on in the night, so I started to obsess and wonder if my jealousy made me think it was okay to do what I did. It just really bothered me that I could do something drunk that I normally wouldn’t approve of when sober. I am a bit of a perfectionist, and I like control in my life, so the fact that there was a moment where I lost control really hurt me. I feel like I ruminated and obsessed over the situation to try to feel more in control and rationalize my actions. In the end, it ruined me. My boyfriend always talks badly about his ex-girlfriend and refers to her as a “whore,” so even though I did something innocent, I felt like that made me a whore and equivalent to his girlfriend, no matter how many times my boyfriend said it didn’t. My obsession over the event made me feel extremely dirty and unworthy of my boyfriend’s love. Now I’m scared that those negative thoughts made me fall out of love with my boyfriend or made me put up a wall as a defense mechanism of some sort. I want to feel how I did before this whole thing happened, and it hurts me that I can’t feel that way at the moment. My boyfriend’s feelings haven’t changed towards me at all, but I feel numb and unable to love. I’ve never felt this way before. I really hope it’s just a phase and that it will go away with therapy and time.
March 7, 2019 at 7:34 pm #283577GL
ParticipantDear Christine,
I don’t want to raise any unnecessary red flags, but the fact that your boyfriend keep badmouthing his ex and calling her a ‘whore’ is concerning. When a person keep talking about someone in their past in a really negative way, that means that whatever happened between them, he has not resolved it. So it’s a possibility that your boyfriend has not moved on from the betrayal from someone he held affection for and that is causing him to be caustic; talking about his ex, calling them a whore, which can’t make you feel any good because you’ve never the person yet here he is talking about someone you don’t know. It’ll also feel like he is implying that since his ex had cheated on him, he should be pity because she was the bad person therefore don’t you dare cheat on him yourself, i. e. don’t be like that ‘whore’. Hence, if you do act similar to like his ex, then you are automatically a ‘whore’, no question ask. But who wants that kind of label on themselves, especially from a beloved?
Of course, he might not have meant that by discussing his ex, but he also could calmly talk about how his ex cheated on him, without the name calling, and that’s why they are now exes. There is never a need to call someone something like ‘whore’ unless you’re still really angry about what happened and desire to paint the other person to make them the bad person and you the good person. And doing so more than once? That sort of thing should be reserve for the therapist’s room, not your current partner whom is now pressured into taking on the torch of ‘never thinking of cheating in the relationship’. But you are his girlfriend, not a professional counselor who might be able to help him understand and move on from his disappointment and pain from the betrayal.
The continuous bombardment of hearing ‘whore’ in the voice of your boyfriend will create an invisible pressure on you to not be a ‘whore’ if you wish for the relationship to work out since that is one of his ‘implied’ condition for never ending your relationship. After all, because his ex is a ‘whore’ (do you know the whole story, or just his side?), keyword ‘is’, the relationship then ended. So that implied that if you wish not to end the relationship, you should never be/act a ‘whore’. Hence you feel responsible for any actions that might make you seem a ‘whore’ or in other words, a very bad person. No pressure, right?
Try not to rationalize this whole thing. You’re obsessing over this because something about it does concern you, you just haven’t figure out the underlying why yet. Take your time, and take time from your boyfriend if you need it. Sometimes, you just need space and breathing room from those close to you to be able to gain an objective perspective on the situation that is making you feel that, for some reason, your action has branded you as a bad person. You might have felt a moment of jealousy on NYE, but that does not mean that you acted on it. Actions are not always prompted by feelings. People do stupid things when drunk.
But the fact that you feel as if you are a ‘whore’, similar to the ex, is concerning and should be looked at. The ex is not in the picture of your relationship, is she? She’s not in contact with your boyfriend, is she? So why should your actions be compared to hers, why compare yourself to her? She is not you and you are not her. But that you feel the need to compare the two of you as if you were the same person or closely related/similar gives the impression that you see her as a bad model to never imitate. Well, understandable since she supposedly cheated on your boyfriend, but to also think yourself as a ‘whore’? That’s concerning and questionable territory.
March 7, 2019 at 8:32 pm #283579Mark
I don’t believe one act (esp. when we are drunk) constitute and demonstrate our character. My close, lesbian friend kissed me at her New Year’s Eve party at midnight because I expressed I did not have anyone to do that with. Her lesbian, live-in partner was there on the premises. Neither of us thought it was cheating or anything romantic but just an expression of celebration and caring from a close friend.
Cheating is more than the act/kiss. It is an emotion and sexual/physical intent that would distance the other from their partner as I would define it. If either of you or your partner think it is “cheating” then have a real heart-to-heart on how you trust each other, what are the “rules of engagement” i.e. what behaviors and acts constitute cheating and “bad” behavior.
I believe that we come from Fear or Love in how we navigate the world. Love begets trust with each other.
March 8, 2019 at 6:03 am #283657Christina
ParticipantDear GL,
The reason why my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend has been brought up is because I knew her and I knew of my boyfriend when they were still in a relationship, so I heard about the whole cheating scandal from friends before I even met him. His ex-girlfriend went on a spring break trip and slept with someone else and never told him, and he ended up having to find out about it months later from someone else. She also treated him poorly in general and walked all over him, so I would never want to be anything like that. When we first started dating, we would talk about our pasts, and when his ex-girlfriend would get brought up, he’d refer to her as “the whore,” which definitely bothered me because it made me feel like he wasn’t completely over her. Therefore, I would get jealous and bring her up sometimes, which has caused some issues in our relationship. Also, whenever music by the rapper Drake is on, he says “f*ck Drake,” and I learned earlier on in the relationship that he doesn’t like Drake because the guy his ex slept with was obsessed with him. He doesn’t say it often, but when he does, it makes me feel insecure because it seems like he’s still stuck on the past when he claims he isn’t. My boyfriend and I started dating about 6 months after his breakup with his ex, so I don’t think he had enough time to heal, which has caused issues in our relationship due to me being insecure over his ex. It worries me that I kissed his friend’s ear on NYE due to feeling insecure in the relationship, which is not entirely his fault. I think these are things I need to work through and talk about in therapy. I need to find the root cause of why my reaction was so extreme to something so little. I had plans to move closer to my boyfriend, but I think it needs to be put on hold until I resolve what I am going through. I really hope my future plans with my boyfriend aren’t ruined and that we make it through this because I don’t want to end up with anyone else. From the beginning, I felt something different and knew he was the one, so I’m very confused by my feelings at the moment. I just want my passionate feelings for him to come back.
March 9, 2019 at 8:11 pm #283863GL
ParticipantDear Christina,
It sounds like you have a somewhat antagonistic relationship with your boyfriend.
You two decided to date a half year after the cheating scandal yet it seems that whatever happened between your boyfriend and his ex, you still don’t feel secure in knowing whether your boyfriend has been able to lay down his resentment. It might be that when talking about your two past, he shows such intense emotion that you wonder if he has even moved on. Or that sometimes it seems that he might not be thinking about you, but someone else when you’re together. Or that he still remember some details about his scar.
So you discussed your pasts, wanting to know yet only coming out of it full of insecurity. What was the point of that exercise? You’ve already heard of what had happened, so hearing it from him once would have been enough, so why did you or him keep bringing it up? What was the point in going over what happened only to be sore from the sordid details? Why did you keep bringing it up to hurt him? Or was it something about his actions or words that poked a hole in your confidence that he does hold affection for you? Yet why does it make you jealous that he has not moved on from his scar? Scars scabbed over when left alone to heal so what was the point in bringing it up again and again? What was it about his past relationship or his ex that terrifies you so much? To not trust his words mean you doubt him, but for what reason? Or do you doubt yourself so much that you question his affection for you, even at the beginning? But then, when will it ever be enough for you to finally let your doubts rest?
Be careful about putting your boyfriend on a pedestal. “He” might seem to be different from other people you’ve met, but how many people have you met exactly? There are more than 7 billion people in the world, can you say that you know intimate details of even 1/1000000 of one billion? So he might seem like a decent person, but don’t put every hope into this one relationship where it’s make it or break it. There is no telling whether in the future you might meet someone else who makes your heart throb, but the timing was simply late. You simply know this person before any other person who might be compatible with you. So don’t put him on a pedestal. Don’t try to be the perfect girlfriend. Don’t hold accountable every one of your actions just because you want this relationship to work. A relationship is made of two parts, you can’t be the only one holding up the whole thing.
So the passion has died away. Then start a new one. Passion was never meant to last, it was only meant to be a spark for a fire to be lighted, but fire can’t keep going without oxygen. Now that it has snuff out, build a new fire.