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I cannot thank you enough for every time you have replied to my posts and have shed positive light into my life. You are so straightforward and I truly truly appreciate everything you say and take it to heart. You are so full of wisdom. And you are right, I need to live in the now.
Many many thanks, again. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you for your kind words and positivity . I appreciate you taking the time to reply, your advice has been helpful. I hope that you are well and continue to find inner peace.
ParticipantAnother thing to add, this might sound crazy, but I almost feel like I’m seeing signs of her. Everywhere I turn and look, there is a reminder from the universe that she is there OR maybe I’m just looking for there to be. Idk. Confused. Overthinking, probably ???
The reason I say that is actually because of what other people have told me, what they have observed. I’ve always felt like I was a darker person, and when I say that I mean, for as long as I can remember depression has always been in my life. Very mildly at times but there was always something there. I thought maybe its just my personality, maybe I was just a pessimist, “a realist,” and I never recognized negative self talk was a default for me. I was always a loner growing up, always felt misunderstood, uncomfortable and not confident in myself. So when people would tell me that I had everything seemingly ‘together’ I would always be surprised. I would think to myself, “you have no idea how much I wish I had self-confidence that other’s around me seem to have” or “why do I worry and think so much? I wish i could stop it.” I minimize my accomplishments and have never been able to accept compliments well. I would always tell people “psssh, I haven’t done anything special that someone else could not have done better.” And that’s sad. I follow everything positive I do with a negative comment, or downplay it. To me I always wasn’t doing good enough, I could always do more…I felt sad, lonely, confused, & less than. But on the outside I was cool as a cucumber. I even had someone in a group therapy session tell me “I would never have guessed you struggle with depression because you seem so carefree and full of life.” Crazy!
It’s not until I reach moments where I’m about to completely collapse or fall apart that people notice I have a problem. Then I guess, I just appear erractic. Part of that is my fault though, because I don’t open up until its a little too late. Not a lot of people see the darker side of me ( I don’t have close friends). So idk, to answer your question, how I manage to appear calm to others…maybe I’m just good at wearing a mask, ignoring myself…but I’ve done it for a long time.
ParticipantHello Pearce,
Wow, what a story. I had no idea ovens ‘lock’ and do that haha!
Reading your response has shed a lot of light on how I berate myself. I like that you called it “throwing out trash.” You’re absolutely right, it is trash. I’m not going to lie, I almost got a little teary eyed reading the last bit and paragraph where you were talking about releasing all the things that tie us down, your step-father, and coming to the realization of how beautiful we are. Releasing the “Phoenix”– I’ve always loved that symbolism of rising from the ashes. It’s very beautiful. I recently saw a meme that said “Shoutout to the pain that gave me understanding.” I took it to heart and I think I really understood what it meant. I have to take my painful experiences and not let them be a reflection on myself, as a validation for self-loathing. People that hurt us can also be a lesson as to how we never want to be, so I thank you for that. I never thought of it that way with my ex.
Thank you so much for your response. And I like to star gaze, but I will look at my “glass ceiling’ and think our your words.
ParticipantHello again Ms. Anita!
Many thanks! I have been through several sessions of CBT, group therapy, 2 inpatient, and 1 intensive outpatient program now. Learning and being introduced to the things like “all-or-nothing thinking” hasn’t always shed light or been easy for me to apply in my life, unfortunately. When I was younger, I always thought “what a load of crap.” Now that I’ve had my recent crisis all the things I wasn’t noticing before are starting to make sense and I’m applying as many of the tools I’ve learned to every situation that I can. My perspective is changing. It is very uncomfortable to not go back to old habits of negative thinking but I keep telling myself its only because “this is new and I am in a state of growth.”
Another thing, you said my writing doesn’t reflect me being a mess. I am not surprised you said that. I unfortunately am the type of person that appears calm, collected and together but also happens to be screaming inside. I do not share my feelings and am very reluctant to seek help. I think thats why I was able to go so long “looking put together” to outsiders… until I just hit the wall 🙁
ParticipantI don’t think it is detrimental not having a romantic relationship, but I also believe that relationships in life are necessary. They do not have to be romantic. There are people in the world that form very close, intimate yet non-romantic/sexual relationships with others (eg. asexuals). Are they happy and comfortable by themselves? I would think so. Do they go their entire lives never having a romantic relationship? That, I don’t know.
However, I do think we all want to feel connected to others and its not something we can necessarily avoid unless we are actively doing so. Ultimately, I think that ends up being a negative thing in the long run. Being alone is part of life, and yes, we all must die alone, but I don’t think accepting that is the same as settling and never trying to seek relationships and friendships. And just because you haven’t connected with someone on a deep enough level to feel comfortable establishing a romantic relationship doesn’t mean you won’t, it just means it hasn’t happened yet.
ParticipantThank you Manuel,
I am sorry that your sister had to go through that, BUT I am glad she is safe and living a happier life now. Thank you so much for sharing. Stories like that are amazing. When I read about people turning things around, its just hard for me to recognize that I have the same strength to do it for myself…I am working on that. I want to believe that things will get better, the hard part is knowing that they will and actually believing. My depression and anxiety aren’t something new, they have always kind of been with me. They cloud my mind and I get stuck in negative patterns of thinking ALL THE TIME. I appreciate the advice. I will think about your sister’s journey and try to remind myself that I’m just waiting to come out the other side, a better and stronger person.
ParticipantThank you Anita!
You calling my writing “articulate” comes as a total surprise, but I appreciate it. (: Writing was never anything I’ve felt very good at or comfortable with…but here I am, lol. And to answer your question — I completely resigned from school. Idk if I will go back. Honestly, my life feels so unstable right now I know I wouldn’t even be able to handle another program if I were to jump back into it. It does makes me feel sad to know that I spent so much time working hard and I couldn’t make it through though. As far as the van dwelling, I just find it interesting that people can just decide to let go and really, truly live in the moment. I’m extremely interested in traveling around, especially now that I literally have nothing else to lose. I just want to find something you know…maybe just myself. Plus, it just looks like fun! I guess I’m not conventional…a lot of societal norms DO NOT make sense to me. Like I don’t understand the point nor do I believe there is a ‘right way’ to live. And I don’t know what I want or what I am supposed to be doing so I need, most importantly, to figure that out…
ParticipantIts easy as 1,2,3. Simple as do, re, mi.
A, B ,C …1, 2, 3 baby you and me girl!
No school like the old school. Jackson Five <3
ParticipantThank you very much. Of course I would like to read anything that will help gain some type of clarity. I appreciate your advice. It is very difficult looking back at the past 4 months of life and not feeling like a total failure, but I’m just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and finding inner peace. I’ve ignored myself for so long, it’s like I’m meeting a whole new person. Everyday I learn something about myself I never knew.