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ParticipantWhen I think about it if she hadn’t told me until after he was born maybe I wouldn’t have went through all the pain I did. Then again maybe it would have been worse. We’ll never know now.
The anger at what she did was impossible not to feel. Having sex whilst pregnant with my child is not something I was able to turn my my nose up at, not even now. I’ll never be ok with that.
However I’m not allowing the hate to consume me any longer. 3 years is long enough. I may still get angry now & again if I think about it but I won’t allow it to fill my soul.
I want to be truly happy & find the woman of my dreams. I know it’s not possible to do that whilst harbouring hate.
I still hate the guys I’m p****d off with & people around my ex. But I don’t need forgive them, I just won’t assign any more feeling to any thoughts about them. They just don’t exist.
ParticipantI’ve heard of emotional refocusing techniques, is that the same thing?
I was considering doing more counselling in the new year but I think it’s possible that’s just going to keep me in hurt mode, where I’m rehashing all the details of what I’m angry & bitter about. I’ll just end up leaving the room worse than when I entered because all the feeling that come with the memories will have been resurrected. If I find that I do really need to do more counselling then I will, but first…
On Christmas Eve as I thought hard over a glass of wine, I made a decision to grant me ex forgiveness. I have told her before loads of times that I trying hard to forgive her, & sometimes I told her I did forgive her because I thought I was nearly there, but deep down I still seethed & was lying to both myself & her. However, I decided on Xmas eve that enough was enough, I text my ex & told her that whether it mattered to her or not, that I was giving her true forgiveness for Christmas, that it was my gift to her. I then once again praised her greatness as a mummy, pointed out that I’d sometimes been overlooking all the good things she does by dragging up,the past & messing things up all the time. But ultimately that it was over, that I was going into the new year with a clean slate & no past stuff clouding my life. I told her that I let go of the past…. Then I went onto facebook & blocked everyone who I have resentments for, from the men who have got new lives & kids etc, to the friends of my ex who are responsible for some aspects of my pain. I can’t see any of them now. A clean slate.
I’m confident I really mean it this time, & I do actually feel different, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I remember making a decision to “forget the past” at the turn of 2012, yet 3 full years later I was still stuck hurting. No way am I going to do another year feeling like that.
The forgiveness is the combination of a couple of things..
I have been trying to get through this for 3 years. During that time I have attempted to forgive my ex various times, probably up to 10 times. Each time I failed & some of those times I knew I was lying to myself & to her. As a result I think I have come to that point where I have simply had enough of the hurt I hold. All the attempts at forgiveness have been leading up to this & now I finally get to go through with it for good. The difference this time is exactly that, that I feel different than I did all the other times. I don’t have that inner voice telling me “you don’t really mean it Dan you’re full of s*** & you’re still mad as hell”.
I have always felt so “scarred” that I made a point of reminding my ex what she done every so often, which effectively meant I shot myself in the foot on many occasions where the s**t I wrote on Twitter or messages I sent calling her a slag in retaliation to stuff she said kept us from progressing. I accept my part in that.
But now I see that rather than carry on being in the role of the hard-done-by ex who is bitter, I’m going to truly be the better person that I know I am. I think 3 years is enough for my ex to know she never done right by me, & she will always know that without me having to remind her periodically.
In response to your suggestion that I try to find an “original” betrayal. Well not a direct betrayal but something deeply important to me was taken from me & there are reasons why I’m so livid about it – one of which is that something that was always important to me as i grew up into a man was that whenever I’m going to become a father that there would definitely under no circumstances be any other man having sex with the woman who carried my child apart from me, the natural father. The fact that this was taken away from me, coupled with the fact that I loved the woman, made it all the worse I believe. That’s why it cut so deep.
It is something that can never, ever be undone. There is nothing that will ever rectify it or make up for it. Nothing can ever make me be ok with what happened. I will never accept it even though it is past.
In the 3+ years it’s been since, some of the men I’m angry with are all happy families with their new girls & getting married & having babies, & I’m stewing in envy & bitterness hoping they all die? It’s not exactly fair that they get to do what they done in 2011 & then go on to live their life without consequence
The most poetic justice would be for it to happen to him/them. For his gf to become pregnant, run off on him, get involved with another man, screw around with other men, exclude him from the pregnancy. Basically my story turned around on him. That would be justice alright.
I worry about the future & the possibility of her getting married or something & a new guy being around my son more than me. I don’t like the idea & I don’t see me accepting that. I don’t want to be with her after all she’s done, but I certainly don’t want another man helping to raise my child. I see there being problems in this regard if this kind of thing ever happens.
I do feel better though. Things are still rocky with my ex from time to time & I know they will be but I don’t let it get to me anymore. I’m just going with the flow.
I also think all the hate I’ve been harbouring has been stopping the right woman coming into my life. Now that I’ve let go lets see if I’m right 🙂
ParticipantI’m still hurting. It can easily be triggered for example I asked her yesterday if I could take my son to the cinema on 2 of the Saturdays in January since I won’t make it to the contact centre in time. No. She will only allow either the contact centre or his home until she feels comfortable to even think about anything else (I have seen criminals get better treatment & access by their kids mother).
Oh yeah, she recently told me I could come out to her house instead of the contact centre, if I could make my way out there. The thing is I can’t really, she lives way out in the country & after travelling the first 40 miles I would have to find my way 20 miles further but I can’t afford taxis & don’t have a regular, reliable lift I can organise. It’s a catch 22 situation.
I promised her I was going to let all the past stuff go. I admitted that I still felt down about it sometimes but that it was my problem & she would never again get s*** off me about it. I did really well, but I have a couple of times referred back to things from the past, which she hates me doing.
I often tell her what an amazing mummy she is (which she is) & I do give her credit. I give her money. We split Xmas costs etc plus I gave her a lump sum as well to help over Xmas.
As it is now I see him every fortnight at the contact centre. Yes I have been told by her I can have more time if I am able to make it once a week, & even out to her house, but right now I just can’t afford that.
Did the counselling work? No. I still get mad at the past. It gets reignited when she says something to annoy me like last night when she said I couldn’t take my own son to the cinema, I’m reminded of all the reasons she’s been a b**** to me.
Other times it just happens when I think about it all myself. Which is often, but at least every other week it gets to me really bad where I’ll think of everything she did, feel my blood boil, get enraged, hope & wish that all the men that were involved are savagely decapitated & castrated , then 20 minutes later I’ve cooled down & I’m ok again. Or I’ll have a few rounds on the punchbag to release it.
It would be nice for the pain & bitterness to be permanently gone but the sad thing is I think I’ve had to accept that I’m going to get angry every now & again & that’s just the way it is for me. It’s one thing practicing forgiveness towards the person responsible for all the pain & wishing them well, but another to think about forgiving the men involved, I can never see me wishing them well, or hoping good things happen for them, in fact I only wish wretchedness on them, & if I’m to be 100% honest here some of them are very VERY lucky that I moved away, I’ll say no more than that. It’s disturbing that it’s 3 & a half years later & I’m still hurting so much, looks like in 10 years I’ll STILL probably be.
I’ll keep trying to let go though. I’ll keep on keeping on & living as well as I can despite the underlying bitterness & resentment I have.
ParticipantI’m sorry that I haven’t had the time to read through every post here at the minute, but from the fair bit I did read, I can’t really say it better than these loving people here have already.
One thing I will say is this, do not make a permanent decision for a temporary problem. Life is full of ups & downs. 5 years ago I had nothing, I had no real friends & had lost all my girlfriends, in fact I was so reclusive I had very little female contact or intimacy for 3 years. Then I started getting back on my feet again, I moved out of my dads, started getting educated again, gave up using drugs, got involved with lots of different girls & then met one I fell in love with & had a baby with. I’m not even with my child’s mother anymore because a lot of s*** happened which has been covered in my own thread on here. Did I allow my self to crumble? Well, yes, for quite a while, BUT rather than let it completely ruin me I chose to take back control of my life, got my s*** together & moved 50 miles away for a new life, a new start.
My life has never been better now. I have a beautiful son. I am studying for a degree. I have a whole new circle of friends. I am involved in my favorite sport which is boxing. Basically I have a lot going on that I never dreamed possible 5 years ago. In actual fact, my brother in law asked me in a party 5 or 6 years ago “where do you see yourself in 5 years” & as I sat there, off my head on drugs, I saw nothing, absolutely nothing, I didn’t have an answer & there was a deathly silence after he asked the question which makes me laugh now, but at the time it was heavy. I saw no possibility that I could ever be doing anything good in 5 years…..yet here I am now in the best place I’ve ever been.
But this is not about me, this is about you. I have only used the above as an example that no matter how low you are, there is always a way back.
Don’t give up. Put yourself out there. Do a course. Start a football team. Whatever.
Find your strength.
ParticipantHaha yes, breakdancing. I’ve always been interested in doing it & then a few weeks ago I decided to just go for it & booked a 3 month course, which began 3 hours after my final exam for a module. So it was also a treat for my hard work & effort over the year 🙂
I can honestly say that all the hurt is subsiding. It does take time, hell it takes time. It’s such a slow process but it’s better than remaining stuck in bitterness forever. If I hadn’t taken certain steps I wouldn’t be so fortunate, primarily me moving away. If I hadn’t done so things would have been very different.
I also stumbled upon something a few months ago called “Emotional refocusing techniques” which you use in the moment when you feel stress/anxiety/anger/etc creeping in; you stop in your tracks & take a time out, breath deeply while focusing all your energy on the area around your heart, make a sincere effort to activate a positive feeling, ask yourself what would be an efficient, effective attitude or action that would balance & de-stress your system, then quietly sense any change in perception or feeling, & sustain it as long as you can.
I haven’t been doing the above even though I really thought id hit the jackpot after discovering it. Because if I only get angry every now & again then this “Freeze frame” refocusing technique will really help me. Ok I think I have used it a little bit but not to the full extent of coming out positively. I was just doing it to contain the pain.
But, I’ll use them every time from now on, properly.
September 26, 2014 at 12:36 pm in reply to: I rejected a girl and now I realized that I really love her… #65613Dan
ParticipantTomorrow never comes buddy.
Like I said, 2 years later I fell in love with her. Even then I had a window of opportunity where I could have made her mine but I never spoke up.
Don’t lose out. Just go for it. You said she loves you? Then it doesn’t matter what you have in your life. It’s you she likes not what you have going on.
Go for it. You got nothing to lose.
ParticipantThanks Matt, & yes that is correct, it clearly has got better since last time, & tenfold when considering how I felt exactly 3 years ago.
My counsellor told me it’s not about trying to remove the memories, but about changing the way I approach & think about them, so for example rather than getting all angry when thinking, just accept the thought, remember that I’ve already felt this anger before many times & it isn’t serving me well, then move on. I generally do this anyway as I’ve said.
I even think a very small but stubborn part of me actually WANTS to stay angry on some level no matter how small. Which may sound silly but we have to remember that the hate etc was a part of me for 3 years, I lived with it.
I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Like I said I’ve lots going on with new studies of child development & sports psychology starting in less than 2 weeks. I’ve also taken up a breakdancing class haha so I’m looking forward to spinning round on my head & all that 🙂
September 25, 2014 at 7:27 am in reply to: I rejected a girl and now I realized that I really love her… #65550Dan
When I was a teenager this girl was in love with me. I rejected her constantly & was even being pressured socially by her friends to hook up, which made me resist even more.
Long story short, I fell in love with her 2 years later.
The tables had well & truly turned.
What happened was, nothing. She was aware that I loved her because I told her friends etc, but was never brave enough to tell her to her face, just expecting us to somehow end up together.
I spent many years regretting the entire saga.
You should go with your gut feeling on this. Don’t leave it any longer. Arrange to meet her NOW & tell her how you feel, that your sorry you rejected her & realise now that you made a mistake, then say if it’s not too late you would like to go out with her.
Go for it. GO!
Good luck 🙂
ParticipantHello again. I thought I’d give a little update on this & put into words how things are since I first posted about 6 months ago.
After my last post I still carried anger & resentment for a few months. I I had a new girlfriend for a while but I finished with her after a few months as I couldn’t be hers & hers alone. I’m not at a point in my life where I want only one woman. I would be perfectly happy to have 5 girlfriends or 10, who all know about each other. That might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s my life & my choice. I do know however, that it is a result of my treatment in the past by the girl who is central to this entire thread; that I’ll never give any one girl the power to hurt me like that ever again.
We were at court a few months ago because I was trying to get my contact with my child move out of a supervised centre & into my family or somewhere else. I was seeing him regular up to then & I still am but she would never agree to moving out of it so that’s why I went to court. Anyways, court didn’t work because she made me look really bad with Facebook & twitter statuses that I was venting about it in. I launched an appeal because I had good defence to come back to the judge with, but a few days later I pulled the appeal because I realised it wasn’t going to help me at all being stressed out & that it would only serve to feed the hate & resentments that had been inside for so long. I did it for my own sanity & decided to let go of trying to make things happen as I wanted them to, & have left it in her hands to decide what happens & when.
So after that I wanted to let of anger, resentment & hate for my own health & I told my ex i forgave her for everything & that I no longer held anything against her. I’d said it before of course, but this time I felt I’d had enough, 3 years. I really made a point of finally doing something conclusive to help me heal for good. I wrote out a list of all the reasons I felt hard done by & took a cycle to the docks at the edge of the city & read over the list twice, out loud, & then watched it burn as I looked out to the sea. The next day I booked some counselling sessions & I’ve got one session left next week of 6. I’m not sure it’s “fixed” me since I still get pissed off about it from time to time.
I think maybe I just have to accept that I’m going to get angry now & again, because it did happen & it’s obviously never going to fully leave my memory? I also read a line the other day that “memories are just a memories until you assign a feeling to it”. Which made me stop & think. It is correct & if I’m honest this is how I have been dealing with it subconsciously for a long time now where I allow the thought to just drift on. It is just those other times like once a month where I allow myself to think about it for 10 minutes & get more & more angry & feel the hate rising. Then I’ll do 10 rounds on the punchbag & be ok.
The point here is I know I haven’t truly & fully let go of that anger & hate because sometimes it still pops back in when I think about the things that hurt me. Yes I told her I forgave her & I do wish it were as simple as just saying the words & that would be it, but it isn’t that easy. I thought by me telling her honestly that I forgave her that it could see it as a starting point of the process of me beginning to truly heal. It’s been working yes, but like I said, I still get upset sometimes which if I follow the feelings get emotional which turns to the rage where I hate the men she was with & want them all to die horribly. The feeling soon pass, or I take them out on the punchbag, or I meditate. But is it going to be like this forever? Will I ever be truly free?
If any or all of the men I mentioned before died I’d gloat about it & feel like shouting from the rooftops how much I don’t give a shit & they deserve it. I know that’s not good for my soul. I think it goes without saying that I’d still be happy to beat their shit in if any of them crossed paths with me.
I am forgiving her, but hold hate for everyone else involved. Counterbalance in the wrong way I know.
I’ve thought about the future & the possibility of my ex moving in with a new man & starting a new life etc, the thing I wouldn’t like about this is my son spending more time with some other dickhead than me. I’ll never be ok with this kind of situation & I feel this could potentially harm me in the future. Could I stand there & shake hands with some other guy playing stepdad to my own son? No, I’d want to punch him.
I should point put that this woman is a brilliant mother to my son & literally have nothing to worry about or fear for his safety. I sleep easy at night knowing he is in good hands with her & that he is safe. I have told her this & applauded her for it on occasion, just to let her know I truly am grateful for her care, love & attention of my boy. I am always seeing the good she does for my boy & trying to make it make up for the bad, but former the good has not yet won, & those past hurts still come back to overwrite it.
I do have loads of positive things going on in my life, it’s just I know this issue still burns underneath it all, because I feel it every so often.
ParticipantThank you Natalie. I am throwing myself into deep meditation & repeating the affirmations.
For too long I’ve had this weight dragging my soul across the ground & I am determined to release myself once & for all.
I have seen that saying many times & have always thought “nope, it definitely doesn’t take a stronger person to forgive” because my eyes were so filled with rage & there was simply no way I was letting go. I’m still not sure if it does take a stronger person to forgive because peculiarly it feels like I’m giving away power & letting everyone off with the things I’d “invested” so much time & energy being angry about & hoping bad things would happen or even planning to do bad things in retaliation.
However, I now know that I was ruining my life even more than what I feel her actions did back then, by going over it in my head all the time & plotting revenge.
Whether forgiving is the higher power or takes the stronger person (I really hope it is) I know it is what has to be done.
I’m mentally prepared for even more hardships as it is now going forward to a court issue & I know that if I don’t work on my healing I’ll be in for more tough years. So I’m already affirming that I forgive her for whatever she is going to throw at me.
Today I had a an epiphany of sorts. I was viewing my pain from an outsider perspective, & realized that by going about my everyday life, hurting, was pointless. The people I hate go about their lives pain free (although I would have hoped some knew I was “gunning for them” & so were scared) & yet I’m carrying on with a decomposing soul.
No more 🙂 I embrace freedom.
ParticipantOk, the three affirmations are written out. Here is my own one, edited again…
“I fully & freely forgive you ***** for all my past pain, whatever the causes, both intentionally or unintentionally, through your thoughts, words & actions. I choose to completely forgive everything connected with the matter in question, & you are no longer accountable to me for any of it. However I may have experienced pain in the past, I forgive you. For the pain I experience in the present, I forgive you. For any pain I may experience in the future, I forgive you. I am choosing to be free from all my hatred towards you, I wish to be released from my anger towards you, & I will no longer hold resentment towards you. I forgive you *****. May I be free from all of my hurts & my pain”
I think I am a actually a little bit excited about this!! Which is surely a good sign 🙂
Thank you so much for helping me
ParticipantI understand my feelings are my own, & many people have said to me things like “you should just cut yourself off from feeling” or “you care too much” or “just rise above it” & other variations.
Instead I’ve always comforted myself in the knowledge that “one day” I will get my own back. Which ironically doesn’t give much comfort to my soul does it? But rather, hurts it.
One of my cousins, at around the same time as me, got the girl he was seeing pregnant. Did he stick around? No. Was he delighted & over the moon? No. Did he step up & be a man, embracing this opportunity? No.
Not a single shit was given by this guy. He wanted her to have an abortion. He wouldn’t talk to her. She actually confided in me & I kept her head above the water when she was feeling down, kept her sane. Our situations were the same only the other way around, vice versa. My cousins child lives one mile away & he very rarely see’s him, if at all, which is through choice. Me? I travel 50 miles just to see my boy for an hour & a half.
I know many people who have children they don’t care about, so it makes me proud that I will never give up on mine, if a little resentful of the fact I have to jump through so many hoops when these other people have the unconditional opportunities there in front of them yet threw them away. I’ve missed a lot & I’ll never get that time back, but again, it is what it is. Maybe some day my ex will look in the mirror & she will realize what a complete c*** she has been to the father of her child. Maybe she already has.
I’m attempting to look at myself from an outside perspective. Not someone elses perspective, but just outside looking in. I’ve had anger for all this time & now I’m going to actively work on my healing daily. I hope that all the things I have allowed to hurt me fade away in time.
The forgiveness for her actions & all that, I know what I’m working with there, however what about all my unanswered questions? How do I get past those? Rather than me continuing to be burdened with “one day I’ll get my answers”.
I’ll use your affirmations, & again edit my own one until it’s perfect.
ParticipantIdeally I’d like to have both revenge AND to be able to heal, but I know I can’t necessarily have both. It’s one or the other, & one likely leads to jail, which would be quite foolish after how far I’ve come & the awesome life I have shaped & continue to shape for myself.
It’s the biggest theme in forgiveness “the best revenge is to live well” & other very closely worded & associated affirmations. Whenever you’re in anger & resentment this is definitely the last thing you want – that much is also well documented & acknowledged alongside the above affirmation. I have always carried all of those thoughts “it’s not my fault I’m angry” “I can’t let them away with it” “I don’t want to let them off without facing retribution” “everyone must be held accountable for their actions, even if it takes me 20 years”. In my head this was justified, & maybe it really would be truly justified if I did get revenge, I mean who’s to say that – spirituality aside – that they don’t deserve it? However I know it is the wrong way for me longer term.
Im not a total believer in karma, but I do understand the concept. So if the universe believes – like me – that some people involved here have done wrong, then hopefully they will face whatever consequence they deserve.
I have let her actions burn my soul for 2 & a half years. I no longer want to burn.
Carrying her actions comforted & justified my anger & what I wanted to do. I no longer want to be angry.
I made it about me because she was carrying my son in her belly. There is no undoing what she done.
At times when she pushed my buttons & wound me up I told her she wouldn’t be laughing in 15 years when her son discovers what she did when she was carrying him. That to me would yes be making her suffer the shame & regret of her son knowing what she did, but I would also be making my son suffer too right? So it maybe wouldn’t be the best idea. Plus that would mean carrying it with he for all those years…. But then, don’t I carry it with me anyway? I mean, it did happen & it’s not like I can wipe it from my memory. It’s always going to be there no matter how many years pass. I only WISH I could wipe it from my memory.
What about the unanswered questions I have? How do I forgive things that I don’t even know the full extent of? And is it even possible to move on from what I deem to be unforgivable since there is no changing what has been done?
Thanks for the affirmation, I’ll use it.
I’ll also do the self nurturing. I’m willing to try anything. I do have some interesting activities going on anyways, I’ll just focus on them.
Here is the affirmation I have pieced together over 2 years chopping & changing different parts of different prayer & affirmations. Most recently edited today…
“I fully & freely forgive you ***** for all the pain you have caused me in the past, both intentionally & unintentionally, through your thoughts, words & actions. I choose to completely forgive everything connected with the matter in question & you are no longer accountable to me for any of it. However you may have caused me pain in the past, I forgive you. For whatever pain you currently trying to inflict on me, I forgive you. For any pain you will attempt to cause me in the future, I forgive you. I am choosing to be free from all my hatred & resentment towards you. I forgive you *****. I am free & you are free.”
I will say this affirmation many times every day. I used a short variation on & off for 2 years & I think it worked a little bit for about 2 months back around last September. Any suggestion on how I should use it? Should I say it over & over as I meditate? Should I say it in the morning? At night?
ParticipantYeah that negative negativity definitely sounds like how I’ve felt; not wanting to forgive & forget because the anger is “justified”, even though I’ve always known it hurts me, hence why I’ve dabbled in trying to heal myself for the past 2 years.
I appreciate everything you’ve said to me Matt. I have had people tell me things before, but the way you’ve put it has been the most meaningful. Most others were just like “get over it” or “stop dwelling on the past”, all very vague & easy to say stuff, but your analogies do go some way to putting things in perspective.
I’m not going to lie & tell you that all of a sudden everything has become clear to me & that I’ve been in the wrong the whole time, but a lot of what you’ve said is thought provoking, for example the birth; I have always tried to consider what she went through (a horrible painful birth for which she required surgery after) & be compassionate in that sense, then my thoughts would get overwritten & outnumbered by the other ways I felt wronged & then I’d disregard what she went through. The main reason I’d disregard her physical pain at birth is because of her being sexual with other men while carrying my son. I have reason to believe she was literally gang banging while pregnant. I also think she may have had whichever guy was in her life at the time at the birth of MY son. She might have had the guy at MY sons christening.
I have so many unanswered questions, fueled in part by her putting up things like “if only you knew ;)” etc… If only I knew what? This in turn leads me to assume things.
I am not a violent abusive person despite what you might have perceived. I do accept that I have probably sounded so, but anything I have felt has been a result to being treated like shit first. The rage that developed in my soul was not there before she started doing what she did. I know I’m fighting a losing battle by going over it & going over it & going over it. I don’t even know what i would want to happen or how I would want her to “suffer”, because if I heard that another man had physically hurt her, despite me hating her I would go absolutely crazy about it. I think the “wanting her to suffer” is simply me banging my head repeatedly off a brick wall.
Banging my head off a brick wall.
In my “justified” redemption I mentally prepared a list of around 10 men I have grievances with. All men I know, or suspect, that she had sex with before she discovered she was pregnant (if that bit is true & she didn’t know she was pregnant until 5 months). I didn’t care that they didn’t know there was a baby, in my eyes that is just tough luck lads.
Banging my head off a brick wall, & keeping me in pain. I don’t know how punching these guys is meant to help. I thought that hurting people like this would be the suffering I wanted for her, by her knowing they got punched because of how she behaved. Completely irrational I know. But the good thing is nothing has happened & I will probably rid myself of hate & venom before any of them cross my path.
I’m not a bad person. I’m a good person, who has been treated badly.
I like your analogy about the sandcastle. Yes it is true, but I did go on to build my own castle. I moved away & made a new life for myself.
Lately I have been thinking about all the things that have come into my life through this horrible experience, to try & help my healing process. There’s the fact I moved away in the first place to a big city where there are millions of opportunities, I have started doing a degree in psychology, I took up boxing which is my favorite sport & is an outlet for my frustration, I am meeting new people & new girls regularly, I have made new friends. There’s loads more, but the point is none of it would have happened had she not screwed me over.
It’s a bit bittersweet, & I find it difficult to be thankful for all the positive changes that have happened in my life when it was through experiencing all that pain which put me here, but it is what it is, & here I am.
I don’t like this hatred rearing it’s ugly head from time to time. It’s going to be difficult to dissolve especially as she is currently causing me ongoing pain by telling lies to legal representatives etc, & is due to cause me more in the future, but I’ve made the decision to heal, & that’s what I will do.
ParticipantThank you & I understand & accept much of what you’ve said, except I do not see that my ex is not responsible in any capacity.
All those special moments with my first child that I missed out on are moments I will never get back again, they are lost forever. How I feel about it is a direct result of her withholding them from me. The rage I feel about her actions such as having sex whilst pregnant with my child is a reaction to those actions. It is something that can’t be undone.
I get that we are responsible for how we feel, but how we feel can be influenced & manipulated by the actions of others. It is simply not possible in all cases to just laugh at or ignore the dreadful actions of a person towards you.
I’ve been angry so long that it has become a part of me. I’m not grumpy or anything like that, but the venom, it’s just there, deep down inside my soul. I have been in that boat of “she doesn’t deserve forgiveness” (which she doesn’t) & instead preferred to hate her, but I understand the anger is only hurting me & I’ve known that for a long time.
It hard enough trying to forgive her, but to turn around & absolve her of blame for how I feel? I don’t even like the thought of telling myself that when for me, it is not true. The things she did affected me, if she hadn’t done them I wouldn’t have felt it, therefore at the very least half of it is her responsibility.
I have always angrily ignored anything I’ve encountered about forgiving myself as I am not the culprit, however, in the interest of freeing myself I am willing to try it. I’ll incorporate it into my meditation or something.