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    Also, that she suffered abuse by both of your parents. Was it physical abuse?

    Yes, we both suffered from it, but she suffered way more. Maybe that’s why I cannot feel any resentment or any jealousy towards her. I know that she suffered and continues to suffer, she’s eleven years older than me. She’s seen more, she was hurt more, damaged more and she is way stronger than me. I respect her in that regard. It’s hard being alone in this world but she managed to run away from our house in her childhood and never came back.

    When you said she was narcissistic, I thought she was spoiled and got what she wanted. But that’s probably not true – it seems she didn’t get much, even though she may be better at asking for it.

    The fact that she has narcissistic tendencies makes her a hard person. But she wasn’t properly loved either. She was manipulated in her relationships more than me. She went through a lot of stuff, she had to stand still and she did so. I have never seen myself standstill, I always move with the wind and the wind takes me someplace else to hold on. If I cannot hold on to someone, I seek someone else.

    But I also accepted that she cannot loves me, my mom in a natural way. Her narcissistic tendencies kind of prevent her from seeing us as independent individuals. She texts me, calls me only when she needs me. We weren’t brought up together and maybe that’s why we’re a bit distant.

    It’s good you’re aware of that mechanism and that you made her aware of it too, even though she might not be willing to change…

    She is nowhere near becoming willing to change and that scares me. I made her realize this that day but nothing has changed. She has this unhealthy coping mechanism where she forgets all about herself and devotes herself to the cats she has around. I like that she likes animals, I love them too, that’s my weak spot too. But she is beyond unhealthy. She is now about to end her second marriage and god knows what she might do, she is overly depressed, I’m concerned because I’m not well enough to try to make her better. And this could suffocate both of us. She’ll also face financial hardships if she broke it off, and she’ll have to find someplace else to live. Of course, she has two daughters, therefore two places to stay, she is getting older and older and it really scares me. On the other hand, I’m continuing my life that I’ve been living without the emotional support I need from her and other people as well.

    It has been hard, I feel alone and I distract myself with work. I see people moving on but I guess everybody is simply depressed these days.

    I was alone when she met him, her current husband. I was spending my time alone at the house in the evenings, and she was working. I remember a night, before a huge exam which was about the entrance to high school. A child is supposed to get to bed early those days, cause we have like 6 or 7 big exams in our standard education life. But I remember her not being able to return home for a long period of time and I felt a bit bad. I wasn’t able to sleep cause I waited for her. There was an anonymous guy I met on the internet, never met him, and I even complained about this to him. I remember him pitying me. Then it took like a week for him to leave/ghost unannounced. We were children, it was okay. But It was a very weird experience for me. For the first time, I had somebody I could text with and I have heard some nice words. I was literally over the moon, I even remember forgetting everything cause I was daydreaming the whole time. He wasn’t that disrespectful I guess and he waited till my “big exam” was over. I was able to get a higher grade than normal because I was feeling happy.

    I don’t know what I feel, maybe resentment, maybe just pity for myself. I cannot get angry with anyone, I just feel helpless. I wish my mom had healthier coping mechanisms. Also, it’s my birthday and I didn’t expect to feel like this today.

    I might be feeling resentment towards people that tried to love me but then eventually quit. Such as my mother, ex-boyfriend, and so on.


    You don’t demand much, unlike your older sister, right? If I remember well, you mentioned once she too was narcissistic, like your father. She could demand stuff for herself, same as your father could. How did your sister behave around your father? Did she have a problem expressing her needs? And around your mother?

    She is better when it comes to expressing one’s needs. But she is problematic in relationships as well. She gets overly attached, then she spends the rest of the relationship with the fear of losing, and then she eventually loses the person. She is angry with my mother, she can see the things that my dad did good for us, for example, affecting us in terms of intellectuality. But she never sees the stuff that mom did, she is angry with her. She simply cannot forgive her, or maybe she just doesn’t want to confront some stuff. Also, she cannot get along with our dad, they fight all the time. She is very hard to get along with, just like my dad. She lives alone, currently single, with lots of failed relationships. She becomes more like my dad day by day.

     I can imagine your sister was different and demanded things more freely from your mother? And got her attention too?

    I was with my mother when I was a child, meaning, no one else took care of me. I guess there were several periods where I was with someone else, but no one ever affected me in the way I express myself. So I guess, whatever I’ve learned, I’ve learned from my mother. But my sister was with my dad’s mother for a long period of time and I’m sure this affected her a lot. I don’t really know them, my dad’s parents, I was not very close and we didn’t share much. As a result, my sister is much more frigid and narcissistic. She is not uncomfortable making others upset. She always finds a way to do this. Even last week, she manipulated my mother into adopting another cat instead of adopting herself, she made my mother do it. And my mother currently lives with 7-8 cats, just out of softheartedness towards them. Then my mother was stuck between my sister and her husband, not being able to make anyone happy. Now, they’re considering separating because of my sisters’ manipulation and the husband’s intolerance because of him not being able to live with that many cats.

    This makes you feel jealous – because your sister was loud enough and rude enough to get what she wants, without even deserving it.

    No, never. I would never feel jealous of my sister. She has experienced much more violence from dad, even from mom. She was brought up to be like this, and then she ran away to a boarding school not being able to stand any longer. We were apart, all the time. She didn’t know me much, because she didn’t have the time. I feel for her sometimes, she is 11 years older than me. I feel like she might’ve felt jealous of me in old times. It seems like after she ran away, the violence slowly decreased, and then with the divorce, I’ve had a much easier time growing up. And this could be true, I feel luckier than her. She’s got way longer walls than me and this makes me sad. But she can also make me upset sometimes, but I’m used to her being this way. I’ve accepted her the way she is.

    I guess I should try to neutralize myself and try to get a better grasp of what I might need. I’ve talked with my mother for 3 hours today, since they’re in a huge fight because of a tiny cat. And I’ve expressed how she can be overly obsessed with a subject, with animals and how that can be an escape from the humans which she is not comfortable loving. And I’ve also said that I can see this pattern in my life as well. I guess I’ve learned this from her. She accepted, this huge fight eventually made her understand this. But I’m not sure if she’ll try to get better in these terms, she is considering separating, moving to a tiny cheap house with all those cats to overly obsess more and more each day and she calls it freedom.


    Dear TeaK, thank you for your reply.

    But you stood your ground and she finally said she’s worried about you. How did you feel afterwards? Was it a positive or a frustrating experience?

    I realized something thanks to this question. I didn’t think about what I felt when she just quit trying to convince me into thinking that I could be better if I wanted. When she eventually said that she was worried, I just said some stuff to make her worry less. I just told her that I won’t harm myself and all I would do is cry more. I said her that she doesn’t need to worry about me and I’ll try to get better.

    That sums up lots of things about me I guess.

    Presumptuous – as in demanding too much, demanding things they don’t deserve?

    Yes, in a way. I thought of some friends when using this word. Demanding, and also not being afraid when you’re demanding. I try to be more modest, nicer around people. I don’t demand much. I sometimes cannot even demand what I need, or want. This happened a lot when I was a child. I used to go to my dad’s home, and he lived alone. I remember just preparing myself for minutes and minutes in order to ask if I could open up the computer and play with it for some time. It was hard for me to ask this. It was hard for me to speak my mind. It got easier in years, but I still have hard time demanding. Although, most of the time I don’t know what I need or deserve. Therefore, I cannot demand much.

    when someone is spoiled and wants too much, it makes you angry.

    Yes. Angry, more like I resent life. I resent the people that let that happen. I realized another thing this week. I am not a jealous person in general. But when it comes to the things that I cannot get from life, and that I need, I get jealous. Is that always the way with jealousy? I don’t think so. Sometimes, people get jealous of the things that they already have.

    Just an example, I can get jealous of some attention from someone I care. But only, if that attention is being given to somebody else instead of me. This could be a boyfriend, an older sister, mother. And this could be a teacher, or the life itself. I see the stuff I need and I see other people easily reaching it, without even working for it. And then I get jealous, feel resentment since I cannot reach those stuff I want. Could be love, intimacy, praise or attention.

    Or things you do have the right to, but only believe you don’t? What are some of the things you believe you don’t have the right to, but still want to do?

    I am not sure about this but I’ll give it some time to be able to figure it out. I might want to feel more spoiled or more lucky. I might want to enjoy my time like I work a lot harder.

    Dear Anita,

    “He feels like family”-  like the family you have or the family you didn’t have?

    “He feels like family but it simply doesn’t work”- He feels like family, and like (your) family, it simply doesn’t work.  Is my editing of this sentence accurate?

    I think this is more accurate than I thought it would be. I guess it’s pretty hard to realize and to accept that a specific need of oneself is simply corrupted. I thought that’s what I needed, and it’s going to be hard accepting this truth, that I don’t need him, one hundred percent. I hope that I’ve written these right, those were a bit complicated sentences and I might’ve made some mistakes.

    Editing my words and thoughts is necessary, I guess. I see your point, but I guess I’ll need lots of practice about this. I’ve been reading about cognitive behavioural therapy and I’ll read some more about somatic therapy as well. Whatever I can do on my own. I am not as depressive as before, I don’t know how it’ll go. I’ll feel upset again, for sure. I’ll try to handle it better. I know that there’s hope. Thanks for everything.


    Maybe I have to go beyond my limit this time. Try to move on for once, try to be logical when being abandoned for once. I desperately need him and I even started to think about when I can come back to the city and I haven’t even left yet. I sometimes see people, some friends going beyond their limit and actually be presumptuous in a bad way and feel bad about myself and get upset about them, Even get angry towards them without expressing it. I guess I get jealous of this, being presumptuous. I never feel like I have the right to be like that and when somebody does it, without having the right, I feel awful. Maybe it’s my time to do some stuff that I don’t have the right to. Just a thought.

    I just want us to give a break so that I can be back, safe and peaceful again. Like I was a year ago. Even weeks ago, I felt so peaceful to go to sleep while he was already asleep.


    Hi dear Anita and TeaK,

    It has been a rough week. I couldn’t even put the words together, so I just kept quiet for some time.

    And I believe it’s because she refused to deal with her own pain, that’s why she didn’t have compassion neither for herself nor for you. Now she has compassion for cats and abused animals, while probably still having no compassion for herself or you.

    This sounds right. I can see the connection even though a part of me says that I haven’t done enough for my ex-boyfriend. I haven’t made him feel that he was loved enough. That’s what he complained about, he didn’t think that he was a priority in my life.

    We lost contact and then found it and then lost it again, and the cycle repeated. I’ve cried a lot, not being able to share much. I even made my mother worry by saying that I was depressed. At first, she thought that I made it worse and also that I could feel better if I wanted to. Then we spent a few hours texting and arguing on how I think about her refusing to respect my depressed state and how I’ve never shown her this side of me. Eventually, she quit arguing and told me that she is basically worried and wants me to feel better. Other than that, I’ve kept doing my yoga and also kept questioning. It was very painful to even try to let go of him. He feels like family but it simply doesn’t work.

    Yesterday, I tried the tarot cards that my flatmate has given to me last year. It distracted me for a while and I looked at some cards for a few friends. It was the first time that I felt a slight spark, other than my low depressed state. Then I also picked some cards myself which said that I should be willing to make a decision for myself and commit to it. I know this would apply to most of the people out there but I thought that deciding to move on would be the logical choice for both me and him. However, it’s really hard for both of us. I don’t know what will happen. I’ll be leaving the city for some time, maybe 10 days, maybe more. Maybe that would help us a little.


    It is your severe separation anxiety that has been disrupting your life in very significant ways, putting your life on hold (more than Covid has, more than the economic situation in your country)- it needs to be managed and healing needs to begin.

    Dear Anita, I will be trying the breath exercises whenever I feel like my anxiety shows up. Also, the men I’ve mentioned in the last post, also wrote that If we can take control once the emotion/anxiety starts, then we’ll be able to go back to a normal/neutral state in 90 seconds. I don’t know if I believe this, since I cannot see any scientific proof, but I’m willing to try. I have been crying a lot in the past 2 days, and I know it doesn’t help me. The more I cry, the more I get involved with those thought loops. It hurts a lot and I start to think suicidal thoughts. I would never commit suicide because I would never be able to do that kind of stuff to my mom, and others. But not existing seems more peaceful to me in those moments. It makes sense more, then I won’t have to live with this pain and struggle with all the things we’re faced with. Living is a hard thing, especially when you have to do all the things yourself. Finding trust, finding peace, and also being able to make a living. Also, confrontation is pretty hard as well, I don’t know if I’ll be sentimental when I’m with my mom, I’m planning on visiting them for some time in 20 days. I’ll probably get sentimental and run to the bathroom to hide that. I know I won’t be able to handle that kind of confrontation.


    It’s actually not weird – you’re attracted to people who trigger the fear of abandonment in you, because they remind you of your mother, who was the first person who triggered that fear in you. We’re always attracted to people who remind us of our parents, so we can finally get from them what we didn’t get from our parents. You’re hoping to get a sense of security and commitment – something you didn’t get with your mother.

    Dear TeaK,

    Honestly, I don’t see it. I feel like I genuinely tried to feel safe with whomever I came across. I feel like I’ve tried everything, I was not limited to a kind of people, I was just looking for people that would be able to understand me. When I see that a person cannot communicate with me, I lost interest. Is this the problem? I don’t know. But I can say that I have no standards other than this. I just want to be understood, like the rest of the people.

    Do you perhaps feel that your mother would have liked to leave you, but couldn’t because you were her daughter and she had an obligation towards you? Is such notion somewhere in the back of your mind?

    My mom loved us like any other mother would do. But I know that she’s seen children as something that would hold people back. Therefore, she never wanted us (me and my sister) to be mothers. And I don’t think that we would ever have children. So, I don’t know, maybe that’s right. She would never leave us, but if she didn’t have us, maybe she would be able to break up with dad and have a new life where she is able to make her own decisions sooner. With us, she had to wait for a while, and then she broke it off years and years later.

    Has your mother scolded you for other things (not necessarily related to toilet training) with words like “What have you done?!” Because it sounds like something you would hear from an adult and then repeat it to yourself when you feel you did something wrong.

    That might be the case, my mom used to be hard on children, like if someone is behaving spoiled. She didn’t like spoiled children. And I wasn’t a spoiled child, so it was maybe nice. I don’t know.

    Perhaps she was always in a rush when feeding you, she didn’t play peek-a-boo with you, she didn’t have time for a bedtime story, or was in rush to read you one… all in all, that the emotional bonding didn’t really take place as it should have, and you felt rejected and abandoned by her. Do you think this might be the case?

    She was working hard and trying to raise us, do all the responsibilities at home as well. Maybe that’s why she didn’t have much time. Thank you for your reply, I can agree with you at those, that I deserve better stuff from people. But my emotions don’t work like my logic. It’s so easy to be caught by a thought loop and then it makes me suffocate for hours and days. I was able to do my yoga practice today with a delay of 10 hours, I guess. It didn’t help that much but maybe I should start with some breathing exercises as well. I am currently reading a book on yoga/meditation and the spiritual sides of the elements written by a yogi. I can either try to believe in what he says, or I can find all the words and concepts as nonsense. It’s hard to grasp some stuff when you’re reading about spirituality. He tells about how some elements can be out of balance in our bodies and how it does affect us. For instance, if someone’s air element is not in balance, then that person might have some troubles with flatulence. This kind of sentence makes me even more skeptical.


    It’s weird that there are lots of people trying to free themselves from their parents, someone else, even from a culture or its norms. There are some people trying to be free. But I’ve always been free from the culture, from my family, from the people. There was nothing holding me back from anything other than me, my appearance, or my own fears. I’ve added appearance cause I was overly insecure about it during my teenage years and it got me away from people a lot. I felt like someone who cannot be loved by anybody. I needed someone, a boyfriend maybe.

    My point is, while there are those people trying to get free, I’m here trying to get less free. I guess I’ve never wanted to feel free, feeling free or being alone with your own decisions made me feel more lost than ever. I would be freer if he left me. But that would also make me suffocate in some aspects.

    Also, I remember some friends being guided or even dragged to hair saloons for waxing private parts like armpits and pubic areas. But being fed up with my sisters’ behavior in the past, which is not letting my mom wax her unwanted hair during the first phase of being a teenager, my mom didn’t try to wax or drag me to any saloon or something. I guess she asked to pluck my eyebrows once and since I reacted a bit bad because I was hurt, she didn’t try again. And I was left alone with my unwanted hair. I don’t know you’re familiar with this but in some Asian/mid-east cultures, shaving with a razor is not acceptable that much. It’s said to increase the unwanted hair and worsen the areas. But I was unable to wax it myself, too shy to ask for a saloon to do it or ask my mom to drag me to a saloon, I’ve shaved. And I’ve continued doing it, again and again, thinking that I’ve done a terrible mistake and now there’s no turning back, I cannot show my pubic area or armpits to anyone.

    And then someday, while we were getting dressed for the gym class in primary school, a girl from a conservative family asked about my armpits. Then she reacted to the fact that I’ve shaved them. She warned me to never do it again or it would make it terrible. I remember feeling envious with a bit of rage towards her. I was angry because she didn’t have to make this terrible mistake since her mother helped her wax or use an epilator even if it was painful and I had to live with this terrible mistake. She got everything under control with her mom being a guide to her even though she was overly conservative. I thought I won’t be able to get married in the future, cause my terrible mistake should never be seen by anyone. I’d have to spend my life alone, and I was even kind of okay with this. I remember accepting this fact as it is.

    Those feelings existed till I understand that it was okay to shave, have some problems with your body. And I was relieved with a pinch of self-pity. The feeling of relief didn’t last much, but the self-pity part got bigger in time.


    Dear Anita,

    I’ve read the page on wikiHow and there is a part that got me thinking. Exposure Therapy. It says that we should practise staying away from our loved ones. Right now, there is just one person that I’m afraid of losing and I’m constantly being exposed and then something happens and then we get together again. For example, he just texted me that he wants to stay alone for some time, and told me to take care of myself. That was it. So this can also be a goodbye message, but he can also text me again hours later or days later. He has never left me without any communication over 12 hours, he always wanted to know if I was doing okay or he wanted to stay in contact. He always wanted to make me feel safe and okay, no matter what happened. My point is, I am now away from the only person I can feel safe with and how am I supposed to practise this when I’m constantly being triggered? I guess I just have to learn it the hard way. In the past, I’ve never felt safe with anybody. The former relationships I’ve had never made me safe as he did, the people always behaved in a way that I would feel triggered by this fear. The first boyfriend always talked about some other behaviors from other girls he’d like, he made me insecure about lots of things and he used to break up with me a lot, so I got used to feeling triggered all the time. Then the second one was having affairs all the time and I used to feel that, but I had no proof whatsoever. But with him, I was able to feel safe for one year. But since that year was over, he started to get depressive more and he also started to trigger my fear.

    I don’t know if he would leave me for good this time, but I know that I would be triggered again and again since those safe times are over now. He was depressive again, I’ve tried to make him feel good but it just doesn’t work. He feels alone, even when I’m trying to help him. I guess he wants me to connect more, understand more but I’m nowhere near empathic as him. I’ve got another online appointment with a psychiatrist during my breakdown days ago, but I’ll have to wait for 40 days.

    I don’t know what will happen. I guess I’ll be doing my yoga practice with lots of crying today.

    Dear TeaK,

    It’s kind of a reverse of what was happening when you were a baby.

    It’s interesting that you’ve noticed this, and the fact that I’ve mentioned these two reverse feelings/scenes. Maybe it’s related, I’m not sure. But I can accept that I felt safe enjoying my time on the computer when my mom was sleeping in the next room. The same thing happened with this boyfriend of mine. When we were staying together, he used to sleep in my bed or in another bed in another room, and I felt so safe knowing that he sleeps peacefully. If I knew that he sleeps right now, at his own house kind of away from me, with the info that he is still with me and he’ll be okay, I guess I would feel safe again.

    It’s weird that everybody that I’ve cared for or tried to felt safe with has this one common thing. They all triggered my fear of abandonment sooner or later with their behavior. Bus terminals, roads, and airports have always made me upset. The concept of leaving someone, someplace, or even some object has always made me upset. I don’t want to be narrow-minded or I don’t want to diagnose myself ignorantly but this can also be about the Anal-retentive personality Freud talks about. I have just one story about wetting myself in the night and I guess that was years and years ago when I was a little child. And from what my mom has told me, I’ve got up, realized that I’ve wet myself and then I’ve got angry with myself and ranted to myself asking over and over “What you’ve done!?”. I don’t remember how my mom treated me during the toilet training. I don’t remember any harsh treatment but as this phenomenon explains, the treatment during the toilet training has huge effects on the psychology of the child. If it’s harsh including getting mad or not corresponding well to wetting oneself, then the child may have problems letting go of both people and their stool resulting in chronic constipation. I don’t want to find excuses for my inability to let go or feel neutral when I am alone mentally, but I guess I’m just trying to expand my comprehension.

    While I was writing all these, he texted me again reproaching me about how we couldn’t understand his misery. We, as the people he’s surrounded by. Maybe that’s right. I just couldn’t understand him but I am here, trying to stay in his life cause I feel like I have no other way than this to feel neutral, good again. Maybe I’m just seeing the situation from my viewpoint, with my triggers and fears unable to understand his misery and this behavior only makes it worse for him. I just want us to endure life together, I know that life is hard and trying to endure is one thing everybody tries to do. You just try to endure the bad days, and then you try to make it better and better. But I guess he just wants to give up and he wants to do it alone. The fact that I don’t accept him giving up is the indicator of me not understanding or hearing him.


    Dear Anita and TeaK,

    Thank you for your replies, it means a lot.

    She was happy about the outcome – more money for both of you – but she wasn’t particularly encouraging or praising your talent as a designer. I don’t know if this is true, but it occurred to me as a possibility.

    Do you remember how your mother reacted when you were little and e.g. made a drawing and showed it to her? Or any similar little accomplishment – was she there to affirm it and be happy about it and praise you for it, or she didn’t really appreciate it much?

    This makes sense actually. First, I couldn’t understand since I’ve always thought even when she was distant, she always wanted me to accomplish what would make me happy. She bought a computer for me when I didn’t have one, she wanted me to have my own room and decorate it/change it how I wanted to, with the little money she struggled to earn. She knew how to spend money for the ones that we love. So I’ve always seen her as a supporter of my dreams, vague dreams. I don’t mean that I had a dream but I had some visions, some stuff, or even some activities I wanted to enjoy. But back then, she also got angry because of me staying online for days, staring at the monitor for over 24 hours. She used to get up in the middle of the night, see me with the computer again, and rant about this as well. She was worried and she was like every other parent. However, she wasn’t with me all the time, so I had lots of time to spend with myself deciding on what I’ll do. She also saw me enjoying my time with the computer. I remember one time, it was again, the middle of the night. I was designing some stuff and it was really old, so it was like a game, I was just creating a page. And I was also listening to some stuff on my headphones and mildly dancing to it when designing. Suddenly she came and I saw her in a few seconds and then I got embarrassed and stopped. So she was able to see how I was enjoying my time for just a couple of seconds.

    I guess your father wasn’t excited about your accomplishments either, because he was rather self-centered, if I understood well?

    My father was always focused on what he thought that I should be doing, but then again, he knew that I wasn’t the best student. He just wanted me to pursue a career where I’ll be comfortable, and where I’ll be paid well. He is/was a good teacher, but not a good father actually. I remember the times when I used to go stay with him after their divorce and I had to prepare myself for minutes and minutes before I ask if I could use the computer. He used to make me do all the homework, all the extra work for my courses during those years. And since I wasn’t near comfortable communicating staying with him, I used to stay at my mom’s house most of the time.

    About your boyfriend, well, try not to get attached to him and expect things that you know he cannot give you.

    I guess it’s too late and now I have to work on this as well. The other day, he was in a crisis again, and another friend of his went to his home to help. Then we broke up for a couple of hours. I thought I could handle it, but then since I couldn’t say the words, he said them. He did it because he thought it was the best for me. However, after making it clear, I just couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle being abandoned again and I lost all my will to live, again. After a couple of hours me crying and being miserable, he wanted to spend the night together so I could be better. Then we did, and it was nice. Ever since we’ve been a bit better, it was only a week ago.

    Dear Anita, I want to believe that I can get the will back as well. And I can feel it sometimes since I’m not stable in terms of emotions, I feel amazing at once and then I can be suffering, wanting to disappear. Even dying seems unendurable since it requires existing first. So I know that I can feel that will to live, that will to feel. But it only happens when I feel safe. And I cannot feel safe without him.

    But when I feel safe, I feel like I can make everything work. In the past two weeks, I’ve started practising yoga every day. I was able to do it every single day with some flaws, but doing my best feels right. So that’s good news for my consistency problems.


    Hi dear TeaK and Anita,

    Thank you for your support. I am okay, there is no reason that would make me not okay, however, there are some thought loops and I feel weird these days. My boyfriend has moved to another house, and it has been weeks. It was really hard at the beginning, I got way more emotional. But I guess, we’ve adapted to the situation a bit. I am now able to appreciate being on my own sometimes, it’s nice to just be alone in one’s space. Also, we didn’t define what we were, we decided that we should break up but then we couldn’t, stuff like that. We still meet for some things, for example, we went to a shop to get a new laptop for him the other day. And he also invited me to dinner today, I couldn’t go and we’ve decided that could be done tomorrow and then I can spend the night. I am not sure about us continuing like boyfriend-girlfriend is a good thing and I am not sure if we are in a relationship, it looks like we are, but I decided that it could be nice to just stop thinking about it and focus on the other things.

    He didn’t answer me since this evening, it has been almost 12 hours. He was playing games and he probably slept, if nothing bad happened. Or maybe he is in a depressive state and doesn’t want to affect me as well. But in these 12 hours, I’ve cleaned the house, talked with a guy I’ll do a small business with, and then I just thought. There was no one to distract me from my anxiety, I was not -that- anxious but all I did was to get passively anxious about what I’ll do with my life. I’ve realized that I am nowhere near what I want in life, and to be honest, I have no idea what I want in life. That makes me feel hopeless, and maybe alone. I feel like everybody around me is onto something, a career, some quality bonding with people that they care about, something good to be exact. And I feel like I am onto nothing, I am just doing what people want me to do, and I am in delusion about what I want.

    I realized that all this stuff I thought I loved, I just love the outcome. For example, I thought I loved drawing, designing, handling business, communication, interpreting, video-editing, reading, languages. But I’ve realized, I don’t like the process of doing those, I just love when I create or accomplish something. And since I don’t like the process that much, I cannot proceed and get very good at it. And that is my problem, I like to get involved with everything but I don’t choose anything to be master at. I even got involved with the crypto market recently and a friend of mine taught me how to stake with defi tokens, how to analyze the graphics a bit. But that’s like the 1% of the field and I know just 1% about everything. Therefore, I am all over the place, not able to decide which paths to take and which fields to invest my time in.

    Some say that I should apply for a master’s in other countries, some say that I should apply for jobs in other countries. Some come to me with designing gigs, and some say that I should work on my health. I have unstable blood sugar levels and they make me tired all the time, maybe exercising is the key but even that, I cannot do. There is no consistent relationship, no consistent field of work or interest. Nothing is consistent about my life besides being inconsistent. I guess the reason behind my depressiveness is that I have no goal. I cannot trick myself into wanting something bad enough to motivate me, there it is, my childhood years are back. All these years, for like 10 years I guess, I always thought I wanted some stuff. I wanted to be loved, I wanted to succeed, I wanted to matter, I wanted a tablet, I wanted a tattoo machine. I just wanted outcomes, not processes. I guess people do this mistake a lot, so that’s a given. But I find it hard to get out of bed in a respectively early hour because I literally have no ideals. I am way too materialistic to believe in something, and I am way too logical to invest my energy into an ideology. Weird.


    Dear TeaK and Anita,

    Thank you for your kind words, I’ll be noting some down to read again when I am down again. Actually, your last posts were mostly encouraging. Thank you for that, again. I hope that I won’t be re-living my patterns. Also, I’ll try to invest my time, energy and money into the stuff I like the most, like drawing or maybe as I said, tattooing. I can just create more as I feel sad.


    Dear Anita, I’m glad you’ve seen a dream like that! It must be because I literally wrote my whole life here. 😀

    I have to thank you again, your support means a lot. Whenever I feel hopeless, I just log in here and try to express my feelings. And you always come up with brilliant analyses that help me a lot. I hope that I can reach to that side of me soon, I’ve had hard moments today since he decided what he’ll do and he also decided that we should end this eventually. I wasn’t much expressive when it comes to the decisions. I might have given him all the responsibility as well, I’m not sure. But he is sleeping in his room and he’ll move out soon. It feels very weird and sad when I think about all the good stuff we’ve experienced. I know, I have to remember the bad stuff as well, like I can do with the job. To sum it up, it’s time for me to learn how to function without someone special helping me.


    Dear TeaK,

    What kind of lies did you say, in order not to hurt their feelings?

    It was a family business kind-of company. Therefore, even in 3 months, they started to count me as one of the family members. Although the family liked making work their members till they exhaust themselves. So it wasn’t something logical to say “I want to quit.”. I just thought, since I knew the company via two of my professors, I could look bad. I cannot explain anyone else that the standards were not okay, even some acquaintances of mine told me that they were okay. People are used to working their whole life away, and they expect you to do the same thing. I didn’t think my co-workers would understand, they were already there, working for the 5th or 10th year nonstop, without any annual holidays. They would just think I was lazy and that is not something I want to be known for by my professors or anyone else for that matter. Another employer might just call them to ask about me as well. Anyways, therefore I wanted to come up with something both real and wouldn’t make me look bad. My father went through hell in the past 10 years, because of cancer. So I just told them that, I told them that I had to take care of him, get back to my hometown. They tried to persuade me for a couple days, they didn’t want me to leave. But I knew that I had to leave that place, in order to stay alive mentally. It wasn’t the ethical thing to do, I regretted it afterwards. And it also wouldn’t be serving my means as well, they can still say bad things about me. But I’ll be planning a career in a different country now, hopefully, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t care about. I decided to be completely selfish about this topic and just go with the flow.

    What are you crying about nowadays? Your boyfriend, quitting your job, or something else?

    I do not feel emotional about quitting my job, I felt amazing after I finally did it. These days, now that I started to forget how hard it is, I kind of envy those days since I did dress better, I did put on makeup, went there and did my job. But that was the first month, the other months were just terrible and it would keep being terrible if I didn’t quit. I just get back to normal when I remember the bad sides of it, so no problem in that area. It was the right thing to do, I know that for sure.

    I guess I’ll be crying about the relationship side. Now he has decided to move out for sure, arranged that flat for 2-3 months only, then he’ll have to find another flat mate but I guess this is a risk he is willing to take. I was let down before, I was abandoned before, I know I’ll be able to survive. But this time I have to grow up, I guess and this is going to be a bit painful. I’ll be yearning the way he communicates, all the intimate stuff I couldn’t do with anybody else. Maybe the most sentimental person I’ve known, I’ll be missing him like I would miss my mother, a caregiver.


    Hi dear Anita, thanks for asking. He is now back from his hometown and we were fine for a few days. However, the cycle started to repeat. He was a bit upset and he annoyed me with some clever word-plays, some innuendos about my mistakes, such as the lack of desire on my part. I know that not being able to respond with desire in these situations is kind of normal, I’ve been stressed for so long and it’s just so hard to even breathe mindfully. When you’re not mindful at all, it’s hard to focus. I cannot distract myself with desire, it just doesn’t happen as it happens with him. Then we fought, I caught him looking through my messages when I was in the kitchen. Another discussion and I simply said that I didn’t want to warn him again about this since I’ve understood him doing this for the thousandth time. “Please, do not ever look through my stuff again”. He accepted, said that I was never this clear and he’ll listen. But in the morning, he tried again. I was furious and he was mad, as well. He kicked the wall and tried to break the glass, then went outside, we moved along with our days separately. Now, I guess we have to find a flat for him, I am still feeling sad about this stuff since I feel like I made him use all the drugs, I influenced him to go to another psychiatrist and be prescribed. I know I’m not the reason, but I feel like it could be different. I was distant at times, unable to respond to his need for attention and love. I took what I needed but I wasn’t able to give what he needed from me. Then, he started to look for some answers. Maybe our perceptions are different, maybe I need more than I can give, at this point. Maybe that’s not fair, I’m not sure. But I was able to see that living together harms him as well. Me being around him all the time gives him a burden as you suggested. He should be free of that burden first. I’ve gone to his room after he has fallen asleep to put a blanket on him yesterday, I feel really sad when he sleeps in his room, which has a little bed that’s not even clean enough instead of our comfy big bed. Also being on my own in this comfy big bed makes me feel upset and guilty as well. And he said that it makes him worse thinking about all the things I do, like putting on a blanket, since it reminds him that he’s the one to be blamed in this relationship. Now he might move in with someone who’ll disappear after 1-2 months and then he’ll be alone again.

    I also quit my job, I couldn’t take it anymore and I just told a bunch of lies to be able to quit without hurting their feelings. It was not a nice way to quit, I felt so guilty for doing it this way but you can’t unring a bell. Now I’m home, most of the time, and I can process what is going on. I can mourn, I can be depressed without the obligation to be sleepless all the time. I can just cry without thinking how I will look with those swollen eyes in the morning or how will I conceal them before work. I guess I was also running from the inevitable side of humanity, being miserable. I was running from it, trying to stay in my comfort zone even though it was making me miserable day by day. I wasn’t feeling alone that much, but there were so many other things making me suffer. I guess I have to face it now, I have to be miserable for some time and do not let any other relationship distract me as I’ve done in the past.

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