Forum Replies Created
June 21, 2021 at 2:53 pm #381832
ParticipantHi Anita,
How have you been? I hope your recovery from the second vaccine shot was well. I just thought about you today and so felt like talking.
Things have been quite stable Anita. Ever since my number change, R did try getting in contact through social media a couple times, but I didn’t respond at all and I feel peaceful. I started my singing lessons a while back and on the whole I feel really good.
With the therapist also, I think I’ve benefitted a lot. We spoke a lot. Just saying out a lot of things felt like a burden was off my shoulders. Things with my parents are also quite better. They were good on the surface since many years but now, internally also, I don’t feel the kind of resentment that I did earlier. One thing that my therapist said really stuck with me and helped me clear things. She told me that I had created perfect images of my parents in my mind, an ideal image, similar to my tendency of even idealising their love. She told me that one way in which I can resolve my hurt is acknowledging that what my mom did as wrong, understanding that she did unjustifiably disrespect and compare me. And then understanding that she’s also human, she made a mistake, she’s not perfect and to forgive her and let this go. This really helped me, seeing my parents as fellow humans with their own faults and good things instead of putting them on a pedestal as my parents, really helped.
On the issue of R, I am quite healed I think now. It’s been close to two years now to the breakup, around a month to his last attempt at reaching out to me and now my obsessive thoughts have almost come to a close. Honestly, partly that was because I just grew tired of thinking in circles. Eventually I realised that I can bang my head against a wall but still wouldn’t have answers to many questions and moving on with my life, doing good for myself in my life is more important than finding answers to questions that have no relevance anymore. So, I’m focussing on my life. I’d read somewhere that as humans, we’re both quite limited in our power and quite limitless. Limited in the sense that we cannot control external circumstances or in my case figure out the why’s and the how’s of other people’s actions. But limitless in the sense that we have total control over our own life and can make whatever we want of it. So I remind myself of that if I ever find myself even so much as drifting to thoughts about R.
I just thought I’ll update you about all this.
Thank You again Anita for all the help.Jenny.
June 21, 2021 at 2:31 pm #381830jenny
ParticipantHi TeaK,
How’re you? Thank you for going through my thread. I’m sorry I didn’t see your post earlier. What you’re saying makes a lot of sense. I kept thinking that I had no self-esteem but now that I think about it, why would I feel bad about being disrespected by my mother or my ex, for that matter, if I had no sense of self-respect. Exactly as you said, I think I did think I was valuable but wasn’t sure and so stayed in self-doubt where I would feel bad over disrespect but would often wind up seeing it as my fault. Thank You for the insight. As you must have read, I’ve been seeing a therapist to detangle stuff from my childhood. I think I’ll discuss what you pointed out with her too and get back to you. Thank You.
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
March 29, 2021 at 10:43 am #376791jenny
ParticipantThat’s great Anita. My parents also got their first vaccination shot and are feeling the same.
What you’re saying makes a lot of sense, the analogy between my mother and R, that is. Also, the fact about a guy unlike both of them, not making me feel that attachment, very true. I think I also had fallen in the ‘running after people who are emotionally unavailable to me’ trap.
But then, my question is,
– How do I come out of this ‘desire’? I am talking about my parents and childhood with a therapist and things are coming up and getting a little detangled slowly but surely, so when I hopefully detangle all of my childhood knots, will this desire and attachment related to R also go away or do I need to do something else for this?Lastly, I think I’m also putting too high an expectation. I remember in the earlier posts both Peter and you helped me see how my desire to erase R and all the memories is unrealistic. He’s a past part of my life and I’ve to move forward from that, not fight it. I feel now that as long as I am able to think of him as my past and go about my day without his thought impeding me in any substantial way, I’m good. And there, I’ve already reached. So maybe I should also stop fretting so much and finding some meaning behind every passing thought about him. What do you think?
March 29, 2021 at 1:00 am #376780jenny
ParticipantHi Anita,
How are you? I just felt like talking tonight.
Something a little weird is happening Anita, I wonder if you might have an answer to it. Its been around a month or so since I’ve changed my number and hence have had no calls/texts from R. While on the whole, I am feeling much calmer and stable, a part of me feels very weird. It’s like feeling rejected all over again by him, it’s as if he left me all over again and in a weird sort of way, I am missing his calls. I mean I myself changed my number to be away from him and now I am wondering why is he not doing something to reach out. I find myself wondering if he has moved on to another girl or has stopped thinking of me. I know I don’t want to be with him, in my head I also know that I never want to be with him again, I’ve also introspected and I know that even if I see his call flashing on my phone right now, it won’t bring me any real happiness as I never want to go down that road again but I still feel weird. Why? Is it that due to his regular calls the whole year, I’d become used to them and I’m just experiencing some kind of a withdrawal affect?
When I changed my number, I’d told my friend whose number he has, to not give him my number if he calls asking for it. Two days back when she called and said that thankfully he hasn’t called asking for my number, I felt, I can’t really explain the feeling, it was a mix of ‘finally, thank god’ and ‘so he is moving on?’. Last night I dreamt of him with some other girl and woke up feeling uncomfortable, not particularly sad but just uneasy. I think I’m feeling that the relationship has finally come to a close with him also giving up on calling and maybe it is just a passing feeling due to that. What do you think, Anita?On the more positive note, I went on a date a few days back, my first since the breakup. He’s an old acquaintance of mine who I knew liked me since long and when he figured I’m single, he asked me out, and I went. I had a really good time Anita and though I’ve let him know that I want to focus on myself right now and am not wanting a relationship at this moment, we’ve decided to stay in touch as friends. 🙂
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
March 8, 2021 at 10:25 am #375768jenny
ParticipantAww that’s very sweet of you to say that, Anita. Yes, now I know I deserve and will have a much better man. But honestly I’m not wanting any relationship now. For the first time in my 20s, I’m single. It’s like there’s a host of things that I want to do now, things that I hadn’t even thought of earlier because so much of my time was consumed by my relationship. I’d just remained limited to my relationship and my work. Now I want to focus on myself for a while. I love singing, always have but never went beyond singing amid friends. Now I can’t wait for the pandemic to be over so that I can join group classes and develop music as my hobby. I’ve started working out with more focus, eating healthier and feel physically and mentally so much healthier. I’m not closed to coming across someone nice but right now, for the first time, I feel content by myself. It is so weird Anita how unhealthy relations can limit your life so much. I don’t have regrets because I know the relation taught me a lot but I never knew that relationships can affect one so much.
I hope you feel good after the vaccine shot. Vaccination has started here as well. I just hope we come out of this pandemic soon.
– Jenny
March 8, 2021 at 9:08 am #375757jenny
ParticipantHi Anita,
Wish you a very Happy Women’s Day!
I am good Anita. Things are slowly but surely looking up. I feel peaceful now, now that I’ve changed my number, I’m not on a constant roller-coaster due to R’s calls. Some days initially did feel a little difficult, I hadn’t realised that as toxic as they were, I had gotten used to seeing his calls. But I feel much calmer now. I also strangely feel so much more capable. Just last night, I was thinking how much I’d underestimated myself at a point of time by saying I cannot live without this and that or without R and now I feel so good about myself knowing that I not only survived but I’m moving towards better things.
How have you been?
February 4, 2021 at 2:08 pm #374049jenny
I agree. Things are finally falling in place in my head at least Anita though I’ll continue with my therapy for the childhood experience. I don’t know how can I ever thank you enough Anita. You were truly godsend, at least for me. Every single person in my life today says I sound happier and I feel so much more confident in who I am. I am finally out of a relationship which was not good for me. This wouldn’t have been possible without your help, I would still be trapped in self doubt. Thank you so much for being there when I really needed help, we need more people like you in the world. Thanks a lot.
February 4, 2021 at 1:03 pm #374047jenny
ParticipantThe more I talk about him and recall things Anita, the more grossed out I feel now. What was I doing with him! I think I was so swept up in my own dreams/fairytale and so clouded with self-doubt that I believed that I was doing everything wrong and causing him to ignore me and didn’t look at him for what he was. I also couldn’t wrap my head around how can a person be so inconsistent with someone he claims to love and would keep spinning in my head. His post-breakup behaviour was so telling too. I think I definitely dodged a bullet. There is so much I read Anita about selfish partners, abusive partners which literally fit him to a T. It was as if I was reading a write-up on him.
February 4, 2021 at 12:51 pm #374046jenny
– Regarding rudeness with mom, this only, talking back. Basically since childhood, I have been told that talking back at parents is bad. Mom literally said ‘you’ve not seen what all parents tell to their children still they listen’. She always said I talk back as if I am as old as her. Regarding rudeness, these things only, ‘you can’t say this to me, I am trying, yes I am not like so and so and I dont even want to be, I remember I once said if you like her more mom, make her only your daughter, just leave how I look and talk alone, I am not some project’. These things basically, though obviously I could have said them in a lower voice and maybe stayed quieter in places. I remember I once told mom in my teens that even a child has respect, you have all rights to call me out on a fault but even though you are my mother, how can you make personal comments about my nature, over which mom had gotten very annoyed at me, so I did talk back more than I should have maybe and crossed lines.
– I don’t know about sadistic Anita but I do see him as very abusive now after reading and reflecting a lot.
I read in that book that ‘inability to raise grievances without being called unreasonable’ is a sign of abuse, R would always put me down for any grievance I had, even his mannerisms, he’d sometimes grab my arm and ask me to shut up, walk out of arguments or hang up the phone, he’d be very loving one moment and then next moment very distant, he’d often walk ahead of me, he was also majorly into parties and his boy night-outs which I was cool with but him constantly picking them above me made me think if we marry, I might sit at home while he parties, he’d never show me any affection in public at all, he always was more concerned about being proper in public at my cost (I had a little bit problem with a dress at a formal function and when I asked for his help, he said very rudely that don’t embarrass me and go to the washroom), even now, I mean he called me for an year and now when I finally called him one time, he disconnected and blocked me as if all he wanted was control and an ego-boost. I think he wanted things on his terms and had no respect for me as an individual. I read in that book that abuse is not about feelings, its about mentality and what we see in our culture. He did say that his father was irritable towards all of them and he did have trouble getting along with him though I didn’t probe.Jenny
February 4, 2021 at 11:21 am #374041jenny
In my last post, after very long, I looked at myself objectively and focussed on facts about me rather than all the negative self-talk. Thank you for understanding it. One of the bigger reasons why I am now able to look at myself for more of what I truly am, is because of my interactions here. Thank you so much. I feel so liberated today. I’ll try keeping my posts short.
The answers to your questions:1. My arguing with my mother was exactly as I mentioned in the slouching example. With my ex, the fights were only because he’d be inconsistent and hot and cold.
Example: We generally had one proper conversation daily (daily as in for a few weeks before he’d become busy) which was shortly before bed-time. generally he’d call because whenever I’d call, he’d be busy so it was settled that when he is free, he will call. Say one night he doesn’t call, I message/call him, he doesn’t answer, neither does get back to me all night. Next morning he’ll message, ‘sorry was busy then slept early, didn’t see the phone’, I’d find it weird but be like okay. But he won’t call me. In the evening, when I’d go online, I’d see he is online but hasn’t called all day, I’d leave it again. At night, I’d message, ‘you could call once, R. Please call when free.’ He’d reply, very busy baby, will call when free. People at home’. The same would go on for days, some days I’d see he is partying with friends and then finally one day I’d call him multiple times, and say
J: what is this, I’ve been waiting all these days, one minute you could have called.
R: I told you I’ve been busy.
J: Yes, I get it, I am not wanting you to chat with me all day but maybe you could call me once in all these days for one minute, we can all take out a minute, I am also busy. When you have time for family friends, don’t I deserve some time?
R: Yes, okay but you need to understand, okay I have to go, I’ve some work.
J: No, R, talk to me today, you have to talk to me today, you always push me away when you have more important stuff
And then he’d either just hang up on my face or shout that I don’t understand anything at which I’d be like stop shouting at me, how can you do this to me, where am I in your life etc etc. This would drag on till one day I’d cry and he’d be like stop crying, okay I am sorry and the cycle would restart with him being super loving for a couple weeks. Eventually I broke so much that the initial conversation was skipped and I direct called him crying.2. I would cry Anita, while arguing back but I didn’t beg in front of mom. I did in front of R.
3. We were in different cities, same country and would meet almost monthy, one weekend. Initially he’d come more but eventually I was the one who travelled to him more. We did spend time together but obviously more was on calls/skype.4. We wanted short-distance, in fact I was planning to look for job opportunities in his city, he also at least said that he’s trying to look for one in mine.
Frankly Anita, I am done with that relationship, mentally and emotionally. The more I talk about it here and in my head, the more I realise how one-sided and toxic it was, it was a fairytale in my head but the reality was so different and ugly. In the last few days, I read the book, ‘why does he do that’? a friend suggested, its a book on abusive treatment and there was so much that resonated Anita, the conflict avoidance, the name-calling, the hot and cold, so much. R in no way was any Prince-charming that I imagined him to be. I don’t know what he was but he definitely was not what I imagined him to be.
JennyFebruary 3, 2021 at 11:21 pm #374028jenny
I thought for a while and honestly I’ve had such a low self-esteem all along that I’d immediately think this is right but now that I try and look at facts a little, I’m sorry but with all due respect, I don’t agree Anita.
– Yes, I talked back with my mother, but I talked BACK. I didn’t start ever. I was never the child called out for being rude, arrogant or disrespectful to her parents on her own accord which I know a lot of my friends were, I’d seen them talk badly to their mother when she kept coming in their room again and again when I and other friends were at their house. I never did anything like that. Yes, what I wasn’t is submissive. I agree I have never been submissive. When my mom scolded me, I’d listen but when she said personal hurtful things, I would talk back. case in point: I would slouch sometimes as a kid, so mom would tell me stand straight, walk straight and I tried but I would then go back to slouching, one day when mom saw I was still slouching, she shouted at me, in front of the governess. ‘Stay like this only all your life’, nothing can happen of yours, look at so and so, when mom’s tell their child once, they listen, look at you, stay like this only, look like this only all your life’. At that point, yes, I would talk back. I would say mom you can’t say that to me, I am trying but don’t say that, okay I will look like this only, you don’t have to worry about me. And I agree that my voice would be loud and my words rude to match that of mom’s. And then mom would be like who talks back to their mother, look at so and so, they are so respectful, I am taking your nature because I am your mom, no one else will’. I know maybe I shouldn’t have talked back, maybe I could stay quiet and respect her more. So I wasn’t submissive, the cousins that my mom compared me to were. They are even today. One of them is in a marriage in a conservative family and she’s making it work exceptionally well because she takes her husband’s behaviour. Mom herself says today that why doesn’t she talk back when he sees how he treats her but then she’s like it’s good at least she makes it work somehow. I know that I couldn’t do what she is doing, I couldn’t clean the toilet only to hear my husband shout at me and tell me where all I haven’t cleaned properly and then stay quiet. I don’t know if that is right or wrong. I think it s wrong. Yes, you can say Anita that I am not very patient, not submissive and not very gentle when repeatedly provoked, but when provoked and repeatedly.
– As I grew up, and now when I confronted my mom, she agreed, my father agreed to not taking a stand for me. Even today mom tells me to do certain things but she doesn’t shout at me like that, also because I live away, but even when I was at their place for the Pandemic, she’d sometimes be annoyed that I slept late or that I didn’t have proper lunch but she doesn’t shout like that anymore and resultantly I have not once been rude or angry at her. Mom and dad today say and show in actions that their life would face an irreparable loss without me.
– My friends. Honestly the one thing that helped me have 1% self esteem left while growing up, it were my friends, right through childhood until now, I have had very healthy relations with all my friends. The two girlfriends I talked about, they are my friends since kindergarten. The two of them don’t really talk much together because they drifted apart but they are both very close with me. My friends today, my friends from college, my colleagues. At work, I have seen so many lash-outs, seniors lashing out at juniors over non-performance, I have never done that. I am one of the only two people at work who still have the same people in their team that they had 3 years ago because in all other teams, people are resigning and being fired. In fact, when I got the promotion, the one that a colleague mocked me about for being because of my physicality, one of the things I’ve always been praised for is my management skills and temperament. These things honestly I hadn’t ever consciously thought of but when I sat back to understand how I am an angry woman, I could not see it. Yes, I do have crippling self-doubt and so when anyone tells me, anyone so far being only my mom and ex, I do start doubting myself but the only reason that I fight back despite the doubt is because When I look at facts, I don’t see myself as being that. I don’t see myself as having a bad nature the way mom always said, yes I believed it for the longest time but when I think back, it factually never adds up. If I am so bad natured, how come I have the oldest friendships and the closest bonds when many of my friends have fought and parted ways? If I was bad natured as mom said, why today did she agree to being wrong, why did dad agree to not standing up for me. They still have fights among themselves so its not that a they have become different human beings but their conduct to me has changed.
– My assistant. I have the same assistant since the last 3 years, ever since I started working at my current company and she is more like a friend now. She always tells me how I never made her feel like an assistant and how I’d not shouted at her when she did so and so. We now laugh about all the times when she’d supposedly screw up and we’d go on fixing drive. Most of my colleagues vent out, shout and put down their assistants.
– My ex. After my mother, my ex is the only one that I had fights, arguments with. These are the only two people in life I have had arguments with. I know they are the closest to me and so my inner self comes out the most but with neither of them have I been irritable/name-calling which both of them have been to me. Yes, I stood up to them. Yes I agree that I didn’t take my mom’s scolding quietly, I dint take my bf’s neglecting me quietly. I speak up, I have always spoken up and my fault was that instead of realising that I should have been quiet after my speaking up had no effect, I went down to shouting, begging and crying. Yes I have been argumentative. Yes I have doubted if I am the problem because I did argue back and did not stay quiet when I saw my bf lying to me that he is at work when he was partying with his friends, I don’t have the knowledge and maturity to know that when someone pokes me, someone very close to me pokes me and don’t pay any heed when I say it hurts me, I should disengage. Instead I try and do anything to make them see they are hurting me. case in point, my ex as I think I’ve said before too would be all nice and everything and would suddenly start becoming busy. I’d be like okay, but then I’d see his friends social media posts and stories that he is out partying with friends and family and I’d feel bad, I’d call him try and talk, he’d be like it was one day rest I am very swamped can’t talk right now, but when I’d see that he is having time for everything but me, yes, one day I would lose my calm and call him repeatedly until he answered, I would tell him why is he doing this and I saw he is doing this and this and if I hold no importance why is he with me, how can he call me his life and treat me like this and he’d call me clingy, nagging, irritable and I’d argue back and he’d shout at me and I’d cry and in the last one year he’s then start name-calling and verbally abusing me. If I were angry, I would abuse him back, I have never Done that. Through the 5 years, I have never ever name-called him, verbally used abusives, or put him down even when he did. Yes, I have been argumentative. Yes I have spoken up when I feel I was being wronged and maybe I have been more emotional. Maybe some other girl must have been like cool he doesn’t want to talk to me I’ll go have my own fun, yes I couldn’t be that girl, I went after him, I wanted him to give me the importance that I felt I gave to him and that was deserved to me as a girlfriend but I wasn’t angry. He himself would say in our good times how its amazing that I am chilled out with him being friends with one of his exes, how he likes I am not the crazy jealous types.
So no, Anita, it is true I was not submissive, I stood up for myself when I felt wrong and my way of standing up might be wrong, I should said said once and disengaged but it wasn’t so easy, this was my mother and the man I wanted to marry, I couldn’t just disengage so I did argue, I did say you can’t wrong me like this, I was argumentative, I was a cry-baby, I was nagging and clingy maybe but I was not angry, I was hurt. With my closed ones with whom I have an equal relation, who don’t insult me or put me down, I have very good relations. Even with my father, he wronged me but because he wasn’t directly shouting insulting at me, I never spoke in any bad way with him, he has always on his own said that I have been a good daughter to him, yes, I felt wronged by him not standing up but had I been angry girl, I would be out there being bad with him. Even now, see, in the last one year, when my ex kept calling, I didn’t call him anything bad even once, I was hurt, I was disrespected but not once, I would be quiet because I learnt that my talking back and arguing will not do anything, I texted don’t contact me but not once did I say anything abusive. My ex, he called me stupid, verbally abused me when I rejected him, asked me to keep my idiocy to myself and said I am a child. I have taken a lot from both my mom and my ex and an angry woman would have broken ties with them, an angry girl would have been easily slighted, easily irritated, I wasn’t. I’d listen until it became very personal and then I’d argue. I have seen enough easily irritable, angered people in my life to know that I am so not one of them. Yes I WAS A HURT CHILD AND A HURT GIRLFRIEND and I am making the distinction because had I been angry, I think I would have become irritable, I would be lashing out at being even little slighted, I would have become aggressive arrogant and been short tempered but I wasn’t. I was hurt, and so I became self-doubting, a little quieter as a personality and more than shouting, I would cry and beg. It was my mom herself who said that I don’t even stand up t my bf anymore, I just cry. I was a hurt child/gf Anita, I think, not an angry one. Honestly I’d been happier to be the angry one, it’d be better if I could just yell and insult and go around thinking as if I am the boss of the world, which is what I feel maybe my ex now thinks rather than being left as the crying begging woman who keeps spinning in self-doubt.
I know I am many things Anita, but after all the little work that I have tried doing on myself in the last one year with reading and de-clouding my life’s narrative off what my mom and my ex kept telling me and instead seeing facts, I can for once say that I was not an angry child/girlfriend. I was a hurt child/girlfriend, not an angry one. We do use them interchangeably but I think they are not the same.
I am sorry Anita if any of this sounds rude, I know I’m getting defensive but I did think hard all day yesterday about it and tried to look at the truth, trust me I have the highest regard for you, you are helping me so much but this is just something I felt and thought I could say it to you. But feel free to say what you feel. If I am missing something, I’d like to see that. I’d await your reply.
February 2, 2021 at 4:53 am #373917jenny
ParticipantI honestly have Anita. Yes, I have had issues with what mom said during my childhood and yes I have self-worth issues and so feel that not everyone likes me but I do feel as if there are some people in life, very few but I do feel that there are some who do really like me and who will face an irreparable loss without me. I know two of my girlfriends will, I know both my parents will because in the current times they say it so many times and show it in action.
This man Anita, trust me Anita, the way he’s made me feel like a dirty cloth, no one has. When he wants me, he is very sweet and loving, as he was all this year when he wanted me to talk, but then something switches and he will just cut me like he did by blocking me and stuff ,making me feel like filth. I mean he has made me feel like such an argumentative, crying, weak woman. And now he’s calling me a child as if I am some immature person that needs growing up. He gets to me really bad Anita. And he matters because I spent so many years loving him and trying to get it back from him, because he intermittently gave me affection. I know there are deep-rooted self-worth issues to solve but what about this guy, someone that I was with for so long thinks I am immature, the person that was supposed to love me and at least feel bad about hurting me like a normal human being would, is calling me immature. Why? For losing it one day and calling him, sending him and then deleting a message that he saw but didn’t listen to for more that 10 hours? What kind of a person that has been showing a girl he loves her for a year will not care to listen to a voice recording that she has sent for hours when he has seen it and not answer her calls when he has begged to speak to her for a year. What about the year long calling that he did, was it all just for an ego-boost, to soothe an ego that I wasn’t catering to but now did by apparently finally losing emotional control and calling him? How could I love him? More so, is he really just this? He has friends that like him, he has a family, so he is not some isolated sociopath so how can he behave like this with me? I mean you call me more than a 100 times, all throughout the year and when I finally call you and send you something, you disregard it? I just didn’t want to lose respect in front of such a man Anita. I didn’t want to put myself in a place where he could again insult me by ignoring my message and disconnecting my calls. I just wanted him to regret losing me. I honestly do not, just do not have that feeling for anyone else Anita. I can see my mother’s flaws but also see that there is love somewhere, I can see my friends have love, with this man, he was all over me, crying and begging for me until a week ago, calling me and begging me to answer his calls, I didn’t call him names or immature then, and one day when I call him a couple times, the same man calls me immature and blocks me? What was all of this then, some game?
I just wanted to be a high value woman Anita after he left, after I had been that for an entire year and I could see, I could see that while he is incapable of any genuine regret, I could see that he is feeling my loss. And I wanted him to feel as if He lost me, wanted him to see me as the one that got away, the one that he lost because he screwed up, not feel as if I am some immature girl that he can’t imagine how he was pursuing for a year and who he is happy to be rid of, which is what I feel he must be thinking now.
But I realise now what’s done is done, I can’t change it. But I can learn and be better for myself hereon, that’s all I can do really, and I will. I realise that but I just feel as if I let myself down
– Jenny
February 1, 2021 at 7:23 pm #373907jenny
ParticipantI feel as if he will move on now thinking that good riddance from Jenny, instead of I lost Jenny because of my screw up. That is it Anita. I did not want him back but yes, I did want him to feel my loss which I feel he now will never feel. If not even loss, I wanted him to see me as someone who he cannot manipulate and get to anymore and he just did in one night and that was enough for him to call me a child. I just wanted him to feel that he lost me, that he was wrong, that’s it Anita and at least that he cannot insult me anymore.
February 1, 2021 at 7:17 pm #373906jenny
ParticipantI swear I didn’t want him back Anita. I did not. What I definitely did want was for him to see that I am not the needy clingy woman that he thought me to be when he left. I wanted him to see that I am one High Value Woman that HE LOST. I wanted him to feel a sense of LOSING a girl who really loved him and was special. I did not want to be again insulted like this. I did not want him back Anita, my long message as well as my recording were both only about my hurt and anger and about ending it and letting it go, I said that repeatedly in both that its ended. And what does this even mean, so the entire year his calls were for nothing, when he had to disconnect my call, I fail to understand.
I just did not want to be insulted like this Anita. He’d done this for the last 5 years, disconnecting my calls, not listening to what I am saying, I finally had pulled myself out of it and I could see he felt the impact. This one night, I think I just undid it all. I will never reach out again, I haven’t done it one single time in the past one year, that was a bad night, which is done, and I will never put myself there. But it’s like in that one night, it all came back to square one.Maybe you’ll say why am I caring what he will think, and that I am seeking the same validation from him that somewhere I sought from my mother, whatever it might be, it’s as if I had been the dignified girl I wanted to be in the last one year and now I am again that needy one. I feel so insulted when I remember he said that I am a child. I can imagine him thinking he was right about me and that I am just an immature girl which I am not Anita. He has the audacity to behave whichever way and then why I have one slip-up he has the audacity to pass such statements on me.
I am just insulted Anita, feel just very insulted by someone who should’ve by now been regretting losing me instead of calling me a child. Maybe I just wasn’t worth regretting, that’s all I can think of now.
I just wanted to come out of this victorious, I wanted to be the one with the last call, be the one to walk away, leaving him behind because he’d LOST me. I feel I failed to do that.February 1, 2021 at 2:29 am #373879jenny
I thought that I could deal with this on my own but I just cannot. I feel as if all the hardwork that I’d done in the last one year, all the ‘let the silence do the talking’, everything, I just blew everything apart and I feel like an utter failure. I honestly feel as if I have failed myself and dropped just where he wanted me.
So in the last couple of days amid which I was interacting with you, one evening I got repeated calls from him, when I finally answered he bluntly told me that he is again in my city and last time do I want to be with him or not. He also said if I want he can come to my place, he was like last time do you want to be with me or not, I said No and he hung up the call.
– I don’t know why I lost it at that moment Anita. I think partly it was his tone, he sounded very rude, partly maybe because I’m PMSing and my hormones were all over the place and partly because I think somewhere I had gotten used to him calling and this seemed like something final. I don’t know but the same night, really late at night, I ended up sending him a long long message, telling him to stop and to stop disrespecting even the relationship by calling like this. I sounded so emotional and vulnerable by that text Anita. He saw it the next morning.
But my foolishness wasn’t done yet. The next day I felt that I’ve been harsh and now that things are actually over, I should not end it on such a bitter note. I can’t believe I forgot all about the things we discussed about how any such so called last talk will only give temporary peace. So then, I recorded him a message and sent it to him via social media which has a provision that you can see when someone see your message and plays any voice recording. When I was online that night, I saw Anita that though he had seen my message hours ago, he hadn’t listened to it yet and I felt very slighted and deleted the recording so that he won’t be able to listen to it any longer.
In the evening, when he must have seen that I deleted the recording, he sent me this message- you’re such a child. Goodbye. And then he blocked me on his social media. As if I’ve been the one after him all this year when he was the one that kept calling.
And like an utter fool I got hurt and called him, one year Anita, One year I held on to my respect, not once did I call him but these few days, I just lost it all. I called him three times in a row and he disconnected my call every time. And then I stopped.
Then as I did tell you, I changed my number.Don’t judge me Anita, I feel I have disappointed myself so much. I am so angry at me, at him, he calls all year and when finally I do, he disconnects my calls? Then why call all year.
All this while Anita, I was proud that I kept my dignity and didn’t let him back in, that I didn’t call him, that I didn’t show him my vulnerability and now Anita I again just got to the place where I was when he had left and instead of being woman enough to silently walk away, I came across as someone who’s still just where she was when he left, and to think that I was thinking all this while that my silence will make him realise something someday.I know you’ll say I shouldn’t think about what he’d think but I just, I just failed myself Anita. While I know that this has been brutal enough and I’d never go down that path again but I didn’t want to end up again as someone who he can block and disconnect calls after not letting him in for so long. It’s as if he had his last laugh. I’d hoped for a more graceful end from my side.
– Jenny
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