Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHello Richard,
From my experience, the reality of a job is rarely as described at interview. You have another chance to secure this full time position yet you are putting obstacles in your way. Take this one day at a time. If you are lucky enough to be offered this position grab it with both hands and then commit to doing it to the best of your abilities. If you want an interesting job, then be interested. Your fears are based on “what ifs”. These are just imagined fears. What if it works out well, what if it turns out to be your ideal job, what if another job within the company comes along that does excite you – right place, right time. There are endless possibilities.
Begin by living in the “now”. Live one day at a time. That’s all you can do. That’s all any of us can do. Count your blessings. That fat kid has a Ph.D. Congratulations. The best way to answer your critics is to rise above it and make a success of your life. You have intelligence and you have love. WOW. There is no magic potion to cure all your woes but saying thank you for all the good in your life is a wonderful place to start. When you meditate do you light a candle and play soft music. Do you have a focus – a mantra, a flower, a candle flame. The word “Om” is universal or repeating “I am at peace”.
Depression is the opposite of expression. Express yourself in your own terms. Writing is a wonderful way of letting your grief out (grief caused through a mentally abusive childhood) or any other angst that you may be feeling.
In Reiki, we have a connection symbol. Meditation is about connecting to your inner self. Knowing yourself on a deep level which may also lead to knowing what your life’s purpose may be. We are called human beings yet very few of us know how to just ‘be’.
I hope you can find your way through your current difficulties.
ParticipantHello Jalen,
You say that you have recently lost your father to Covid – this could be affecting you quite badly so I hope you have been able to grieve, that you have made your peace with him and that you have some happy memories to look back on. A simple ritual like lighting a candle for him and saying a prayer or playing his favourite music can help with this.
Anger can be managed. One of the best ways of helping you to overcome this is learning correct breathing techniques. Hold your hand on the area between your lower ribcage and breathe fully into your hand (your lungs). If you do this a few times your anger will begin to subside. Focusing on your breath for a few minutes each day is very therapeutic.
Building self esteem is far easier than you may think. Begin by writing yourself a list of all the good characteristics you possess. You have already mentioned some of them – loyal, honest, kind, giving. Say these words, and any more you can think of, over and over to yourself until they are well and truly embedded in your psyche. Remind yourself every day that you love yourself and that you are every bit as good as anyone that has ever lived before or will ever live again (this is the truth). You have come into this life with your own set of characteristics and your own purpose. There is only one YOU!
For every word of criticism that enters your head, counteract it by giving yourself praise. You cannot change your mother, but you can change your reaction to her and her words. When she stops having the desired effect on you, she may stop the behaviour. You may need to give yourself thinking time before responding to her. Alternatively, you may have to walk away from her abuse.
I hope you can work things out for yourself.
Best wishes
ParticipantHi Lindzee,
The way I see it is that you have met with someone in your new place of work with whom you have formed a connection. Chances are you have been guided there by an outside force. She is interested in crystals, tarot, meditation and is in touch with her guides. If you feel strongly attracted to her, then please ask her out. This is your prerogative. There is no way of knowing how that will work out. Perhaps she will be your ‘teacher’ in the short term or perhaps you will form a long term relationship based on friendship or love.
My gut instinct tells me that you have been connected to this person, Kale, in a previous life. Nothing you can say to me would sound weird.
Hope you can work it out!
ParticipantHello Lindzee,
Thank you for your reply. It sounds as if your spirit left your body during meditation and you were able to observe yourself and your room. The spirit world is all around us, they share our space. This includes your loved ones and your guides. You can ask to meet them during meditation – let them come to you if they feel it is beneficial. Your sub-conscious mind is already with you. That just contains things that have happened to us, thoughts and feelings, that we are not focusing on. As soon as you recall a memory, it becomes conscious. No flight necessary. Even your higher self is there with you.
I hope you find what you are looking for through astral projection.
Best Wishes
ParticipantHello Lindzee,
I do not have first hand experience of astral projection but I have read of people that can visit friends, say, and be able to recount details of those visits through such projections, details of conversations and circumstances which were taking place.
I would question why you would want to astrally project yourself. Where are you trying to project yourself to? Apparently, although we may be consciously unaware of it, our spirits leave our bodies on a regular basis, particularly during sleep. It’s worth bearing in mind that there isn’t a distinction between physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, other than the one we chose to place upon it. Our whole being has enough inner intelligence to know what is happening to it on all levels. In other words, we are affected on all levels by what happens to us. We are all spiritual people. We came from spirit and we will return to spirit regardless of whether we acknowledge it or not.
On the subject of God, the greatest and most powerful statement is that “God is Love”. If you put love in your heart, you have God in your heart. Give out with love to yourself, your parents, your family, your friends, your work colleagues, your community and the wider world. Believe in a loving God.
You have been given the gift of life by your parents and no-one can do more for you than that. Be grateful to them (even if you clash over religious issues). It is all part of your soul’s purpose.
ParticipantHello Francis,
It’s a really bad idea to compare yourself to other people, even siblings. You work, you go home and nothing, nothing but a husband and two dogs. Most dogs who are looked after love their owners unconditionally. Do you walk them? Do you play with them? Do you stroke them? Do you interact with other dog owners? What about your husband – does he know how you feel? Do you have communication? Why are you anxious? Most things we worry about, don’t happen. You are worrying that you may be left alone in your old age. You might be, you might not. It’s 50/50.
The real problem you need to address here is your anxiety. It could be a simple matter of learning to breathe correctly. You only need to take three good deep breaths to begin the calming process. This is a very small step to take which can have major positive health benefits. You say you go home to nothing – do you eat nutritious food, do you have a comfortable chair or sofa to sit on, is your home full of things you love? If the answer to these questions is ‘no’ then begin doing something about that. Commence Project Francis. Turn that ‘nothing’ into ‘something’. Give thanks for all the things you do have in your life.
The only person who can make the changes is you. Reclaim your power. Do it now!
Best Wishes
February 14, 2021 at 5:36 am in reply to: I need help, would a girl reject me because of my parents sibling problems? #374666Peggy
ParticipantHello Felix,
Chinese New Year happens one day per year. There are 364 other days in the year. You shouldn’t think of your small family gathering as a problem. Any girl you meet will have time to get to know you properly before being invited along to your celebration, and perhaps she will have already met your parents. It’s not a good idea to compare your family with other families. You don’t know what happens behind closed doors with those other families. One day your dad might make it up with his siblings, then it becomes a large family gathering. Things change all the time. If you need to explain your small gatherings to your future girlfriend, just be matter of fact about it. This is not your fault.
Please stop worrying about this. Just enjoy your youth and enjoy being with all the girls you are going to meet. Mostly, things just fall into place.
Love and Light
February 12, 2021 at 3:49 am in reply to: Friend pretended he’s kissing me and took a picture with me while I was asleep #374521Peggy
ParticipantHello Mango,
The fact that you felt and still feel that this behaviour was out of order tells you what you need to know. In my opinion, the best way forward is to cut these people out of your life and move on to people that can show you more respect.
ParticipantHello Felix,
You are a survivor. You have come through so much. Your post is a message to the Universe that you need some help. It’s OK to ask the Universe to help you. Call upon your guardian angel. Ask for help in releasing your negative feelings (guilt, regrets). As well as sending love out to the Universe, send some back to yourself. Love yourself exactly as you are today. Love yourself for just ‘being’.
Love and Light
ParticipantHello Priscilla,
By necessity our world revolves around money. We exchange our ‘work’ and our ‘energy’ for an agreed sum of money which we then use to buy ourselves a comfortable life – food, shelter, warmth, clothing and so on. Your working life has a lot of positives but still leaves you with a void and you feel that something is missing, that you are capable of more. There are so many ways in which you could make a difference, all valid, so many worthwhile causes but which ones appeal to you. It all needs narrowing down. Children? Adults? Homeless? Mental health issues? Physical challenges? Racial issues? Prison population? What qualities can you bring? Music skills / art skills/ counselling skills/teaching skills/nursing skills/communication skills. Perhaps you can spare a few hours a week as a volunteer? Do any of these suggestions resonate with you? There is often paid work available within charitable organisations.
I hope you find your heart’s desire soon.
Best Wishes
ParticipantHello Felix,
I hope you are keeping safe and well.
I have read your posts and it seems to me that you need to change your mindset. There is not one second of your life that has been wasted. That’s just how you are choosing to see it. Life is a journey of learning. You have been through those experiences for a reason. Some of the things you have described are nothing more than coping mechanisms. They may have kept you alive. Give them one almighty thank you. Show gratitude for this day. You have arrived. You have this day to live, breathe, think, exist, plan, create, feel. Make today the day you give up worrying. Make today the day you forgive yourself for all your ‘perceived’ mistakes. Make today the day you exchange anger for courage. These are goals to accomplish. Begin today.
The good news is you are alive, you have today and you have choices. You have the rest of your life to live and the choices you make today are what creates tomorrow and all other tomorrows. Ease up on yourself. Fill that empty space with love. Fun happens when we do what we love doing. Find your passion. These are goals to accomplish. Begin today.
Love and light to you Felix.
ParticipantHello Element,
I hope you are not feeling too lonely out there. Most of us just get on with our lives, as humdrum as they frequently are, and don’t think too much about the finer workings of our existence. Having been a healer for 25 years, I am well aware of the subtle energies that exist. I’ve always been interested in the mind/body connection and how our thoughts influence the state of our health and sometimes a patient will come out with the very sentence that tells me why they have become ill and why it has chosen a certain part of the body to manifest in. The brain is the obedient servant and wants to carry out the wishes of it’s host.
Scientists have measured the output from a healer’s hands and is it any wonder our hands get a bit hot sometimes. I have actually seen the ‘light beam’ that is emitted from my hands and although healers are taught to draw from the “white light” which exists outside ourselves, by the time this has travelled through our bodies, it is transmuted into a pinky gold beam. I count myself fortunate in having been shown this.
For the most part, our bodies instinctively know how to exist, behave, survive. We don’t need books to teach us Kundalini or Chakras. Our energy exists with or without such knowledge. Drawing in breath requires our nostrils, bridge of the nose, throat which are all depicted in shades of blue/violet, colours associated with those higher chakras, the rising part of the breath. The outbreath, the relaxation of the diaphragm and the belly, depicted yellow/orange, the falling part of the breath. Isn’t this what you are ‘seeing’ and describing.
I am quite willing to accept thoughtforms from other dimensions and even ourselves existing in different dimensions.
Thank you for sharing your very interesting observations.
ParticipantI stand by what I said. Love is an emotion, not the only emotion. I don’t know what Peter is trying to say here. You can see the moon without pointing to it. Love can be experienced in different ways and the experience of love may be different for every last one of us. There is nothing second hand about it. It is ours and ours alone. It cannot be analyzed. Love is our life lesson.
I may think (logic) very carefully about the words I write in my posts, but the act of responding to someone who is undergoing difficulties, is one of Love. It is motivated by love. Love itself is an unseen force. The fruits of love are visible to anyone who cares to look.
Love and light to you all.
ParticipantHello Emily,
My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your child and your mother. My daughter has a daughter with cerebral palsy so I have more than a little passing sympathy for you. I see how much it takes to care for a child with such disabilities and I am there for them both whenever they need me. As you say, such children have a limited life span and it is heartbreaking to see their distress. We just have to do the best we can for them while they are here and give them all the love we can. I’m sure you did your very best. You now have a healthy child to care for and provide for and again, your instinct is telling you to get well again by releasing the feelings of grief, anxiety and depression you are experiencing and giving yourself hope for a more positive, fulfilling future.
Deep breathing exercises are one of the best things you can do to relieve anxiety and perhaps you could see if there are any online yoga instructions for mother and child. Positive affirmations are simple to do and can be incorporated whilst you are at work, for instance: “I am earning an honest living”, “I am taking good care of myself”, “I am strong”, “I believe in myself”.
May you be blessed with Love and light
ParticipantHello Tristan,
I have a feeling you will be fine. You are most welcome.