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ParticipantGood advice from everyone above but Cee Jay took the words right out of my mouth haha. To reiterate, what’s most important is thinking for YOURSELF. If you’re not sure what side of abortion you’re on, research the topic and become a self informed individual. Look at the pros and cons, not at other opinions. Form your own opinions based on the references you’ve taken in and you will feel much more at peace. The opinions each and every one of us have are only so because of the things we have learned and experienced in our life so don’t take any too seriously except your own. Those are the ones that matter.
I completely understand how you feel about FOX news because I have done my share of reading up on our leaders and the propaganda they put out, and FOX is at the top of the list. Based on my experience and I don’t expect you to follow this religiously, I want to give you a heads up. When it comes to “news” the only real information is the one you find on the internet. Anything on television whether it’s TV shows, movies, or the news, is all someone else’s truth. You watch TV and inadvertently transfer misinformation and deception into your brain which is all part of conditioning. Governments are all about control and our wants to control everything how to act, how and what you learn, how to look in materials for happiness, etc. My advice: Don’t watch TV, it is poison.
ParticipantYou never fail to give solid advice Matt, thanks a bunch.
ParticipantI’m not exactly sure what you did to “so many people” but I believe you’re over thinking it. I recommend the best thing for you to do is contact all of the people that you’ve ‘done wrong’ and communicate with each and every one of them. It is so under rated for us to simply talk it out with others nowadays and it’s a big shame. Talk to them and tell them how you feel about the situation. Ask any questions that you need answers to, so you can finally rest your mind. If you keep it in your head you will continue to over think which is not going to help. Nevertheless, if it’s necessary just ask for a genuine apology and mean it! Whether they do or don’t is up to them, but that is all you can do. Forgive yourself for the mistake and move on with your life.
You say you have many questions that whirl in your mind, write them down! Look up on Google “GTD”. It is a program to be more productive and way more organized with your thoughts/plans. It’s a really good destressor because when you jot down the things you want to do, it clears your mind and the extra energy can be used to focus on things you really want to do(goals, ambitions, development, etc).
It’s great that you’re humble enough to accept how some other guy might just be better for your ex. You can’t force anything in this world, as it will make things go sour. Let her go on her own path but more importantly, give yourself permission to continue living your life too. I’ve been single for over 5 years and I’m extremely happy with the person I’ve become because of the continuous positive recurrence in my daily life. I surround myself with positive music, positive activities that I LOVE doing, and only feed positive text into my brain. TURN OFF the television. I wish you can do the same, even if it’s temporary, so you can see the amazing things that happen when you fill your life with positive energy.
Participant@aMatt said it perfect. You may find her ways annoying now but she does it for the better. She’s trying to teach you how to live, and if you’re a messy and disorganized person that doesn’t mind his room dirty… shoot, I don’t even know haha. I hate having my room dirty but that’s just me. Show some gratitude man, you’re richer than 75% of the worlds population. You have it good compared to most people, stop looking at the negative side of things. It will help you in the long run.
Good luck Trevor.
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantHello Little Buddha,
I believe your current issue stems from lack of trust. It seems like you don’t, or at least find it hard, trusting yourself. I deal with the same issue at times but in a different light(more self doubt than regret) which is the same thing in general but the main point is that we’re human; we’re all works in progress. It’s important for us to find the root what we’re feeling, in this case, regret. Why do you feel regret when you take off work? Ask why to every answer until you come to the root of the emotion you’re experiencing and start correcting it from there.
You ask “How come I can’t be happy with the decisions I make?” I say, you CAN be happy but you choose not to. You choose to be the victim with self pity over being the student to life while embracing all that comes with love. No one is perfect, this happens to us all at some point of our lives. Understand that there is a positive in every negative, a lesson in every mistake, it’s one of the universal laws and it’s just ‘the way’ as some would say. One thing that I’d recommend you to do is a simple change in your perspective. The degree of our happiness should not be made up from our circumstances in the world, but in the lens in which we see which forms our reality. All you need to do is start looking for the positive in every situation. It might be hard when you first look, but the more you do it, the more naturally it will become. The same way you walk without even noticing sometimes, we all had to LEARN how to walk. You can do it, I believe in you!
Best of luck to you brother, Namaste.
ParticipantHi Sarah,
I will start off by saying, I am very happy that you are self analytical and have found direction in your life since this is an issue for many humans. I’ll preface this by saying I’m a strong believer of this quote by Gandhi; “Be the change you want to see in the world”. I will work day in and day out to become that person and I hope you and others do, or continue to do so.
Stop everything you’re doing in this very moment(besides reading haha) and try this out. Right now, I want you to love yourself. Say aloud the characteristics you have which you LOVE, the people in your life that you’re grateful for, just embody the feeling of love. Be happy, feel happy. This is what’s most important because we live right NOW. Every breathe we take makes our past and every step we take places us in our future, but the present, the NOW, is the one place where we live and it’s everlasting.
All of your decisions in the past have placed you where you are in this moment, and right now you can’t change the fact that you’re struggling with weight loss because it will take time. It will be hard but so is every goal worth achieving. Decide and commit right now that you can and WILL change for the better by trying your hardest every single day to progress. When you give something your all, you leave zero space for self judgement. Figure out your triggers, the things that trigger you to eat the things you know you shouldn’t, or anything that makes you fail to stick to your commitments. Surround yourself with people who are in the position that you would like to be, with people that support you, with people that are positive and dependable. These are just tips that might help you and I’ve found something that helps me a lot is reading positive blogs. For example: is one that might help you and you can find many more at
I too, struggle with staying consistent on eating healthy and not because I want to look good or impress anyone, but because I want to live a healthy lifestyle. I will be the change. Just this morning I was beating myself up, because of how I ate yesterday and how I procrastinated on things I planned/should have done, during the car ride to work. First, I wrote down everything I was feeling on paper and that alone, helped tremendously. When I express what I’m feeling and gradually find out why I’m feeling this way, it helps me reach a calm state of mind. This is a recent habit I picked up and let me tell you, it helps a lot with stress. Write down the things you want to analyze at a later time or things you want to do for the day because when you fill your head up with things to want to do, it can get really crowded and distracting.
I’m at work and I must return to what I was doing but I hope I’ve helped, even the slightest.
Good luck!
ParticipantMatt thank you for your response! It was spot on, I actually laughed at that “bumbling fool of a body” part lol. I’m actually very clumsy..
I agree with your advice and will make an effort to correct my imbalances starting today. Much truth to the fact that I do take myself and life too seriously sometimes when I shouldn’t really cause we’re all just dancing until we expire. Breathe and move on, that’s what I gotta start repeating to myself in times of bad emotions. 🙂
I’m going to check out metta meditation, it sounds really helpful or at least for me in my case. I very much appreciate this recommendation!
Many wise words in these replies and I will be returning here often to refresh my mind on the light that’s been shed here. 😀
A HUGE thank you to you both!
Participant1. I like that I am genuine. I’m very honest, too honest actually.. it’s hard for me to lie on the spot a majority of the time haha 🙁
2. I like that I am not complacent. Although I’m very thankful for my life and those who are a part of it, I strive to change for the better everyday.
3. I like that I am positive. Every one has their down moments and even when I am feeling down, I know it is temporary and good things will happen if I change my attitude to a positive one.
4. I like that I’m a nerd. I love to learn, learn, learn! Of course, learn about things that interest me but there are so many things, I know I won’t have enough time in this life to learn it all.
5. I like that I love unconditionally. Everyone has flaws, it comes in the package of being human, but if we all learn to love unconditionally, our lives will be transformed. Love yourself and others!
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantBe comfortable with your image but do not settle. When you settle it is because you feel safe and secure and life is no fun when you live the same life over and over again. Always strive to progress.
I believe that our body’s are representations of our mind so if you have an unhealthy body, so is your mind and that will result in unhealthy(negative) emotions. It doesn’t matter if they’re towards others or yourself, it is not beneficial. Change is the only thing certain in life and I think ALL of us should try to change a little (for the better of course) every day.
You don’t have to look like a super model but make an effort to live a healthier life. Don’t do it because you will look better, do it because it will add longevity to your life and your body (the most important vehicle which you use to travel every day) will feel much better. You will have more motivation to do the things you love and your mind will be congruent with your desires as long as it’s working as it should. If it’s one thing I learned in and about life, it’s you get what you put in.
If you go on youtube and look up a video called ‘Action vs. Fear’ I think it’ll help get my point across. It’s made by 6packshortcuts. Good luck!
ParticipantYou have a good point and it’s true; I automatically place women on a pedestal. For some reason their opinion matters so much to my unconscious but when I think about it, I really don’t care. I just want to have fun and enjoy life. The things I’ve learned in life has me certain that I’m interesting but that aspect of me flies right out the window when I’m nervous.
Seems like when I’m in those situations where I’m uncomfortable, my unconscious takes over which puts me in this weird mind state that only cares about people pleasing and being accepted by everyone. I need to understand that it’s inevitable because no one can win every one over, let alone every single girl.
I should look at the bigger picture and every day I come closer to implementing this realization. The realization that nothing is important, at least it’s only important because we focus on it. I need to stop thinking so much and just do, jump into the unknown and let my heart figure out it’s way, which is my problem. I’m not sure what I need to read/hear for this to stick to my brain. Like you said, I need to be more curious…
I’ll definitely check out his ‘Intimacy’ book when I finish with ‘Courage’. I have a bad tendency of starting books and stopping half way 🙁 I love Courage but I haven’t read it in 2 days. (Note to Self: I gotta get some text in today) I’ll probably take a trip to Barnes & Nobles and try to find ‘Intimacy’ just to indulge the whole thing in one sitting. Maybe muster up the motivation to approach one or two to girls who spark some of my curiosity? Who knows? 😀
Thank you Ruminant for your response 🙂
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by