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I am sorry for your suffering.
Sadly, today’s society puts a large emphasis on ‘making a living’ rather than ‘leading a fulfilling life’. From an innocent age, we are trained and programmed to perform mechanical tasks when we are adults in which very few are life-enriching. Because many of us have conformed to such a way of life, finding an individual who can (help) teach us wholesomeness is rare leading to many of us lacking purpose and lost once we make the realization.
This does not mean, however, that we are to remain permanently at a loss. This simply means that we must exert a little more effort than usual to undo the years of damage we’ve wrought upon ourselves in order to once again feel (more) whole. My teachers have taught me that delicate things require time and careful nurturing to thrive and prosper. Our lives are such things. We have to take things slowly. Rushing does not help nor is it productive. Similar to a complex math problem, we take the time to come to the right answer. While life contains more intricate aspects, a ‘right’ answers isn’t always correct. Instead, an answer which ‘resonates within us’ is what we should seek. In addition, do not fear should you not have all the answers. For, in fact, we are not meant to know it all. But just because we do not have an answer does not mean that we should be burdened. Sometimes, the answers arrive exactly when we’re supposed to know them. Also, not knowing an answer does not mean we should entirely give up upon our other learnings/teachings. We do not allow one person’s poor attitude dominate our entire view of life, do we? The same must be applied to our inner dealings.
As for your hobbies/passions seeming pointless in comparison to your humanitarian values, do not for a second think so. While it is benevolent to want to perform large(r) acts to aid humanity, do you not believe that showing others what it means to ‘being present’ (in your actions) to be of fulfilling nature? And while large acts are indeed significant, please know that small acts are just as significant in humanitarian pursuits.
I hope this helps. If not, this community will be here should you seek more of it.
Rejoice! Feel content that you have so many goals you wish to accomplish for there are those who sadly aren’t in a position to do so. While you may not be able to perform them all, perhaps choose which you believe you can accomplish within your limits and simply revel in their moments. Life, to the optimists, will always be filled with some kind of regret in old age. However, there will also be much contentment in retrospect. And, in general, there will always be pros and cons to every decision we wish to make. Hence, this is why I stated that we must simply do our best to live in the moment and especially so when we do things we love and enjoy. Adopting and retaining this view will greatly help. I hope this helps.
I am sorry for your suffering.
While understandable to need to vent, it must be understood that we all, in one form or another, suffer. This truth makes it difficult for us to listen to one another’s problems while we have our own to tend to. While it is not wrong to try/want to be social with others, when we are troubled and wish to share I believe it is more important to do so with those we believe are more learned than with just anyone. And, if we do not have those around us, well, as you’ve done, the internet provides a great many avenues to seek those who are. This is not to say that I am one of those more ‘learned’ individuals. In fact, I am still quite the student. However, I will try my best to share with you what my teachers have taught me.
As I’ve mentioned, please do your best to recognize that we all suffer. When you come to realize this common relation we all share, you will find that our (negative) actions are not necessarily intentional. They are/seem only negative because it is possible we do not know any better. Understanding this will help us remove any chaotic emotions (anger, frustration, dissatisfaction, etc…) we feel towards another. Also, this will help us establish a more positive demeanor and allow us to garner more positive speech and actions. As we must feed our bodies healthy foods, we must also do the same with our minds by feeding it healthy thoughts. Being positive and optimistic does not just happen (though possible with some individuals), instead it must make use of many of our efforts.
As for obtaining happiness, though outside factors to contribute to our well being, we must understand that our perception holds more power to how we perceive things. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “we can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” As you can see, there are two (or more) ways of seeing things. It all depends on you. The seeds of happiness, however, remain always within us; waiting for us to poor water over them. These exist within you. You must simply apply the effort of removing all of the impurities which have concealed them.
I hope this helps.
Death comes to everyone and everything. It is a law; for everything is impermanent. However, this does not mean that we should fear it. In fact, you should use it. Fear of death is one of the many things which allows us to cherish life and give meanings to our deeds. And sometimes, death should be welcomed. For example, imagine you were immortal (ageless, like an elf). This would mean you would outlive your children, and their children, your friends, your idols, people you meet, etc… Sure, you would make new bonds as you meet more people along the way, however, the cycle of outliving and losing these new friends would continue, and continue, and continue. In such a case, it would be too sad to keep on living living. Then, the idea death may begin to sound appealing, wouldn’t you think?
Another explanation is that death is simply a part of life. The African philosophy of it being part of the Circle of Life is correct. For something to live (and sustain living), something must die. This truth cannot be escaped. However, to put it into a more gentler (and more beautiful) sense, simply regard it as continuous transfer of energy from one organism to another. Once we die, our decaying bodies in the ground will feed other organisms whom will in turn feed others in an endless cycle. In this sense, you could say we indeed truly do become immortal.
For the moment, while it is perfectly fine to question many things, do also try your best to see the beauty around you. Take the time and visualize what it takes for a flower to blossom, appreciate how it feels to walk bare footed on lush grass, delight in feeling the rain, be gracious in having ease of transportation, enjoy the presence of your parents, relish in the company of your friends, etc… When you do, your feelings of what is real and what is not (“figment of my imagination”) will dissipate, leaving only what is pure and true to you. I hope this helps.
May your heart find peace.
I apologize for not having tended to your post earlier. Also, please know that you’ve inspired me with your selfless and benevolent actions for our planet and humanity. I do hope to follow in similar footsteps in the future. I am very glad that you posted.
Often times, I wish that our global society would take time to teach about achieving harmony when we become adults. Whether it is taught in a secular or religious fashion does not matter for harmony does not exist in but one world. In my own experience, and from what I have been taught by my teachers, harmony is relative to our situations. While some believe that balancing two acts is just right, there are some who believe that juggling no more than 5 is minimum and necessary. With this said, we must understand that harmony incorporates all aspects of our lives. Indeed, it is then easily understood that such a task is staggering. And, as I mentioned, this is not something that we are universally taught. Because of this, many of us become overwhelmed, crushed, confused, lost and even paralyzed by having to put so much concentration, so much effort into finding our ‘middle ground’. In addition to that, because life is dynamic and is constantly introducing new elements into our lives, balancing becomes a never ending endeavor. And, when we set certain goals, certain ambitions for ourselves, these elements which affect our envisioned process obtain the power to cause a great shift on the journeyto our objectives. These are things you already know, I’m sure. I only posted as to help other members who are in similar situations and reading this therefore please forgive me if this seemed like an endless/meaningless rant.
With this said, the element of ‘making a livable wage’ and ‘saving our environment’ are two whose magnitudes are immense. To balance these two requires a great fortitude. (And again, I must express my respect and appreciation for your doings.) Sometimes, however, we have to pause and reassess ourselves. We have to gauge the reality of our situations. And although difficult to do as we are driven by something larger than ourselves, we have to remember that we are beings whom can mostly (financially) operate through the systems our societies have placed (sadly). This is where our knowledge of harmony becomes handy. Although possible to succeed outside of the bounds of the system, I believe that it is at the edge that we must maintain and remain in order to perform the difficult while still having our roots in the necessary place. I hope this makes sense. If not, I will use myself as example. While my goal is to create an orphanage which seconds as a school in Thailand that teaches moralistic and humanitarian business, I must first secure a sustainable income in order to fund my project. Where I know I must plant my feet are first in the business world. Only by first obtaining the knowledge and participating in risky ventures will I achieve the first step all the meanwhile recalling that I may only partake in endeavors which do not violate my principles along the way. Else, how could I claim to be humanitarian if I participate in a business that pollutes both humans and this world?
In short, and in simpler terms, while your dreams can still be achieved, you may have to do so from a new/different perspective and position. As to what this entails is entirely on you for you know your life best. Nevertheless, even if finding a new position conveys that you aren’t able to contribute to your cause as much, it does not mean that you have given up. It only means that you are more limited. However, a contribution is a contribution. The important thing to tell yourself is that, in the end, and at the least, you are exerting as much positivity as you’re able to. Remind yourself of this each time you suffer difficulty to quell your heart. I hope this helps. If not, I am sure other members will contribute.
ps: I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
April 28, 2014 at 5:17 pm in reply to: Why does everyone thinks about " Me First" ? What about hurting others ? #55541Al
It is a wonderful question you ask. Thank you for asking. The Ruminant has done a wonderful job answering your question for me as well. I thank him/her for that (I apologize as I do not know your gender). However, I’m sure you would like to personally hear from me and so I will add what little I can to what Ruminant has already given.
To answer your question: because life is dynamic, never constant in events/experiences, nothing is ever whole and everything is constantly growing. While the couples whom you know and have never experienced heartache are still together, you cannot say that they will last (though I do not wish that on them and hope for their continued bliss). The reasons why they are still together are too many. And, because each situation/circumstance consist of near-infinite factors, presumptive answers cannot be generated. In the end, all we can say is ‘we shall see’. However, this does not mean that this pessimistic-like view should dominate your mentality + attitude. After all, as it is always said, life is what you make of it. There exists believers and non-believers, optimists and pessimists, existentialists and nihilists, ‘doers’ and ‘give-upers’, among others. This is where I fall in love with all of life: my options aren’t limited, in fact, they’re entirely the opposite.
I hope this helped.
April 27, 2014 at 6:40 pm in reply to: Why does everyone thinks about " Me First" ? What about hurting others ? #55465Al
Forgiving others and ourselves for our misdeeds is entirely possible when we wholly understand and accept that we are imperfect beings. As I have often mentioned in many of my reply posts to other members: who truly knows what they’re doing in life? Who truly knows that they’re entirely right? Who truly knows how to handle/tackle ‘any’, ‘new’ and ‘all’ encounters? Who has all the answers? What are the basis of acting ‘right’ and ‘wrong’? What is right and wrong? These are but some questions among many.
While your head and heart are currently in chaos, do your best to practice one of the eight Noble Eightfold Paths of the Buddha, Deep Understanding, which consists of recognizing the suffering (which causes the imperfections) in others by considering all of the negative/chaotic elements that were previously exposed to the one whom hurt you which factored in his misbehavior. For example, your father has been verbally and sometimes physically abusive of you your entire life. In order to forgive him, we must understand all that has occurred to him first in order to do so. Learning his past may reveal that he did not grow up in a ‘happy’ home, that he was abused, that he was surrounded by a negative environment inside + outside of his home, that he made the wrong friends and that he did not have a supporting adult/influence around him, among other experiences. Do note that these examples are quite extreme. However, regardless of the severity of the experiences, negative is nevertheless negative and many small negative acts/events/experiences add up. When you apply this approach to the person (and any other) whom hurt you, you will find that their/his misdeeds were the cause of not having all of the proper influences in order to help them/him make good choices. This also applies to us.
In addition, though difficult to accept, negative experiences are a must. Only by suffering through them and learning their lessons do we grow. Therefore, please do your best to learn from this experience so that you may apply it to your future. In fact, you may come to nurture a grateful outlook once you find that this experience will contribute to you finding/choosing a more suitable partner.
I hope this helps.
ParticipantThank you for the mention Jasmine. You do such a great job at providing wonderful answers that I find it difficult to add anything else after you. In fact, I’ve learned quite the morsel from you therefore thank you. Also, I apologize for the late reply. Summer (my favorite season) is nearly here and I have been busy preparing numerous beautiful events for my loved ones, among others, to partake in.
I have nothing to add about ‘desire’ that Jasmine hasn’t already wonderfully covered. Therefore, I will simply say this: what I love about today’s world is that its resources are vast. When one suffers from drug abuse, there are centers which exists to help those individuals recover. If you are/become homeless, there are programs which will help you get back on your feet. If your children are hungry, there are organizations who will help put food on your table. If you need therapy/counseling, such services can also be obtained. The list is nearly endless. Among such services are those who help people find lifelong companions. I’m sure you know to which I am referring to. These are services that I fully support as I believe them to be and create wholesomeness. Beautiful stories have been conceived because of these services and I believe we should not neglect them. Advanced pairing systems help increase your chances of matching you with a person who relates with you and I am actually in very much agreement with such arrangements. Anything in which helps positively increase our fulfillment is something that I encourage.
With this said, I will also add that companionship (in near all societies) is a highly idealized subject. In our minds, it is not wrong to say that we have certain views/ideas of companionship and its many different stages. It is when these events do not happen as we would like them to that our dissatisfaction is conceived and the possibility of self-induced prolonged misery may occur. To avoid such results, it is important to remind ourselves that ALL events are dynamic; that they transpire accordingly and exactly as they are supposed to. Retaining this view will greatly help our relationships and overall all aspects of our lives.
I hope this helps.
Your Friend,
I am sorry for your suffering. Dreams are indeed difficult to surrender. However, please know that alternatives always exist.
“Though you may never have the chance of tasting the pear, it does not mean you can’t enjoy the apple.”
The above quote resonates highly true within me and has become one of my core philosophies. Please do your best to see and accept this truth within you. While possible that you may never bear children from your own body (due to the various uncontrollable forces), you can still be a parent. Have you ever considered adopting? There are many children without parents who yearn for parental love. Could this be a viable option for you?
I am sorry for all of your suffering.
Premature deaths are never easy to deal with. They take much faith and meaning from us and create an emptiness within that is difficult to fill. It can take (much) time, spiritual journeying, vast search for understanding and/or prolonged soul searching to simply acquire ‘that little bit’ that will help us hang/move on.
And yet, this void is created with the exact purpose of being filled with the strength, love and will of our departed loved ones. It is ‘in’ them that we must seek answers to once again find the resolution to not only live but thrive. Neglecting to do so only results in instilling further destruction upon ourselves. But, by recalling that even in death they wish for our continued happiness gives us the constitution to continue living with meaning.
Also, do not be sad when you experience bouts of sadness and longing. This simply means that she held a lot of meaning to you. Don’t you believe it would actually be worse if you felt no longing for her at all? 😉 Hence, you are healthy. Missing a loved one is correct, not missing a loved one is incorrect. You are doing it exactly right.
As for loneliness and relationships, both can only be remedied by your own efforts. Recognizing that everyone is like you, that we all suffer in one form or another, will help you feel closer. However, even understanding such will not help you in developing relation/friendships with others. Action is necessary. You’ll also find that approaching individuals with positive heartfelt intentions and open-mindedness will make it easier.
Your Friend,
ParticipantForgive me, I have made a grammatical mistake. The last sentence should read ‘Eventually, everything will become tendency and become easier.’
As you see, I’ve made a mistake but took action to correct it. Your mistakes can be corrected too.
Without the proper influences, it is indeed difficult to harbor a positive mindset along with developing a loving character. However, please be of some ease. Your actions of seeking help/advice proves that you want to better your being for yourself and for your loved ones and are seeking to bloom. There is grand context in your action so smile a little.
Please understand that when we maintain negative habits that they become difficult to remove therefore do not believe you will be able to become a better person in a short amount of time (although possible). Instead, retain the view of constantly improving yourself and regardless of how little improvement you feel you’ve made it will be some improvement nonetheless hence something you can be delighted about. And, similarly to when we learn math: we cannot go from learning addition then straight to physics. Improvements, advancements and growth are developed over a period of time. The timetable may sound despairing but all grand things requires careful nurturing. Your life and your loved ones are important to you so you should take your time.
For now, do your best to practice mindfulness. Remember that thoughts precede all actions hence take care of your thoughts. Before speaking/acting, always first think of the possible consequences and how you would feel if these things were said/done to you. This is more easily done when you retain a general loving and compassionate mentality. Eventually, everything will become tendency become easier; just remember that this will require your effort.
Wishing You Harmony,
ParticipantRose Lynn,
It is entirely possible to learn the teachings of any religion without committing/converting to them. In the end, all preach love and love does not need us to be of a certain religion in order to find/know/share it.
As for religions in general, it is quite understandable to feel overwhelmed and lost since each have produced so many denominations. And, in honesty, we will never know what religion/teachings we will resonate with most until we experience them first hand. Hence I advise that you try a little bit of everything. In the end, even if you do not settle on one, you will have gained a little from each and therefore come out a better person already. Also, out of convenience, I would say simply stick with the initial religions themselves, meaning no thrice-branched denomination. And please, take your time on it. Important things should be done with care. Life needs not us rush but only experience.
I hope this has helped. If not, we’ll be here.
ParticipantRose Lynn,
Indeed, the world is governed by a corporate mentality. It is quite sad. And yet, you and all the members who have shown relation should rejoice for you are awakened beings who are able to see what is of real value. As for advice, I solemnly direct others to religions, however, because I have not found a secular way to apply ‘finding balance’ then I find I have little choice therefore please do not be offended that I am guiding you to new/other faiths should you be of another one.
The Buddhist’s teaching of ‘The Middle Way’ may be of the best help to you. With practice (as all tasks require), it will give you the tools to stabilize your thoughts and beliefs and bring about harmony. Taoism may also be of great help as it also deals with how to live in the ‘middle’ though I must warn that it can be at first difficult to comprehend without the aid of knowledgeable and capable teachers and also that they are very few here in the West (if this is where you live).
I hope this helps.
With enough practice, I’d like to say that it has now become an instinct for me. All my thoughts/actions are governed by it and has indeed improved my inner and outer being tremendously. To be fully awake and aware in moments of positivity is exhilarating.
As for how it helps with our connection with others, well, I personally believe that it allows us to be more caring, loving and compassionate. It allows us to speak/act with care and in ways that will not be physically, mentally and emotionally harmful. And, because of this, I’d like to believe that we’re able to conceive more meaningful interactions; expanding our positivity and insight further.