
all over again

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    I’m Rosaria, i start to say that my mother tongue is not english i’m sorry if you find mistakes and i’ll try to write as better as i can!
    I’m writing because i am stuck in a weehl, i have a stable relationship it’s been 10 years now, i’m 26 and he’s 30 years old, 7 years ago we started travelling as i finished my BAC in Italy, we went in holland where we spent 1 year, then we moved back to italy for 8 months then we went to london after 7 months we got back home, in these times we have always worked together or apart but we’ve always found the same bad people at work, job conditions and salary worst, then we tried to open our shop but we find a truly difficult situation in Italy and not even the banks lend no more money, i need help every time we find a job it always ends up badly, we have a dream to open our alternative vegetarian ice cream restaurant, but it seems so far away..how do we change this situation?? any advice is welcome thank you!


    Dear All Over Again,

    With anything in life, how we are feeling on the inside is the most important… Because our outer world will be a reflection of our inner world. If you are not finding happiness or contentment with any job situations, it is because you need to find peace within. I am sure you are a happy person, but it helps if you raise your vibrations even more. Make a gratitude list. Each day, make a list of ten things you are grateful for in your life. This way, you will feel even better than you do right now. It will give you a look at life as “cup half full” versus “cup half empty.” The changes always come from within. The people in our life always respond to how we feel deep inside. I hope this helps 🙂 I hope you reach your goal of vegetarian ice cream restaurant 🙂 I wish you many blessings!



    Hi pantarei,

    On a practical level, also research in which countries it’s easiest to borrow money and to open a brick and mortar store.

    Here’s an interesting, fun idea: Write an ebook/pamphlet filled with vegetarian ice cream recipes. Invite people over and have a private ice cream party/workshop! People will discover the joys of making their own ice cream (and vegetarian at that!), will look at your book, and get the word out. Meanwhile, online, I’m sure you’ll connect with like minded fans who will want to help you through your blog/website!



    Dear Michelle & Inky ,
    Thank you very much for your response, I feel a bit better just to know that there are people who give advices just to make someone else feel better! I will do my gratitude list every day i think it’s something i need to do right now, and the idea of the ebook is great! Thanks I’ll start to work on that! Sometimes when you feel bad you don’t see as far as your nose, you feel blind, a word from a friend is always welcome! thank you PAntarei

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