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  • in reply to: Transgender or Gender Dysphoria? #121999

    gender stereotypes aren’t really fitting for anyone.

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121994

    so there are no online classes for java. i have been currently doing meditations and i find that my brain is more focused and i can tune out some of the irrelevant chatter. my guidance counselor said it would be unwise to drop the class since i have a 94 in it mostly due to tests. also since we only have only 2 months (counting december), i could probably make it through. there is christmas break after dec. 23. i will probably stay after with the teacher to catch up with the other projects i need to work on. ch. 6 on control statements in java makes more sense to me and i find that i can at least get a decent code written that works. my friend ray was also helping check my code as well. i think i received at least a 90 on my u.s history ii quiz and also i feel ready for the ap calc quiz on area under curve. i studied for it over the weekend and i should be okay if i meditate and keep calm. the chromosome mapping makes more sense to me for ap biology and andrew was also helping me with it. i still need to practice on figuring out what genes go where, but i’m understanding the concepts behind them so it won’t be long. also the meditation has helped me feel happier about myself and there are times when i sense the inner bully, i can uproot it with a few words from my inner angel. i imagine my inner angel radiating a fire and burning the inner bully to ashes and then i say “no inner bully i will not listen to your lies. for i am the one in control of my life. i am completely mind-boggled by science b/c there is a thing called Chrispr and it allows genes to be translated from another organism to a human. so we may have a chimpanzee give birth to a human since they are similar in genotypes. we could just change a few gene letters in the chimpanzee and implant an embryo in the chimpanzee and it may produce a human. i think the chimpanzee producing a human is a bit unethical. but that science is recent, so it needs more improvements, but i still think it’s cool. they recently have figured out how to isolate the genes of mosquitoes that carry diseases and possibly use that in a vaccination for people. also there are codes in your dna that code for specific traits in a mating partner. so if a guy passed on the interest of girls to a girl that girl could be gay. i respect people no matter whatever sexual orientation, but science is really cool in the way certain genes with ‘personality’ codes can be passed down. however ‘personality’ codes aren’t in the genome for good, you can change your attitude, but there is still a part of you that might act a certain way or prefer someone based on the genes you inherited. so i was thinking about the people that i’ve had crushes on in the past and what they have in common dave and i shared a platonic love (it wasn’t a crush, but he still fits with the list):

    All came in at a time when I was struggling (robert helped me with my multiplication tables and also made my gym class more fun, brandon helped me when i was bullied in sixth grade, griffin (my special friend) helped me in seventh grade and andrew helped me in my classes in eleventh grade and still continues to)

    All of them have a sense of humor and are laid back

    All of them are athletic and modest (well brandon sometimes bragged, but it wasn’t too mean, griffin also does now and then, but it also isn’t being selfish)

    All of them are helpful (andrew is often where anyone needs him, if someone needs help with something he’ll be there. griffin will defend me behind my back and help cheer me up)

    All of them are smart in some way (brandon was good at tool working, griffin is good at coming up with ways to study and andrew is just of many talents)

    All of them are optimistic (especially griffin and andrew, they are always laughing and enjoying life)

    All of them enjoy nature (andrew likes camping, griffin enjoys going hiking)

    All of them are still my friends today and i see andrew and griffin the most

    All of them are competitive and independent (in mostly a good way, sometimes andrew can be competitive and it will be stressful)

    All of them are understanding and compassionate (i can be a bit irritated or dramatic at times, but they still find me fun to be around)

    All of them helped me be more confident (steve was a shy person and he’s currently in my ap calc class, but we used to help each other with our science hw in seventh grade and we often laughed at math jokes in eleventh grade lunch and now in class, andrew is a confident person himself, both griffin and brandon helped me when i couldn’t stand up for myself)

    All of them like science and reading (brandon and andrew like nonfiction, while griffin and i enjoy all types, andrew is the most scientific)

    All of them let me be myself:D

    in reply to: Transgender or Gender Dysphoria? #121918

    thanks Xenopus Tex. I feel that it started with insecurity due to gender stereotypes. I hate it when people assume that I like shopping, clothes and jewelry just b/c I look a certain way. People are quick to come up with the words of “tomboy” when they find out that I like to play competitive sports, go fishing, want to learn hunting and go camping. when did the origin of these words come to mean what they are now? ‘tomboy’ used to mean a belligerent boy in the old days. i am still working on trying not to please people and work on being myself, but it can be hard at times. i was raised in my family to be tough no matter what. when i was younger, i remember i played sports but often wore skirts and ran out in nature. as i grew older i began to partake in more competitive sports and began to wear more shorts since it was easier to play sports in them. it didn’t matter to me what gender i was then, i was just myself until i got to middle school where i was bullied, in high school i decided to become a better person and not let the bullies get to me and i spent a process of healing and i was pretty much healed until the summer of my sophomore year when a guy was sexist and saying that women should not play sports or have education to be a scientist, the should be housewives. i didn’t think much of it until something similar happened in junior year. now out in public, all i can think of is my insecurity and thinking that people don’t like me b/c I don’t care about the gender stereotypes. I don’t want to think all men have to be strong and be good at mechanics nor do girls have to be pretty like shopping and clothes b/c i don’t fit either stereotype. i am sick of people telling me how to act to what they feel is appropriate for gender types. as i have gotten older, the relationship with my mom has deteriorated somewhat since i have realized she has different values on how girls should act. she enjoys shopping and jewelry and i realize her personality and mine are total opposites. i have gone from being confident about how i was to someone who just wants to avoid anyone and everyone and hide myself. i still enjoy playing sports, but i don’t wear skirts as often as i used to and i wear shorts instead. i try to hide myself and switch between gender types depending on the situation. there are times when i feel safer pretending to be a male, even have a sense of strength and other times when i enjoy being female. this sense of duality between genders and the constant clash with me struggling against societal gender roles is making me confused on who i am. are my values truly the ones i have or have i been conditioned by society that way? i think i have a personal grudge against being female b/c i don’t want to be like my mom. my mom has a short temper and can be very judgmental of people and i’m the opposite of that. people assume that since i am female, i tend to like similar things like my mom, but i don’t. i tend to be more like my dad in interests esp. when it comes to my science aspect.

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121832

    currently i can’t wait till christmas break, my brain just seems on vacation and i still got a chapter of notes for ap biology, study for an ap calc quiz tues. and a u.s history ii quiz monday. but i can’t make my brain focus and the inner bully is taking advantage and saying “see you really are lazy and an ignorant person. you can’t do anything right.” i reread my post debating about whether i should drop the class and some of the sentences are a bit vague to me. so i revised it, it still sounds similar, but i added extra detail and made more considerations. this is probably what i will discuss with the counselor:

    School is a bit stressful this year since it’s my last year in high school. I took ap calc and ap biology and both classes take a lot of my time studying, taking notes. currently i am debating on dropping java (computer programming) or not.

    Pros of dropping it:

    Less distractions from loud classmates, since I can’t concentrate in the class

    i can’t learn and the classmates are straining me, i don’t mind the class lessons b/c i think it is cool that you can program a computer to do different things, but my brain can’t input things well.

    Eliminate the chance of falling behind (already behind on 2.5 projects and the teacher keeps assigning more)

    Extra time to study for my ap classes in the library (midterms coming up in january and also sats)


    May negatively affect my gpa since i’m dropping a class after being in it for so long.

    there is only two months to go and also i have a 94 in that class mostly due to tests, not due to projects (although some of my projects are decent, but mostly after ch. 4 on, i’ve been having teacher help since i can’t think in the class and the current chapters have gotten a little more detailed)

    i might not be qualified for honor roll since i only have three classes to contend with, last marking period i made honor roll

    i don’t have a fourth block to go to (but the guidance counselor may allow me to study in the library)

    I have mixed feelings about dropping the class. the other alternative is to talk to my counselor and ask her if i could take that class online at home so i don’t have to deal with the students or maybe i could flop my u.s history class (2nd block) with my java class. i’m not sure, what is your advice?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Janus.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Janus.
    in reply to: Transgender or Gender Dysphoria? #121763

    i agree with you anita, i often deal with criticisms so i elevate myself higher into h=the clouds where i just see a white screen and my wings touch the sun. i want to find a way to stop having a war with what my heart feels and what my brain thinks. my heart will say “stop beating yourself down, you’ll be okay!” but my brain will argue “no, you have to learn to do this. you have to do this. you have to be perfect in everyone’s eyes!” i would like to listen to the voice in my heart and find who i am without my mind trying to outdo me.

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121762

    when i’m stressed over classes, it’s like the inner bully doesn’t bother me, but i have recurring dreams of leeches draining me and in the dream, i am struggling, but the more i pull the leeches off the more that appear. so finally i realize i’m sick of the leeches and i decide to stand under a waterfall and wash them away. with that waterfall, my energy is renewed. i always know when i am stressed in school b/c the dream of leeches always comes up. the inner bully gets toppled under my thoughts of the work i have to do and i don’t hear its voice. so i’m debating about dropping java class.


    Extra time to study for other classes (ap classes take up a lot of time)

    Less stress since i don’t have to deal with loud classmates and also have more time to review for the classes i have left on my schedule

    i don’t have to deal with the idea of falling behind in the class due to statement above

    i feel as if i can’t really concentrate in the class and not really learning


    since it’s been awhile since i’ve been in the class, it will show up on my transcript and may be bad for college

    i won’t have a fourth block to go to, but i think i can spend it in the library studying if the counselor lets me

    i’ve been in the class for quite a long time and it’s only two months till the end of the semester

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121715

    cool, i didn’t know Earl Grey was a tea:) I like snickerdoodles best and gingersnaps, but chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin, the two most popular are fine as well. i realize that not everyone judges me harshly, it’s just my inner bully making me think that when someone looks at me, they are seeing the negative. one of the teachers today said they were glad to see me smile and laugh b/c i don’t smile often. when i am alone, i tend to dance and smile, but out in public i feel as if i’m being judged negatively so it’s like i put up a wall. but most people think i’m a good person, there are some people who think i am a confident person and don’t see the insecurity. most of the time my brain is strained from school so i don’t smile often or it’s my inner bully making me feel insecure. i am learning about how to map where genes go on a chromosome whether they are linked together or separated and it’s a bit complex, but i like science so i’m hoping i will get it soon. i am working on understanding calculating the area under functions using left-endpoint rectangles, right-endpoint rectangles and midpoint rectangles (i understand the first two, but i’m still trying to understand the last one.) the new section we started in ap calc today has to do with solving the area using geometry and i tend to struggle a bit trying to recall geometry formulas. i also have 2.5 projects for java to do and i wish the class was a little quieter. i’m just a bit strained in school and somehow my financial aid application for college might have gone wrong b/c i just received an email saying that i’m missing something.

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121523

    also i’ve been having hopeful dreams, even when my brain is a bit strained. i had a dream that my eyesight got great and my circulation healed and i have a strange feeling that there are improvements. i was also talking to andrew who wears glasses about eyesight and we were both discussing ‘small print’ which i can read. i also had a dream that people were throwing a party for me with cookies and tea and they were applauding at a new invention of science i had come up with.

    in reply to: Transgender or Gender Dysphoria? #121518

    thanks anita, i think most people lose their gender identity b/c of stereotypes they are exposed to or harsh criticisms from their family/peers. here is a quote: “it only affects you if you believe what they say, if you don’t believe then it doesn’t matter.” so i think that only you decide what choices and facts you will believe and leave the ones that don’t apply behind. but sometimes it can be hard to find what you believe and what has been instilled in you.

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121515

    thanks for your comments on my poem anita:) i like these comments esp. “at the beginning I was an innocent child that doesn’t need to be forgiven or burned. also erasing what isn’t true about me is a great comment as well.” i tend to want to excel at many things which is why i want to learn how to work well with tools, be athletic and also be smart. i agree that the freedom that i want, which is inner peace can be achieved by taking time to remind myself of who i truly am and be wrought with patience. here is a quote “it takes years for a wise man to build himself, but only a second for a fool to challenge him.” a fool doesn’t really think, but acts instead so it doesn’t take much, but true wisdom takes patience and nurturing. sometimes along the path we meet people we bring us down, so we must rebuild ourselves back up. so i have to find a way to study for midterms and sats in two months. andrew has a great sense of sarcastic humor when things are a bit tough and it makes me laugh. some people find him a bit annoying when he is like that, but i think he sees the humor in tough situations and his attitude has rubbed off on me so i’m more laid-back as well. i enjoy being around people who try to see the best in life and when things get tough, they make a fun joke of it to lighten the mood.

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121372

    On a lighter note, here is the poem (strength without aggression toward the inner bullies and the worldly critics):

    “Soul Fire”

    When the flame ignites

    You all add fuel to the fire

    As the flames climb into the clouds, all that I needed was the one thing I wasn’t sure I could find

    Caught in the burning glow, I let myself become alight with flame

    Burning away who I once was and stepping into who I truly am

    Arising from the ashes, letting the smoke of forgiveness rise

    With each match the world critics and inner bully ignite, they burn away layer by layer

    Yet like iron tempered by fire, I become stronger

    I won’t change myself to be good enough for someone else

    And all their insults and curses add gasoline to the flames as they try to burn me again

    Yet this time, I have the fire of strength within me

    As the flames climb, I throw water upon them

    Watch as the smoke of letting go arises and as the coals of what has been smolder and die out

    I will not be caught in the fiery temper and burned each time

    Within me is a soul fire, a strength within me that will light me to my purpose

    So light your matches, but you won’t diminish the inner light

    With each layer you burn away, I step closer to my soul fire

    It is a fire that will light up the world

    The worldly critics and inner bully only bring ash and ruin

    So I give them back their hate

    Erase myself and wash away all the lies I made myself believe

    Glow with the inner fire of my soul

    i am a healer carrying the sadness and fear of others to the light to let them go

    Anytime I can’t say what’s on my mind

    I relax and reattach to my angelic self

    And I feel the divine fire within again

    And we feel one again

    For as long as my heart is beating, my wings keep fluttering and I fly above this world watching for anyone who needs my help

    I can’t say how long I’ve been encased in illusion

    But I feel home at last

    As long as my mind thinks, you can take away all of who you think I am, but what’s left is my soul in its radiant grace

    You cannot take away the freedom of myself to choose my own life, to forge my own path and follow my own beliefs

    With each layer you take away, you reveal more of my soul fire

    You only attack what’s physical and as the layers are peeled away, I am me and stronger at my soul

    I tried in my life to make everyone happy while I just hurt and hide

    I guess I forgot I had a choice; I let the inner bullies and the worldly critics push me to the breaking point

    I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

    I let their hate and lies become who I was

    But now I stretch my arms to the heavens and declare:

    ‘Let this earth angel unfurl her wings, awaken the fire in her heart and light up the world with her authentic voice.
    For as long as I am still breathing and my mind keeps thinking, this earth angel is going to follow her heart home!”

    In this farewell, I say goodbye to the ashes of my former self

    Wash the regrets off my hands

    And become whole again

    I let the soul fire light me up in the warmest glow

    And the soul fire carries me higher past the fears and doubts that have weighed me down

    Taking me higher to a place where I’m alive

    To a place of healing and where I can let go

    Cause I’m only a castle of glass and I can break like the others

    But at the cracks I can let the light in

    I might never be the one to fix a leaky faucet or pave the roof but I can be the one who offers you comfort when you are down

    I might never be the one who knows all of the life skills such as finances and map readings, but I can be the one to guide you when you are lost and hold you up when you can’t rise

    I might never be the one who is a professional athlete, but I can be the one who as a scientist helps research for new health and environmental cures

    I don’t want to be the person who battles constantly with societal values because I just want to be okay with who I am

    I have my own soul fire and it burns bright

    You can break every light in me, but in the darkest parts there resides a flame that won’t be quenched

    You can cause ruin and ashes, but you won’t break the fire within

    The soul fire burns through me now

    The hate that touches me is burned away

    So what if there are worldly critics and inner bullies?

    What do you care what they think of you?

    Every minute you spend in anger , you lose 60 seconds of happiness (math analogy)

    Every time you are angry, you are saying to the worldly critics and inner bullies “Here take my happiness as I fill up with hate.”

    No I’m not going to hurt anymore!

    The inner bullies and worldly critics can take their hatred back.

    I’ve already walked through the door of happiness

    Left all of this behind and reignited my soul fire

    I used to fly on the wings of death, work with the hands of doom, and saw the darkest lights but that only left me in the desolate valley of darkness

    On the wings of life, by the hands of hope and radiating the brightest light from my soul fire, I will shine and cross seas and mountains to stand one with myself

    My flame, My Spark, My Soul Fire

    Authentic Truth and Purpose

    I won’t be held back anymore

    As my wings unfurl and I’m off dashing into the heavens

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121371

    sometimes i still have that insecurity within me that everyone around me is watching and criticizing me. my inner bully will say “look at all these people, they are all saying you are worthless. you are weak as a girl. why don’t you change?” that is why i like to be alone most of the time b/c the inner bully makes me feel so insecure. there are times when i mask my insecurity with defensiveness and i act quite brusquely to everyone i meet and it is really annoying. either i hide myself in front of people or i act like a cynical person. there are times when i am my self-confident self without any of this and somehow something will pop that self-confidence. someone will make a remark saying i am being too prideful or they’ll say if you are quite confident solve this puzzle and it will often be something i’m not the best at. i just want to be confident without someone trying to burst it each time i have it. over the summer, i had two weeks of confidence without the inner bully and it was shattered when my mom’s temper got the best of her and she yelled at me that i had my head in the clouds and i was a slow person. i feel like i am a bad person because i feel at the moment i can’t forgive her for some of the things she said. my inner bully takes after her and uses some of her patriarchal views to target me. i’m constantly battling the words that tell me that i’m not good enough for this career, i’m not strong enough for this and i just want to isolate myself from the world i live in now and find myself admist all this chatter.

    in reply to: Transgender or Gender Dysphoria? #121370

    thanks anita, i agree that our society has slightly ‘brainwashed’ different genders to behave a certain way. the stereotype is that men are more likely to be interested in cars and tools while women into fashion and shopping. but i am neither, i like tools and cars, but i’m not really mechanical-minded nor do i care much about fashion or shopping unless it is for food. I am currently reading The Full Spectrum on LGBT and questioning of sexual identity by David Levithan and Billy Merrell which talks about the stories of teens trying to figure out their sexual orientation and coming to terms with it. Two stories stick out personally and they are “It’s Not Confidential, I’ve got Potential” by Eugenides Fico and “Trans-adventures of a F2M” by Alexzander Colin Rasmussen. In the first story, the narrator says that she dresses like a male at times because she hates societal conventions of females. She says that she rarely dresses feminine and during the rare times she does, she is just embracing who she is as a person regardless of gender. Here is a quote that she says that describes me at times “There’s a small dilemma every time I’m in a situation that doesn’t feel safe. My feminine training kicks in, cataloging exits and escape routes. But my masculine enforcement tries to compensate for my lack of confidence by putting more bravado than I can hope to defend.” I remember when I was younger, I enjoyed wearing skirts and running out in nature, but because of societal ideals i tend to have changed. i still like nature, but i wear shorts instead. As she got older, the narrator of the first story says “The problem is that people are too intent to categorize me as a person who enjoys shopping, makeup and boys, simply because I look a certain way.” The second story talks about a narrator who underwent a sex-change from female to male. before she did that she faced a lot of trauma in her life. her father was never really there and her mother abused drugs and she was emotionally neglected. she also saw her father in the rare times he was there beat her mother. i think this was the beginning of the notion, she would be safer as a guy. she and her sister were sent into their grandmother’s care. she heard her sister fight with her grandmother a lot and her grandmother would press on her to be the sensible and perfect one. when she lost her sister, the narrator of the second story was devastated. she didn’t like anything about herself or her life around her grandmother b/c she was expected to be perfect in health and in academics. when she brought home a paper with an A, her grandmother would say “Why not an A+?” all this made her self-esteem feel quite low. i think she also didn’t want to be female after what happened to her sister as well, so she went to the hospital to change herself to ALex instead. now he (changed) is happier and realizes that when people tell him that there is something he can’t do, he’ll be even more perseverant to do it.

    in reply to: Too Criticizing of Myself #121230

    so i was searching through the forums for the recent quotes i started writing in preparation for my “Soul Fire” poem and I have drafted it and still adding to it. i like poetry best when it flows spontaneously. poetry puts me in tune with my inner self and brings to light the inner person i am.

    in reply to: Transgender or Gender Dysphoria? #121222

    i have a friend who identifies with being gender fluid. my friend doesn’t like gender roles in society that females have to be weak or males have to be strong. there are times when my friend acts as a male b/c my friend feels stronger that way and there are times when she acts as a female b/c she thinks its fun. but my friend classifies as genderless b/c my friend thinks that all people are the same deep down in their souls regardless of gender. i think i agree with my friend, i may also be like my friend being gender fluid. b/c there are times when i act more like a guy or there are times when i am like a girl and i don’t care either way. a person is a person regardless of what gender they are. what matters is the soul inside.

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