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  • in reply to: How Do You Measure the Value of a Life (a poem) #188299

    I like the line ‘Perhaps the value of a life cannot be measured, and we are surrounded by the tempest of the sea.’

    I think there is truth in that – We sense a something within the tempest, a something at the tip of the tongue that if we could just… name it… we might just… but when we do name it, its lost.  There is order in chaos, which seems a contradiction but isn’t.

    Your poem reminded me of a poem by Rick Cain

    The ancient of Man ponders his curiosity. Questions arise as he wonders of his own significance… how time moves as sands of an hour glass, not to be grasped, but reckoned with by the moment. The focus of a single crystal houses hope, love, and the rainbow multitude of Life’s involvement. We see these things in passing we feel them as now. The Master of these sands is he who loves each crystal. – Rick Cain

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Peter.
    in reply to: My Spiritual 'Phase' is Over #187249

    Well said Tannhauser

    in reply to: My Spiritual 'Phase' is Over #187003

    Deep peace of the running wave to you.
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
    Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

    I wish you well Tannhauser


    in reply to: My Spiritual 'Phase' is Over #186603

    the spiritual path, whatever that means, is not your path. that is a reasonable response to the life your experiencing.

    I can understand the anger and disappointment in the life your experiencing but not the anger in the “gods” you don’t believe in and the path you have taken as yours. Its like shaking your fist at the empty air where the only person who experiences the anger is yourself.

    in reply to: Reiki Healing Opinions? #186479

    “so I don’t know whether it is the Reiki that has made me feel calmer or it is I…”

    It is nether and both. Our experiences shape us and we shape our experiences. We are not our experiences… Your experience of Reiki is opening you up to a greater awareness that is helping you to look through experience…. it is not Reiki (experience) that “makes you” your are more then experiences.

    It may be best not to overthink things at this point. Words tend to define and limit experience (especially when we use them to talk to others about our experiences) If I’m reading your post correctly that is something your working on letting go of.

    I like the idea of “beginner’s mind” –  having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions …

    “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.” – Suzuki

    Stay open to the many possibilities and I suspect you will find yourself amazing yourself. And in the words of the great DR Seuss –  “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!”

    in reply to: My self worth is depleted after a broken engagement #186423

    It sounds like your still in a time of mourning a future that is no longer possible. There is a time for all things and as your posting on this site it seems a time to start the journey out of the stuck place you find yourself in. Well done!

    Along with such morning one will experience the realisation and disappointment of not being in full control to make things workout as you desire. Such disappointment often leads to depression and low sense of self worth as well as inevitable comparing your experience to what you imagine others experience – models, artists, healthy people… which will only deepen the hole you find yourself in. So, part of the healing process will require you to come to terms with control and acceptance while remaining engaged in life. Which I guess is why you came to a Buddhist site. There are lots of helpful articles on the site that will help you with that.

    The good news is that much of your suffering is a result of what you are imagining and this is something you can work on to change. I found a good place to start is to identify cognitive distortions in your story (google cognitive distortions) Avoid labels like good, bad, or happiness as you do so. If you do label a part of your story good or bad avoid labeling your sense of self with the experience. A bad experience does not make you a bad person only a person that had an experience you did not want to have. Once you identify the distortion a path forward will be much clear and I suspect the thinking of ‘good enough’ left behind.

    As for happiness and contentment, these experiences are not something you create, they are something you allow yourself to experience if you allow yourself to notice.  One can be content and happy in a storm… I bet you still find moments where you smile… the only difference between those moments and the moments of disappointment is that the tendency is to focus and fixate our attention on the moment of disappointment. Practice noticing when you find yourself smiling. The goal is to return to the present which is the only place you might shape your experiences.

    in reply to: I feel like I'm losing myself. #186329

    Some of the pain your experiencing isn’t coming from what happened to you but how your defining a right and wrong choice and so creating regret.  The good news is this is something you can change and a good place to start the healing

    “Many people imagine that there is a right and wrong choice to be made in every situation. If their decision leads to the result they desire, then they made the right decision. If it doesn’t, then they made the wrong decision. Right and wrong are determined by the outcome that follows.” – Nancy Colier

    This attitude toward our choices, as well as this version of life, can cause us a great deal of pain, pain often labeled as regret. Regret more often then not is anger directed a one self.

    The emotion we experience as regret is information that we wish we could undo the past and had more control – (its petty much all ego). We get stuck in the emotion of regret by staying fixated in the past – in such a case regret is a waist of time – We want a do over and then sulk when we don’t get to have one. If only, if only, why me, not fair, life sucks… I suck… down the rabbit hole we go.

    Regret as information is helpful if we delve down into it. We can’t change what happened so we looked at what we might learn from the experience. (honestly – without creating victim and villain stories. If your creating victim and villain stories your still in regret and aren’t being honest). We see we have done the best we could with what we new in the time. We accept the responsibility that belongs to us and let go and even forgive what does not belong to us. We realize that based on the what we felt and new at the time we would make the same choices and did the best we could with what we had.  Regret turns into acceptance. Yes we could do better and deserve better and so we take what we learned to do better.

    “For every choice we make, we use the experience, information, and intentions available to us in that particular moment in which we make it. We make the decision we make in an attempt to achieve the goal we desire, with the resources we possess now. Life then unfurls in the way that it does; it becomes what it is in part as a result of our choice and in part as a result of the mystery with which life manifests, the mystery that at times seems bigger than all our choices. The truth is, there’s no reality existing somewhere else that says, “Darn, you’re not going to get to join us over here in the happy life, where you could have ended up if you had made the right choice and picked the other path.” That other, imagined happy life is and has always been just a thought. The particular reality that would have come, had we made the other choice, never was and never will be our reality.”

    “There’s only one thing we can know for sure, and that is that whatever situation we’re in now, it will change. It will change in part through our choices and in part through life’s eternal changing nature. Rather than squandering your attention on old choices made, moments that are gone, turn your most powerful gift, your attention, to what’s here now. Bring the best of you, your wisdom, and your full presence to the next choice that presents itself, here, with a sincere intention to do the best you can with who you are right now. Be in this choice, this life, this now, and stop imagining that reality could be or could have been anything other than what it is.” – Nancy Colier


    in reply to: Struggling with realizing my true self #186177

    Your mother was likely worried about you so her reaction is understandable. Family dynamics however can get in the way of family members ‘helping’ each other. Let her know you appreciate her support however need space to work out your thoughts and feelings with your therapist.

    Fear is to courage as doubt is to Faith (faith in Life/realizing true self). It is understandable and ok that your feeling confused and detached. Its a sign that you’re on the right path. Continue being courageous – you are being courageous seeking help in dealing with your fears.

    You want better and are actively working on becoming better. Part of what your feeling now is due to wanting better right now as well as identifying your seance of ‘self’ as being the labels and stories your applying to your experiences. You are not your experiences. The Self is more then the sum of its parts… and not a part at all

    My experience has been that embracing the process can help. By allowing myself to sit with being confused, doubt and uncertainty with out labeling myself for doing so, I was able to move though the experiences instead of getting stuck in them. When you want to cry cry, when you feel like laughing laugh when you feel like screaming scream.

    In the part of the process you’re in the task is to focus on the basic needs of life. Taking out the garbage, cleaning the house, Exercise, eat healthy, go to work… These tasks are not intended to “make you happy” or even better… there the stuff of life we do.

    As you work with your therapist and learn to quite your thoughts, as you begin to sleep better, the stuff of life accepted… one day you will discover something that sparks you. Something that awakens you to you and that you want to work towards.  You are on the right path. Trust the intuition that lead you to seek out help.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Peter.
    in reply to: Buddhism; has it helped you? #185653

    From what I read in your post I think Buddhist practices and community could be a great benefit to you.

    You may not always agree with the teachings you hear from one teacher to the next… and its not expected of you to agree. The goal is not to come up with a list of rules to follow but to work through what you learn and discover your truth. With any practice, philosophy and or religion we can ‘miss the mark’ if we get lost in the words and lose sight of what the words point towards. (the map is not the territory – words are symbols)

    You may also find it helpful to do some shadow work.  Just google shadow work. I liked the book – Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche – by Robert A. Johnson

    in reply to: Meditation Tips #185475
    in reply to: Hi good people! #185473

    Well done!


    If I understand correctly you are an intuitive empath who is often ‘feels’ the emotion of others and sometime unconsciously takes on the emotions as your own… which can be very confusing.  Do you find your self wondering in the emotions your feeling are your own or if they are someone else’s?

    Such an ability, as are all abilities, can be a strength and a weakness. As with any ability you will need to make it conscious so that it does not impact you in unwanted ways.

    What line of work are you in? People with this ability can make great physiologists. It takes training to avoid the pitfall of transference by creating healthy boundaries.

    in reply to: confusion and analytical mind #184883

    My own experience of a over active mind started to change when I accepted that I have an active mind and that I like contemplating new ideas and such.

    One of the problem is that I tended to focus on the forest, all the questions at once instead of one tree at a time. So, I hit allot of tress. Another issue was growing up everyone would tell me me “I think to much” so felt undeserved shame about accepting my authentic nature and so struggled with sense of self not being acceptable

    For the first problem I found it helpful to let go of questions such as meaning and purpose. Not that I still don’t ponder such questions but that I don’t worry about or attach myself to the answers or lack of answers. For the second issue – that is a work in progress.

    I found your statement – “I struggle with happiness, peace of mind and tranquility” interesting. As long as you struggle with happiness and peace of mind it is not possible to have peace of mind or happiness and so you defeat yourself. The answer of course is to stop struggling. I know easier said then done (we work for that which no work is required) however when you do emerge from the struggle, (and you will) it will be exactly what you will have done.

    Happiness isn’t something we create its something we notice and allow ourselves to experience.  When you are struggling remind yourself that it is the struggle and not anything that is actually happening to you that is preventing the experience of happiness. You can be happy even in a storm. I suspect a part of us likes to struggle and even be unhappy. Can we be happy about being unhappy… I think so… if we don’t struggle.

    I also think you can also have peace of mind when your mind is full of thoughts. Why not? Especially if if thinking is part of your nature.  Such a perspective creates the space where you can learn to step back and select the thoughts (trees) you wish to focus on and in this way no longer become overwhelmed. It is the struggle more then anything thing happening that is creating the confusion. Step back and notice that you have always dealt with the stuff that has come your way. When things didn’t work out as hope for and those that did, you learned from. You will continue to deal with the stuff that comes your way. You can act with intention working towards goals and wondering about the outcome without struggling with a imagined future that may or may not be. The mind can rest even in action.

    Practice taking a step back from your thoughts when you notice them overwhelming. In those times, you can’t, find a safe place and jump in. If you do you will find yourself coming out of those experiences much sooner and occurring less frequently. Its like getting caught in a rip tide, the more your struggle the longer you will stay submerged and the further away the water will carry you. If you relax and maybe even enjoy the ride, the water will spit you out.

    in reply to: I just dion't know where I am going #184603

    It might sound odd or corny but you are exactly where you need to be to take the next step on where you want to go.

    Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. -Henry David Thoreau

    In the last three years you have done a lot of work on yourself and are now ready for something more. I suspect that all your ‘weird’ hobbies and everything you have learned so far will come together and lead to unexpected opportunities. Explore them all.

    The goal of success is to vague and difficult to measure and so unhelpful, let it go, you have already succeed where many have floundered. Well done! Anger is information that you are impatient  and also that you desire to do better now that you know better. If you can accept that change happens slowly, one step followed by the next, then all at once – the feelings of resentment will dissipate the the energy redirected to the possibilities that will be discovered.

    Allow yourself to be lost fearlessly and you will find your way. Trust yourself you are on your path, your hero’s journey.

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes, a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king. – Tolkien

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Peter.
    in reply to: New Year, Same Me? #184599

    I love it!

    If I’m reading your post correctly in the past you have allowed outer influences to determine the direction of your ‘change’ (As above so below) This Year you have awaken to the possibility of determining the path you will follow from your sense of self – as you know it to be in this moment without a pressure to change to fit in (As below so above – you become a influence to change).  Its actually a irony, or is that a paradox, that when we learn to say yes to who we are, as we are in the moment without the need to force ‘change’, that authentic change happens naturally.  I think your on your way to discovering many wondrous things.

    Of course we will always be influenced by the outer word, our culture, traditions, past, memories… so don’t be discourage when those around you and events push back.  It is this very push back that will show you your path as you practice the art of loving yourself.

    The ancient of Man ponders his curiosity. Questions arise as he wonders of his own significance… how time moves as sands of an hour glass, not to be grasped, but reckoned with by the moment. The focus of a single crystal houses hope, love, and the rainbow multitude of Life’s involvement. We see these things in passing we feel them as now. The Master of these sands is he who loves each crystal – Rick Cain

    Happy New Year!

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