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  • #376803

    Dear Lily:

    Accountable! I love your thought: “that I should unapologetically love myself and accept myself”!!!

    Regarding binge eating sweets- I found a non-caloric, but very expensive solution to my huge sweet tooth, and that is using liquid stevia, which is 100% natural, no fillers and zero calories. Stevia in a liquid form, or as a powder, can be used to bake goods as well as adding it to cold or hot drinks, as well as to yogurt, let’s say, mixing vanilla and/ or cocoa in it as well. (I might have mentioned this to you already).


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by .

    Dear anita,

    well, I am still working on it. My thought was that even if somebody has a bad opinion about me, in the end, it doesn’t matter. It matters more what I think about myself.

    Yes, you had already mentioned the stevia. I will have to look for it next time I buy groceries. It will be worth a try! Thank you for the tip!

    Today was so-so, the good thing was that it was a sunny day and I got to go out for a walk. Then I spent too much time worrying.

    Tomorrow I want to continue to work on my projects and do my best.



    Dear Lily:

    Accountable another day! Try stevia only if you want to try a non-caloric natural substitute for sugar. I agree: what matters way more than what others think of you is what you think of yourself. I hope you think of yourself as well as I think of you!



    Dear anita,

    maybe I would want to substitute sugar with fruit. Or I am o.K. with a little bit of chocolate, but not having a bar of chocolate every day or worse, eating several sweets / unhealthy things in a very short time and then feeling bad about it. It helps to go to the grocery store fewer times a week and it also helps to have other options available like yoghurt with fruit or unsweetened cocoa powder to make a milkshake. Maybe stevia could help with extreme cravings, like when I actually want to go to the store just to buy sweets!

    About thinking well about myself: I am trying to think more positive thoughts instead of dragging myself down. Sometimes the old thinking patterns come back, but I try to think more favourably of myself. My thinking well of myself is still very attached to accomplishments and therefore there is room for self-criticism. But when I fully accept myself, things will get easier, I think.

    And thank you for thinking well of me! It has helped me to know that despite all of my flaws you accepted me. And I also appreciate you and think well of you! You give your all to help people in these forums!

    Today the day started slowly, but later I did get some things done. I started a new illustration. Usually, I feel a lot of resistance when starting something new, but then after a bit of sketching and the first few strokes, it gets easier. I have to remember that, to just start. There is nothing to lose… I can use cheap copy paper so it doesn’t even matter if the sketches are bad! Why is this always so hard! The good thing is that I made some progress today.

    Later I also talked to my roommate and we get along quite well. Hopefully, it stays like this and I did not say something weird.

    Tomorrow I want to work more on the illustration I started today and get some exercise too.

    Until tomorrow!


    Dear Lily:

    Accountable yet again! You are welcome and thank you for your kind words.

    “My thinking well of myself is still very attached to accomplishments… I made some progress today”-

    – regarding your thinking well of yourself: try to detach it from accomplishments, and attach it to each and every progress you make, every day!




    Dear anita,

    today I went to therapy, then work and after that I drew for a short time and did 10 minutes of yoga.

    The progress I made was that I did draw and do yoga, despite being already tired. Even if it was just for a few minutes.

    Today in therapy we also talked about why I am sabotaging myself. So at one hand, I want my drawings to be seen, but on the other I fear getting judged. I have a big worry about getting judged, a fear that if I was more successful, more people would see the drawings and I lose control over who sees it. And that then, people would criticize it or me and make me out to be a horrible person… Also I become afraid of people’s expectations, disappointing their expectations. Maybe these things are reasons why I stand in my own way.

    Tomorrow I want to work more on my drawings for project C, exercise and stick to my routines.

    But for now I will go to sleep. Have a good day!


    Dear Lily:

    Accountable! A busy day for you and you did well. Glad to read that you acknowledged the progress you made. Thank you for wishing me a good day- it is pretty good. I thought of you during my daily walk when I finally detected stinging nettles, about the same length I saw by the ocean a couple of weeks ago. Good night Lily!



    Dear anita,

    good to hear that you had a good day! And how nice that you have found nettles. I am thinking of cooking something with nettles or wood garlic soon. Maybe an omelette for easter/spring.

    And I never knew you lived by the ocean. That must be so nice!

    Today I am quite content with myself. I woke up early, cleaned for 10 minutes and did yoga for 18 minutes. Then I worked on project C in the morning and afternoon and finished one illustration. The sooner I get my old projects done, the faster I get to start a new project! Hopefully, I will quickly make progress.

    So I want to continue to work on project C tomorrow, but also exercise more. Maybe I should go for a run, or do some workout or something.

    Now I will journal or read for a bit. Until tomorrow!


    Dear Lily:

    Accountable! I don’t live by the ocean, it’s a drive away. I live in the woods, and yes, it is time to pick  nettles, they are too tough when  overgrown. The best thing I liked reading in your recent post is: “Today I am quite content with myself”!



    Dear anita,

    o.K., I misunderstood. But living in the woods is also nice. One day I would also like to live more close to nature.

    But for now, I have to enjoy the nature I have around. You are right, the nettles are best when young. I have to make more of an effort to get out more.

    Still, my day was overall o.K. today. I did not accomplish everything I set out to do, but a bit. In the morning I read a book about German history, I cooked a healthy dinner and worked on my illustration. Maybe it was not that much, but I know what to do next. In the evening I talked to my sister and we can talk pretty well about everything. At the moment she is the person I can talk most openly to.

    I am trying to become more content with myself and maybe not expect too much. I think I am making progress.

    Tomorrow I would like to continue on that illustration and maybe journal about my goals, which I wanted to do for a longer time.




    Dear Lily:

    Accountable on Saturday, accountable every day! I will reply a bit more tomorrow morning, in about 12 hours from now.



    Dear Lily:

    “I think I am making progress”- that’s what it is all about, making progress, a bit of progress a day is good enough.



    Dear anita,

    yes, it is a better idea to focus on small steps and small progress. Otherwise, I will just become overwhelmed and stressed and it will also not get me to my goals any faster.

    Today I went on a long walk and also took some photos that I will need for project B. It was more of a cold grey day, but afterwards, I felt really good.

    In the afternoon I talked to my parents on the phone. Later I got a bit distracted by the internet, so I will now turn off the computer. Instead, I will journal as I had planned.

    Tomorrow I want to get more into working on my projects again.


    Dear Lily:

    Accountable! Small steps and small progress is the way  to go on a cold grey day where you live, and on a sunny day like today where I live. I hope you are having a good night.



    Dear anita,

    thank you, I did sleep well last night.

    Today was a strange weather day, stormy with snow, hail then sun, then snow again. So I stayed inside and worked on project C. I was making sketches and tests and will soon finish another double page. Also, I read and journaled.

    Tomorrow I want to work more on it. Besides that, I want to cook food for the next few days and hopefully exercise/do yoga.

    Until tomorrow.


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