
Cali Chica

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  • in reply to: Self Trust #224163
    Cali Chica

    Thank you Anita!

    Bonjour from Paris!

    in reply to: Self Trust #223489
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    good morning (early for your side of the country!). I hope you are well rested today. I also hope that you continue to get clearer and clearer skies. I am not well rested today in body, but I am well in spirit. And for that I am grateful. Often, or almost always, all of our parts do not align together. But that is OK, focus on that which serves you the most right now, nourish it, and watch it grow.

    in reply to: Self Trust #223269
    Cali Chica

    Me neither 🙂

    I had a good day back to work after a joyous weekend. I was able to carry some of this joy into my workday today. This felt very good

    in reply to: Self Trust #223235
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I thought it would be your policy to not give your email. I also thought perhaps we would both make an exception for each other. I also thought that we would not like to post our personal emails here. I just wanted to see your thoughts, whether you do share, in the future, or perhaps never is just fine. I am glad to have our interaction and grateful for it daily. No pressure. It is a win win for me as you say. And I think for you.


    Yes what a great point you made. Time for US. I can be present on what it really is all about, him and I. How simple. How sweet

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #223215
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    September 3! our wedding was labor day weekend last year.

    I wanted to know Anita, how I can send you a message directly – if you would be open to that? or you send one to me?

    Today I too, after speaking with you, feel elated, sending you an e-hug.  and so wanted to ask.

    in reply to: Self Trust #223209
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Oh I am elated that you are elated.  Yes the path does work.  As does the incredible dedicated support of people like you! Let us rejoice in this.

    in reply to: Self Trust #223203
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    This weekend was incredible.  So much so that it was hard to process SO MUCH good going on at once.  My husband and I spoke about this and him opening up about this was very special.

    We are celebrating our one year anniversary this weekend.  As you know, it has been a tremendous year.  The fact that we survived it, and together, is amazing.  Never did I value this, or pay much attention.  As I’ve stated before, I always felt it was a given.  But it is not.  To have a partner that not only supported me but was able to help me achieve clarity – all with the most patience imaginable.  I am slowly seeing this, and with that slowly appreciating more.  As I said before Anita, my mother held so much real estate in my heart and mind – the more it clears up – the more I have space  to see my own self and life clearer, and experience authenticity in regards to that.  To be able to live, appreciate, and enjoy myself and others.

    His parents had a surprise cake and mini-celebration for our anniversary.  It was so heartwarming – I can not explain it.  For a moment there I had trouble grasping how grateful I felt – but i did not judge myself, I allowed myself to “enjoy” the moment to the best of my ability.  His whole family was around us, with true joy and support for us.  I felt a level of joy from my husband in that moment I hadn’t in over a year.

    The next morning we woke up, and he mentioned how he did not sleep well.  And often doesn’t.  We both don’t often, waking up with anxiety or racing thoughts.  As I’ve told you, my energy has transferred over to him over time – naturally.  We both spoke about how it will take time to “undo” the damage.  And even when things are going great – it is easy to feel like you’re just waiting for the other “shoe to drop.” He mentioned this a few times, and the fact that he can articulate that is a huge step.  Just like all of my progress with you, when I began to be able to speak and write about what I was feeling – it was half the battle sometimes.

    I felt like a true team with him yesterday Anita.  Seeing how he is struggling with the same thing as me, grasping the good in life fully – healing trauma simultaneously.  It doesn’t have  to be him, and then me.  It can be US – i see how from here forward I can value us as  a team and we are making leaps and bounds of progress together.

    my mother never taught me the value of marriage, or the prioritization of my husband.  you have mentioned this from the very beginning.  you often stated things such as: “for the sake and sanity of your husband and future kids…”

    i read it countless time since last year – I get it now.  I really do.

    in reply to: Self Trust #222841
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Happy friday by the way.  Thank you for always providing me support and advice that is honest, and advocating the path.

    I hope you can enjoy some time outdoors this weekend in good air conditions.

    This weekend I am going to be spending time with my husband, looking for a new home (update you on Monday!) and celebrate and Indian holiday tomorrow with his family and cousins.  I am really looking forward to it.  Good plans, good people, and love and support all around.

    in reply to: Self Trust #222839
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    you are right. I am glad I made that realization quickly before I find out “more and more” I don’t need to. I understand her explaining the death of our grandfather. But nothing more is needed to know. I noticed a huge clarity on 8/7 what I told you. I do not anticipate taking a step backwards. I know that I will not unlearn what progress I have made even if I come across road blocks such as being told this info yesterday.

    in reply to: Self Trust #222831
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    i feel close to her in a way I always have. A sister bound, although I do realize I feel more triggered since she’s back st home. Even if she isn’t saying anything I feel this “need to help her. “

    Recently I was getting better About not feeling like this as she has been quite independent and finding her own path.

    Adter I wrote to you yesterday I realized. It will be important for her to not tell me these things. I stated that when I decided to go no contact, I meant it completely. Ther is no reason to inform me about anything. As much as it may be hard for her to take on the pressure of her being the “middle” person. She must find a way to cope without telling me. She states she understands.

    in reply to: Self Trust #222775
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    my sister is back home with my parents for about a month. Our relationship has gotten very good and even closer and less triggering. She has done a good job about not inflicting her frustration of my parents onto me.

    Today when I texted her she said she wanted to share something. I said okay. I feel strong and able to hear whatever it may be.

    So as a background you know my parents have not attempted to come to my home, or use her to contact me since that very beginning. Of course as I know this was temporary as they will swing the pendulum to stalking and harassment soon enough.

    My sister told me that my mother is constantly pushing her to reach out to me. My grandfather (fathers dad) passed away earlier this week. She is using that as a reason.

    So bckgroind on that is that my fathers parents did not have a relationship with us In the last 5 years. They were not nice people and essentially my parents decided to not continue to talk to them. They live in India. Point of the story is that we were not close. And in fact they may have been even more toxic than my own parents. When I heard the news I knew my dad may have some conflict on how to deal with it. He is likely confused angry guilty etc. That is his problem. Just like in the future if my mother dies, I’ll deal with the conflicted feelings I may have. It won’t be my daughters duty to be my therapist.


    Anyway when I heard the news I had a feeling it would lead them to harass my sister to contact me. Often it is things like these that make parents seek more “supply” and security and so they harass and torture for more control.


    Like clockwork. The best part of the story- my mother says to my sister – I want to talk to her (me) to make sure her husband is not treating her bad and putting negative pressure on her.

    how sweet isn’t she—considering her last comment to me was I should have been an abortion!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #222725
    Cali Chica

    Yes. Very true. I know we all act this way at times. Fear and frustration turns to anger soneasily. It reminds me of what we spoke about – how often anger is often the easiest accessible emotion. It’s as though we have to dig much deeper for emotions such as shame, guilt, insecurity.

    in reply to: Self Trust #222713
    Cali Chica

    It’s hard to explain as I see patients everyday and her way of acting was beyond the scope of what we have all seen. Rude nasty combative to the docs and a whole other level. To the level of becoming unsafe and a hazard to herself.

    I of course see where you’re coming from. It is hard to explain unless you are there.

    Anyway how are you fairing with the smoke today? The part of the country you live in seems beautiful.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #222703
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you for enjoying my definition.

    I want to share my morning with you. I had a patient, pregnant about to deliver. That was hysterical. I mean beyond the norm of anxiety and pain. Truly intolerable. Demanding everyone do things only her way (the nurses and doctors) screaming and crying in hysteria every other second when we attempt to do routine things such as draw bloos for her. Mind you all of this is to HELP her deliver HER baby safely. All protocol for a delivery.  – every mother goes through it.

    It took so so much out of me. I had only been at work 3 hours and I feel as though it is the end of a long week. This is what these people do to us. They are emotional vampires.

    This patient was not unlike my mother. Hysterical, unable to grasp reality, incapable of listening or reasoning. Difficult difficult all around.

    And I saw her differently. I saw her in a light that I didn’t see before. Before I would have been annoyed yes and exasperated. Today I saw the truth. She is unfit to be a mother with her lack of coping mechanisms. The way she spoke to us and dealt with her anxiety was truly pathologic. She required so many of us to come in and out and reason with her. So much time. So many resources. So much energy. All in vain. She continued her behavior and escalated despite.

    Whether it was conscious on her end or not is no longer my focus or concern.

    It is women like these that pass down their unhealed wounds and inability to cope. It is generations of torture  that will propagate.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #222671
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I hope the weather conditions, and air quality is clearing up.  When we can not feel comfortable in our body/environment – it is hard for us to feel mentally at peace. Thus, I hope soon enough you can resume your walks in peace and comfort.

    yes if I: “believed it was a bam thing, an event, and a simple, easy and fearless experience”

    I would be quite delusional and far removed from the reality of what the true healing entails.  It is so much more than “dealing with my parents” It is so much more than fighting.

    It is truly an adventure that requires conscious clarity

    conscious clarity = uncovering truths about the world that were hidden for me, uncovering delusions and deep rooted opinions, seeing the world for what it is – with a clearer lens now.

    conscious clarity = taking that clarity and allowing myself permission to listen to my own intuition, and form my own views and opinions.  it is allowing my inner spirit to grow and flourish

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