Forum Replies Created
July 9, 2018 at 5:18 pm #216045
ParticipantAnita: Is there anything that isn’t a matter of perception? That we are all one being. Others might disagree with me but as far as I can tell we are all one being under the illusion that we are separate entities. That is why I say I can not blame my mother because my mother was me. This goes for everything. I am you and you are me. You are also the chair you’re sitting on and the monitor you’re looking into. You are everything. Maybe there are other truths too or maybe others will disagree with my views. I would love to tell you that I’m the all knowing all powerful Whatever but I would be lying to you if I said that. 🙂
Peter: I consider this thread to be open dialog. I started it just to post my feelings on things. I actually never expected this many replies. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you have also experienced ego death. Were you looking for it or did it hit you on the head like a bolt of lightening like it did to me? As for ego death I do think it’s more of a transformation. I say ego death but I still have an ego. I just don’t let it into the drivers seat anymore. It does seem to be getting smaller with time although it’s only been a couple of months. Yet it is still there and I must keep watch on it lest it try to create a new identity. I’m happy being no one.
July 8, 2018 at 2:47 pm #215915Christy
ParticipantYes beliefs that are not objectively true still exist but if they are challenged I no longer get upset about it. For instance let’s say that two people where I work have put in for the same job opening. I might feel that one of these people would be better suited for the job. In my mind I have a list of reasons why this person should get the job. However I also realize that others have their own beliefs on what is true. They might think the other person is better for the job. Before I reached a state of ego death I might believe that my reasoning is beyond challenge and that it is the absolute truth that the person I want to get the job is the better candidate for it. However now I know that my “truth” in that situation is objective and so not infallible. If the person I did not want to get the job got it anyway I would not be angry even if I were the one who put in for the job and did not get it.
Most people have a set of beliefs they think are unquestionable truths but there are very few if any unquestionable truths. For instance most people would not argue that the sky is blue and would say that is the truth but it’s only blue because we all agree that it is. If we all agreed that the sky was green then it would be, regardless of what our sense of sight told us. We would perceive what we now call “blue” as “green” instead. Almost everything is a matter of perception. When we think our “truth” is the absolute truth it causes problems but when we see that our truth is a matter of perception it’s easy to let others who disagree go on with their lives without getting angry at them. They simply don’t perceive things the way we do.
As for my parents both of them are gone now but growing up with them was not easy. Both my parents had issues and my mother had some very serious issues and would lash out badly at times. For years I harbored anger against her but I no longer do. Not only can I look and see what she went though that made her that way and find compassion as a result but I also recognize that I am everything and everything is me. I could not have been a victim of my mother as it is impossible to be a victim of yourself. I have forgiven her.
As for what Peter was saying “I” did latch on to “everything is meaningless” for several days after my ego death. It took a little while to recognize that, that was my egos attempt to reestablish an identity around life being pointless. For the first couple of days I walked around with a blank look on my face saying very little and caring even less. I’m glad that’s over 🙂 You are also right about ego being a tool. I guess I see it as a poison because when I look back I can see just how many times I made mistakes or made an ass out of myself because my ego was in control. I’ll have to ponder about the ego a bit. 🙂
July 4, 2018 at 12:12 pm #215437Christy
ParticipantI agree with what Peter said. When you believe you are your ego you are very rigid in your thinking. For example here in the US right now politics is a hot button topic. Politicians on both side of the fence are often caught doing wrong but their supporters will continue to support them anyway because they identify as their political party. If they were to change their stance their sense of self would be threatened.
Being no one means not adhering to any labels. I may have politicians that I consider better candidates but if they are found doing wrong it is very easy for me to say “I do not support that and by default I no longer support them.” This leads to rational decision making rather than letting my need to be someone dictate my choices. I also do not hang out on news websites all day waiting to see “what the other side does next.” as there is no “other side” for me because I do not adhere strictly to one side or the other.
I no longer identify as anything. I still go to the movies from time to time but I am not a “movie goer.” If I want I can watch a sporting event but that does not make me a “sports fan.” I can prepare a meal without being a “cook.” I still have beliefs but I do not identify with them as Peter said. I still have wants but I don’t NEED to have them fulfilled. For instance if I go out to eat I might want to eat at X place but others might want to eat at Y place. If I do not get what I want and end up at Y place, that’s just as well as ending up at X place. Before ego death I might have said “but I like X place better and now I have to go to Y place, it’s not fair!” What’s not fair? An experience is an experience.
We love to both put labels on things and identify with those labels. Do you repair cars? You’re a “mechanic.” “Do you read a lot of books? You’re a “book worm.” Then we identify with those labels. “I read a lot of books so I must be a book worm.” this leads to “All the other book worms are reading THIS book. I have no interest but I must read that book too or I’m not a book worm.” You now must read a book you have no interest in as your identity demands it. This leads to misery.
The day of my ego death started like any other. I was “Christy” I knew who Christy was or at least I thought I did. I had to adhere to all the beliefs of Christy. If another challenged those beliefs I had to defend them. Then in a blink of an eye all that was gone. At first I was terrified. I had no idea what had just happened and if not for an internet search done after the fact I still would not know. However as I get used to my new way of being I’m a lot more happy and at peace now than I ever was before. In my opinion ego is poison.
July 3, 2018 at 6:49 pm #215299Christy
ParticipantWhat I meant by others achievements having no affect on you is that you is that you shouldn’t do things to be “as good” or “better” than others. If you want to be fit, that’s fine. You can join a gym or jog or do other types of workouts but if you want to be fit to out do others that is when you should think about why you want to out do them.
We always compare ourselves to others. For instance I know a little about computers but for years it was never enough. There was always someone else who knew more and I should try to know as much or more than them. If I achieved that goal then there was always another person who knew more still and I had to out do them too. This lead to a cycle of misery. No matter how much I knew I always wanted to know more.
The truth is that if Superman where a real person he would do the same. Others would look up to him and say “Wow, he can fly and he’s bulletproof and he can stop a train with his bare hands. I want to be like that!” but Superman would think “Yeah, I can fly and I’m bulletproof and I can stop a train with my bare hands but I’ll never know what it’s like to live a “normal” life. Look at me. I’m alone, I hang out at the North Pole, I have trouble getting dates and the closest thing I have to a friend is a guy who dresses up like a bat. I’m such a loser.”
This is the nature of the self. It always wants what it does not possess and should it ever get what it wants it will always want something else, often within minutes. “Cool, I just bought a brand new Chevy! Oh no! Bill next door went out and bought a BMW. I need a BMW too!” “Wow is she thin, I wish I were that thin.” “He’s really smart. I need to be smart too.” “Look at them, the life of the party! I wish I were more extroverted.”
The best thing you can do is live your life as you see fit without comparing yourself to others. When you start to do so or when you start to put yourself down because you feel like you are less than someone else take a deep breath and tell yourself to stop. If you can’t stop thinking like that then ignore the thoughts. Pretend it’s a radio station that you don’t like and tune it out. Don’t listen to it.
July 2, 2018 at 1:37 pm #215167Christy
ParticipantEgo is the sense of self, the “I” or the “me.” It is what makes us think we are separate from everyone and everything and it is the little voice that narrates our day from the time we get up until the time we go to bed.
Yes I still have one of those but I recognize that it is not who I am.
July 1, 2018 at 1:43 pm #214971Christy
ParticipantHi RedDress,
I hear you saying things like “I’m afraid that I might offend someone. I’m afraid of failure” that’s your inner monologue and it can get distressing at times. For instance if you pass by someone you know and they don’t speak to you your inner monologue might say something like “I bet I angered them when I did or said such and such.” If you are having a good day only to come out of a store into the parking lot to find you have a flat tire your inner monologue might say “See everything was going great and now this! I’m not supposed to be happy!” The truth is however that you have no way of knowing why the person you passed by didn’t speak so there is no reason to make up a story in your mind about it. As for the flat, it’s an experience. Nothing more, nothing less. If you view it as negative then it is and if not then it is not.
You say “Other people’s achievements should motivate me to work harder.” Why? Yes work is something we all must do but why should someone else’s achievements have an impact on your life? The next door neighbors may be millionaires. The people you pass on the street may be famous actors, who knows but why should any of this impact your life? Constantly comparing yourself to others will only make you miserable. Don’t worry about what others do, just live.
Success and failure are nothing more than concepts. If you feel that you are a success then you are and if not then you aren’t. There are no ironclad values to define success and failure and those two words mean different things to different people. If you travel off the beaten path, yes others will probably gossip about you but that gossip can only have an affect on you if you let it. Living your life for others will only lead to regret. In the end the only one you can impress is you. Be gentle with yourself.
May 22, 2018 at 3:16 pm #208853Christy
ParticipantThank you all for the replies. I looked up the people you recommended. While I’m sure these people are enlightened I hesitate to use that term for “myself.” I still have a million flaws. Eckhart Tolle’s experience does seem similar to mine though. He was very depressed and found that the self wasn’t real. I wasn’t depressed but I still found that the self isn’t real.
For the time being I think I’ll look more into this website as well as others and some books too. So far other than the therapist I mentioned I have only told my girlfriend about this. She didn’t seem happy about it. At the same time people in my life have begun to notice that I’ve changed somehow. Sitting and pretending nothing has happened isn’t going to work much longer. I never saw any of this coming. I am slowly getting used to it though and the sense of calm is nice. Anyway thanks for everything. 🙂