Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Anita,
Yes, as a country we haven’t seen any change to the cases yet, but yesterday, the total number of cases reported in a day did go down in my city (if you figure the city out, please don’t mention it, to protect my anonymity :D). We are looking at help from other countries. It’s all just numbers when you watch the news. But when the numbers turn to names, it is very scary.
Well, there are certain techniques I have tried with her, which have somewhat worked. Like I said, showing her how she affects me, pointing out when she scolds me, etc. Compared to earlier, it is loads better. So I’m gonna just hope this is maintained.
What other affirmations can I try? To work on my core belief? My self-esteem?
I have certain other problems, which I probably will talk about on a different thread. I still don’t have the confidence to talk about it. It’s hard for me. But when I do, I will post about it.
Take care…
ParticipantHi Tiny,
I’m sorry to read you’re going through such a tough time. It is really hard, especially for those of us with anxious brains that just won’t shut up. I am no stranger to this voice. I call it “The Demonic Voice of Anxiety”.
You see, there is a reason I gave it such a horrible name, despite knowing that my anxiety is trying to protect me from potential danger (physical/emotional). I call it thus because I find that my anxiety attacks everything I care about. These “what if” or “OMG” thoughts are always about someone I love or something that matters to me. Do you think that’s what’s happening with you too? Considering how much you love and care about your boyfriend?
I also find that my anxiety tends to bleed to other areas of my life. For example, if I am anxious about a mistake I made at work, I get worked up to such a frenzy and am so much at edge that the tiniest of the things just triggers me. For example, why is my mom not answering my call? Is she okay? Did something bad happen? OMG what if she’s hurt herself? Actually, she was just in the bathroom. Is this something you experience too?
Listen to Anita; she is very wise. Exercise is a great way to shake off all that stress. Go for a run. Practice yoga. Hell, just put on some music and dance it out. Practice deep breathing exercises. I find they instantly loosen that anxious knot in my chest. But I find that the best thing to do is to be present in the moment. Being present in the moment, focusing on the very present (what you are doing/tasting/feeling with your fingers/etc.) can prevent your mind from wandering and going back to anxious thoughts and what-if scenarios, lowering your anxiety little by little. These are some tips that I practice, though I won’t say I’m a master at all. It is hard and I struggle. But this helps.
Now about the situation with your boyfriend. I know it’s scary for you, I completely understand that, but the easiest way is to talk to your boyfriend. Obviously, don’t spring him with “Are you cheating on me?” Instead, just ask him about the text. No harm in that. If you are insecure, it is always good to clear it out. From what you say about him, he sounds great and will understand. What I feel is, even though he is amazingly supportive of you, he is still only human. Him snapping at you is an extremely human thing to do, even though it is unlike him. You can’t expect him to be loving and romantic all the time, right? He is going to be angry or irritated with you from time to time. He is going to be stressed out sometimes. He is going to be sad sometimes. He is going to even not want to talk to you sometimes. Now people like us find this difficult to deal with, but it’s human nature. No?
You mention about his phone habits, which seem to just fuel your what-if thoughts. Like Anita said, this itch you simply can’t seem to reach will only get more itchy every time you pay attention. If you get a clarification about the phone habits, tomorrow it will be something else: Why is he wearing this shirt after so long? (simply no reason) Why does he not want to meet me today? (he is just too tired) Why is he suddenly interested in working out? (he wants to be fit, probably for you) You get it? Treat these thoughts like a tantrum-throwing child. I sometimes say to those thoughts, “yeah yeah I know this could be the case. But until there is more evidence, I dont have the time to think more about this.” You could also say to yourself, “I’ll deal with it when it comes to it. Thanks for the warning.”
I hope some of this helps.
Take care.
ParticipantHi Anita,
The government has now imposed stricter lockdowns. So we aren’t allowed to go out much, and this has helped to some extent; the cases are coming down. Though we are nowhere out of danger. We have help coming in from several other countries with oxygen. The vaccine isn’t available for my age group yet, but I do plan to get it as soon as it is. I have read so many posts on social media where people are spreading misinformation about vaccines as well as masks, with no scientific logic backing their arguments. It is so infuriating. My mother and I both are people of science, and there is no way we pay heed to such nonsense. Maa is already vaccinated, and I will too.
Well, when I try scolding my maa the way she scolds me, we end up in yelling match. 😀 It’s not enjoyable, and I end up feeling real bad about it, even though I can’t help it most of the times.
I have seen the hurt on a child’s face when he’s scolded. And I understand your point. I just dont know how to integrate it into my system. Do I keep affirming it to myself?
Hope you stay safe…
ParticipantHi Anita,
It’s so nice to hear from you again.
I have actually suspected for while now about OCD compulsions, though I have not been formally diagnosed. Yes, the wood touching and tapping is to keep bad luck away or to prevent jinxing something good. I have so many bad thoughts in my head, and I’m so often thinking that something bad is going to happen that I wear a wooden bracelet a lot of times, just to be safe. I so appreciate you keeping in touch with wood while reading my post.
Well, yes, my mother still scolds me time and again. Likes yesterday, she reprimanded me 4 times because I broke the pizza base bread. Until I got irritated and told her it’s just some stupid bread, and I could go out and get new ones. I point out when she scolds me.
About understanding that I was not a naughty kid and it wasn’t my fault when she scolded me, it’s really really hard for me to change that. I mean I believed for the longest time that I got the scolding because I deserved it. Are there any ways I can try?
I’m amazed you figured out where I live! Yes, the situation seems to be worsening everyday. The cases are just shooting up, and we don’t have enough beds, oxygen, or medicines, and more and more people are dying everyday. People take precautions but seem to get it anyway. It’s really bleak. But we can only hope for better.
I hope you are staying safe as well.
Take care…
ParticipantHi Anita,
It’s been such a long time since I last wrote here. I am so touched by your concern and am really grateful for it. I hope you are safe and healthy, wherever you are. Where I am, the pandemic has taken a turn for the worse, and it is really scary to be honest. I hope it passes soon, and there is not a too much damage, although it seems like a lot to ask for at the moment. However, mom and I are safe (touch wood), and we continue to take as many precautions as we can.
Anita, I apologize for not writing sooner despite having read your reply in my email as soon as you’d sent it. The thing is that I had promised myself that I will write to you after I take some concrete action regarding my health. I don’t really like it when people whine about situations in life without taking any action that is within their scope to improve the situation. Myself was not exempt from this, so I made a deal with myself that I would reply once I had seen the new doctor. Sort of like a reward.
Before you read further, I’d like to involve you in a little quirk of mine (even though there’s no way I can know if you actually did it, I’m gonna assume you did). I’d like if you kept your hand on anything wooden while you read the next few paras.
So, I did see the new doctor and have been undergoing treatment since a few weeks now. We did a few tests, and except for a few deficiencies, everything is normal. I have been feeling better, thanks to the medicines. I hope I don’t jinx this. I’m being treated for the deficiencies as well. You mentioned gut motility issues. I’m being treated for the same. I haven’t spoken to my doctor about the bacterial overgrowth yet, so I will let you know when I do.
Apart from my medicines, I have taken another step to relax myself: chanting. I am not a religious person, and I do not really believe that if you chant this mantra or that mantra, good fortune, health and wealth will come your way (absolutely no offence intended to anyone’s faith; I completely respect people’s beliefs). But I do believe in the effects of meditation on your brain. I can’t really “meditate” without my attention wandering, so I decided to give chanting a try. It keeps my attention in one place, on the words. So far, it has been helpful to some extent. It calms me.
I read what you wrote about the retaliation of the victim and strength coming into play when it comes to abuse, and I agree. What I have started doing with maa is honesty. For example, the other day, she yelled at me because she was stressed out. And I conveyed to her that I am not going to bear the brunt of her anxiety. She needs to find a healthy way of coping with her stress, and I am not okay with her yelling at me just because she is stressed out, especially when I have nothing to do with whatever is bothering her. I keep reminding her that I am my own person and will not be listening to her if I am not okay with whatever she tells me to do. This has helped to a certain extent, and she realizes when she’s at fault. We fight a fair bit, which I think is inevitable, but I feel better when I have told her my truth. I am trying not to yell at her though, simply because I do not like it.
I agree with what you said about her own childhood too, and I feel sorry for her, thinking that whatever she went through must have been terrible. It must be horrible inside her head. I feel grateful that I was able to recognize these unhealthy patterns of yelling at and controlling your kid, and I hope to break it. I even told her that I simply do not agree with the parenting techniques her family follows: it is illogical and hampers growth in many ways. Sometimes, being so honest makes me feel like a monster, but I’d rather not lie and be okay with things anymore. I feel proud of myself for recognizing unhelpful, outmoded and unhealthy patterns and for being willing to change those. My family thinks I’m too “modern” and “liberal”. Well, I wish more people were. Is that saying too much?
Regarding what you said about the guilty core belief. How does that really work? I genuinely am feeling guilty majority of the times, which I think contributes to my anxiety. I’m scolding myself mentally all the time, and I can’t seem to stop. Can we speak more about this? How do I change this core belief?
About the body dysmorphia, to answer your question, no, I never really overate or used laxatives. I was on anti-depressants a few years ago, which made me gain weight. But I was never “fat”. I lost the weight when I started working out. It has always been about the dang flat belly. Instagram makes that worse, what with “influencers” posing and flaunting their abs all the time.
I’ve been through a fair much since we last corresponded, emotionally and physically. As of now, I am just trying to be kind to myself. I realize I have really low self-esteem. I realize that my self-worth is almost negligible, and there is a fair amount of self-hatred. And I realize the self-criticizing and scolding needs to stop. It hasn’t worked for me, the scolding, and I’d like to try something else now. I am just trying to heal now. I don’t know how to go about it, and sometimes I feel I’ve been going backwards, but I guess just admitting that I need to make some changes is a start. I guess I need to speak to myself like I’d speak to a friend. I wouldn’t say half the things I say to myself to a friend.
Thanks for reading through my post again. About whatever I wrote on that other post, I did not like whatever they wrote about you, when all you’re doing is helping so many here everyday, bringing some calm and peace to people like me. Why ask a question if you don’t wanna know the answers?
I hope to hear from you soon….
Take care…
ParticipantHi Mini,
So, I read your thread completely, others’ response to you and your response to them.
According to you, you have worked on yourself and have “mastered” things in life, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. You are constantly improving and are not “broken”, but seem to attract others who are.
I am going to be blunt here, apologies if I offend you. It is not my intention to do so.
I find your view about “brokenness” to be very… ummm… binary. People are either broken, or they are not. That is not the case at all. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has parts of themselves that are broken or damaged, you too. You say you have 99 things working for you, the only one not working is relationships. So, isn’t that part of you “broken”? Aren’t you here to address that? The pain that is not going away… Isn’t it the pain of longing for a deep, meaningful relationship?
What you must understand is that relationships are a two-way street. Always. Yes, you are not responsible for their past, and nobody is blaming you for their past. When your partner is telling you about their past, they don’t expect to be parented or coached. Maybe they are just telling you about their baggage and past and what hurts them, because you are their partner and they are confiding in you? Maybe they are just looking for comfort? Relationships are all about that, isn’t it? Comfort and compassion. If your partner was cheated on, it was a traumatic experience for them, and when they cry on your shoulder, they may just need a hug and a cup of tea. So maybe you need to change your perspective here. People aren’t ignorant, not all of them at least; they just have different experiences than you, and that is nobody’s fault. Also, it is very unrealistic to expect that you will find anybody with zero baggage. Maybe somebody lost a parent, or had a bad breakup, or lost a child, or had a tough time financially… The list goes on… Our past experiences are what build us, and some of those experiences affect you badly. So unless you date somebody who is 16, fresh into the world, you will not find anyone without baggage. Maybe look beyond their baggage, and consider their past/baggage to be a small part of that person. Instead of focusing on their past, look at the other qualities that attract you to them.
You mention you are improving constantly, spiritually and emotionally. Yet, I see a serious lack of compassion and kindness in you. Relationships do not work if you lack compassion. Maybe you could work on that? As Ashmitha said, relationships require you to be compassionate towards and be kind to your partner. It will never work if you do not have that.
You say you are 38, and none of your relationships have worked so far. I wonder, was it you who dumped your partners? If yes, why? Do you see a pattern of what led to breakups? It maybe your need for a “perfect partner”, which is impossible. Nobody may be enough for you that way. Was it you who were dumped? If yes, it may be because of your lack of compassion, and I agree with Ashmitha that you need to be nicer and kinder. Nobody likes a rude, insensitive person.
You may need to change your perspective about yourself as well. From your words it seems that you believe that you have nothing to work on and improve and other people are just broken and ignorant, which is not the case at all, evidently.
So maybe ponder on these things. Also, I do not find anything wrong in being by yourself. If it does not work out with anyone, it doesn’t, and you could keep concentrating on yourself.
Before I end this reply, I would like to say that Tiny Buddha is safe space for everyone. Your reply to Anita was very rude and uncalled for. She was rightfully trying to understand you better, as our relationships in adulthood often depend on what we see and experience in childhood. It is okay to not agree with somebody’s opinion, but rudeness is uncalled for.
Take care.
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you once again for replying and helping out. I’m gonna divide this response in two parts: first, my maa, and second, my IBS.
About my mother…
What I said about my mother is factually true. Growing up, I did get scolded a lot, sometimes for doing things that weren’t even wrong, eg. going out and meeting my friends or having a crush as a teen. I was always terrified of my mother and was afraid of her scolds. As a child, I obviously thought I was a naughty/bad kid and caused her anxiety and trouble. For eg, I went out with my friends and got home late. If I hadn’t, she wouldn’t have gotten anxious and mad at me. But as I grew older, I realized that I am not doing anything wrong or unusual by meeting my friends. That her anxiety is hers and I am not doing anything I shouldn’t be doing. People my age have crushes and go out and have fun with friends. This is just one example. She seemed to be mad at me for something or the other. She gave me a hard time for even doing productive things such as becoming a professional state-level dancer and teaching dancing. After getting mad at me, she would give me the cold treatment, not talking to me for days on end and acting like I don’t exist or as if I have done her a terrible wrong. I also realized I was her emotional punchbag: She would return from work after having a bad day and immediately start scolding me for something as silly as my bag being on the couch; after she had vented, she would calm down and there would be a massive change in her behaviour, and I realized that after she vents out she feels better. She has read my diaries and breached my privacy and trust in other ways too. Being an only child, all these behaviors were directed only at me. I had also noticed that these behaviours seemed to be reserved for me. Her behaviour towards my cousins and others was always pretty pleasant. So I would always wonder what I did wrong for her to hate me so.
My therapist had recommended that I should tell my mother all this, show her how her behaviours affect me, even record her scolding sessions and show her that this is not okay. But I was afraid of that backfiring. In the lockdown, both of us have been at home all day everyday, and I can’t help but lash out. I finally managed to tell her that her scolding me for the silliest reasons is not okay, that I have all the right to go out and do whatever I want as long as I am not doing anything dangerous or illegal, that I am not responsible for her anxiety and she should seek help if she cannot handle it, and that I have the right to live my life the way I want to and do not have to do what she wants me to do. I set some boundaries and told her I will not respond to her if she yells and that if she wants to talk to me, she will have to be respectful and calm. I told her my heart starts beating really fast when she yells and that I get anxious if she calls me time and again when I’m out with friends. Conveying all this to her has helped my relationship with her. She has atleast become aware and has been trying to change her behaviours. I do not in any way not realize that she has had a massive impact on my mental health, that I probably would not have been such an anxious person or would have had better coping mechanisms had she not been the way that she is. I realize that I was never a bad or even difficult kid (I have relatives who told me I was too stubborn). I even understand that she somehow lives her life through me: she has always wanted me to do what she wants to do; when this does not happen, she gets mad at me. I also realize that I am not responsible for her emotions. I do not know if this counts as me minimizing her abuse, but I just feel she herself must have gone through some real crap in her childhood for her to be so anxious all the time. And say she has always been like this, her siblings/parents should have pointed it out and told her it is not okay instead of just labelling it as “short temper”.
While I understand how she has affected me, being mad at her doesn’t help me or us at all. I’m all she has, and vice versa too. Even though I hate her, I love her, and I kind of not like it if someone spoke ill of her. I am protective that way, I guess. So yeah, things have been slightly better since I told her how she affects me. She has been trying to change. It is confusing, my emotions for her. Makes me laugh sometimes.
Coming to the slightly lighter topic of my IBS…
1. Yes, I agree. I need to improve my nutrition. Only, I am terrified of eating. What you said makes sense, that I should try smaller portions of problem-causing food and try. About my portion size, it is very difficult to have bigger portions because I already am so uncomfortable. But I guess I will speak to a doctor about this. Like I mentioned, I plan to get a second opinion.
2. This is some new insight for me. I was always thinking my IBS was causing constipation. Before my tummy troubles started in 2019, I used to have proper bowel movements. But this does make sense, if my constipation gets better, I may find relief from the pain and bloating as well. About red wine, I’m not a huge fan of alcohol, just having it occasionally, and it is really frowned upon in my culture, so we don’t really have any in the house, but I could sneak it in and give it a go. How much do you have and how frequently?
About putting living on hold, I try not to. I go out with friends and try to go about my business, but to be honest I find it physically exhausting even, going around with a heavy, uncomfortable belly, and it makes me anxious. Because it makes me lethargic, I sort of feel worthless. I could try and not pay attention to it though, like you said. Treat it like an attention-seeking child: he’ll stop crying when he realizes I’m not giving him any more attention.
I had a question. I was reading up on the Internet about connections between eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorders and IBS. I have always been very conscious of my belly. I have never had a completely flat and toned belly, always sucking it in. When I look at pictures of other girls/women, the first thing I notice is if their belly is flat. I’ve never been formally diagnosed with BDD, but do you think I could have it? Do you think this has something to do with my IBS?
Good Lord that was a long post… Thanks for putting time in reading it…
Stay safe and well…
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for your response once again.
Though I have read your response completely, I will reply to it within a day.
However, right now, I’ll just clarify one thing: My daddy didn’t leave us. He passed away of a sudden heart attack when I was 14. It’s just been me and maa since then. She’s brought me up single handedly. He loved my mother very much. I know I make my mom sound like some monster. She’s not. But the truth is she is a highly anxious person herself and she doesn’t know how to deal with it. Life’s been rough for her. Even though she may have abused me, to be very honest, she tries her best.
ParticipantHi Anita,
It is great to hear from you. I’m really grateful for all the effort you put into replying to my post. It is very touching that you should do that for a person you don’t even know. Restores my faith in humanity. I hope you are safe and well.
I forgot to mention this but at the end of December 2017 was the first time I faced issues with my tummy. I ate some pasta my friend made (which had a lot of milk, mayo, cheese, and different ready-made sauces), and my tummy got all rumbly and painful and bloated. This was the start. I would get bloated and was in pain time and again, and I suspected I had become lactose intolerant. I started working out (power yoga and zumba) in January 2018. I’d go to the GP whenever I’d have an attack, who’d give me some meds that would settle my belly down and I would feel better for a couple of weeks. Then, it would happen again. I had to stop wearing jeans because of the discomfort. I was then referred to the gastroenterologist, who then gave me mebeverine for a month and said I should continue with my workouts. He didn’t say what was wrong with me then. I stopped dairy completely along with it, and was absolutely fine in a month.
The doc said I have little amounts of milk, which I do when I drink chai. I avoid vegetarian mayo and raw milk, which I know give me issues.
Then when the trouble started in 2019, the doc said I have functional dyspepsia, visceral hypersensitivity, and then IBS-C. What you said about the sensitivity of the neurons going up a few notches makes sense. I get startled easily and am very uncomfortable with loud sounds, especially those of vessels banging, doors slamming shut, and loud voices. While this makes sense, the thing is, if my belly gave me trouble say a couple days a month or say a once every while, I would be able to deal with it much better. But it is there “ALL THE TIME”. I haven’t had relief in a year and half. Because I’m not sure what will or will not give me trouble, I am terrified of eating at all. I have cut out certain foods, but it is affecting my health. I’m vegetarian. I have lost a lot of weight and am rather skinny now and my hair has become thin and sparse too. I eat smaller portions or food because I get full real fast and my belly already is so heavy.
My IBS is what makes me the most anxious, just like you said. It is a loop. It is affecting me psychologically. My self-esteem and confidence is on an all time low, with me constantly thinking “No, I can’t do this. My belly is too heavy.” for even simple chores like doing the laundry. This gets me very depressed, as I mentioned earlier, I used to be a very active person, getting things done. I love cooking and baking, but I don’t do it much now because of the discomfort. I keep thinking I can’t do anything. It has made me sluggish and lazy, and even simple tasks seem mean feats for me. I wonder how I will ever survive, let alone thrive, in my life if I can’t even take care of myself and just want to lie down. I am unable to concentrate and it is affecting my work; even though I manage my work, I don’t do it as well as I used to and am afraid I’ll be fired. I wanna change jobs now, but this whole thought loop starts again. I am afraid of wearing whatever I want for the fear of getting bloated. I already have poor body image issues, especially when it comes to my belly, and looking pregnant and feeling heavy does not help that.
When it comes to my mother, yes we have a toxic relationship. One of us is yelling at the other one some or the other time, and I may just be as guilty of psychologically abusing her. I hate yelling at her. I just hate it. But I can’t help it; she makes me so mad. She does things she knows infuriate me, even when I tell her not to do it. I know I should manage my anger better, but I simply can’t help it. In the lockdown, I managed to convey to her how she affects me in a negative way. It has helped a bit and she now realizes that some of her behaviours towards me are not healthy. That’s a start I guess.
For now, it helps when I sleep on my back or belly. I do certain yoga poses that help. I drink a fair amount of peppermint tea, which helps a bit. About your advice as to relaxing myself, I can’t seem to. I really don’t know how except for exercising. My psychiatrist had told me years ago to incorporate things I like to do in my schedule. Maybe I could try that. It’s just… overwhelming, and like I said earlier, I do not look forward to life and wonder if life only means every day to be full of discomfort and pain and self-doubt. I’m not going to hurt myself, so don’t worry. But it’s just… I did not sign up for so much pain. It is difficult for me to manage my anxiety and manage all the pain and discomfort. It takes super-human strength to deal with everything together and I am simply too tired.
I reckon I should speak with another doctor, get a second opinion. Maybe they could provide some different treatment that could help me. About moving out, it doesn’t seem like a doable thing right now. What would I tell mom? How would I manage? Like I mentioned earlier, I am barely managing my chores. Biggest thing, I can’t afford it till I can change jobs and earn better…
I look forward to hearing from you again. Your words always bring me peace.
Stay safe…
January 18, 2021 at 12:04 am in reply to: Indian boyfriend broke up with me because of family #373009anonymous03
ParticipantDear B and Shattered Pieces,
I am so terribly sorry for your troubles. It’s just unfair what you have been through.
As an Indian woman, I’d like to weigh in my thoughts. We Indians are brought up to worship our parents. We are taught since childhood that your parents must mean the world to you, you are in debt of your parents, it’s a sin to go against your parents, you will be disrespectful to your parents if you do not listen to them, you get my drift… I myself stand up to my mom and feel real guilty later on even though I am right on my part. It’s just how we are brought up.
It’s not just Indian men… Indian women too have broken off relationships because their parents did not or would not have approved of their partners because they are from a different caste or religion. God I hope to live to see the day this view just vanishes. It is a lot better than before though, we are getting there slowly, but there still needs to be a lot of change.
That being said, I would be making excuses for and enabling your ex-partners if I said this is what you need to understand about our culture. No. Both of you had the misfortune of meeting weak men who just lacked character and emotional maturity and seemed to use you to get out of their troubles. They conveniently thought of you when they needed help. It all just became about them, isn’t it? Their debts, their troubles, their mental health, their feelings… This has nothing to do with culture or religion. This has to do with who they are as people. I may be wrong but I would go so far as to say they even used their culture as an excuse for their behaviors. I have many friends who simply did not get into relationships because they knew their parents wouldn’t approve and they would have to get into an arranged marriage. I also have friends who fell in love and stood up for their partners, marrying them eventually and having beautiful families.
If you treat people like crap because you are stressed out, we have a huge problem, buddy. Troubles don’t end, do they? If you got married, would you be able to rely on such a person? What happens when you are the one who needs looking after for a change?
B, I know it hurts. It hurts bad. But you are being so strong by realizing that you are better off and your own self and your daughters are much more important than a guy. If he frowned upon the fact that you are a strong woman who can take care of herself and his stupid self as well, you don’t need that kind of negativity in life, now do you? As for his parents and his future partners, they will believe what he tells them. If he speaks badly of you, that speaks nothing of you but speaks spades about him. You know who you are and you know who he is. That settles it. You are not just a “White girl with 2 kids”. That is just a part of your life, and it’s not even bad, and you are so much more than that and you know it. You are going to be someone your daughters look up to. Don’t you ever let a stupid insecure man spoil that. As the daughter of a single mom, I can’t tell you how much my mama’s strength inspires me. After my daddy passed, she took on all the problems and punched them right in the face. People talked crap about her as well, some relatives even, just because she makes a lot more money than them and does not need anyone. People talk, no matter what you do. So then well… Hell with them.
I’m sorry you hurt… and I hope the pain doesn’t last much…
Feel better…
ParticipantHi Sarah,
I am writing here to you because I have been doing the very same thing since the past 6 months. And it is such a relief to see that I’m not the only one doing this. There is this girl I stalk on social media. She is my boyfriend’s ex-gf. I am not at all interested in her romantically or sexually. I am 100% straight. Nor am I jealous of her because of my bf. He dated her for a few months a very long time ago, and there is absolutely nothing between them. I have no reason to be threatened by her. Yet, I stalk her on social media.
At first, I couldn’t explain why I needed to check her profile everyday. I have met her for a whole of just 2 hours in my life, that too 6-7 years ago, when she was dating my guy. She followed me on Instagram last year, which is how I found her profile. I have no idea why she did that. Even last year, I did not even look at her profile. I just knew who she was because her name was familiar, and I checked with my bf (then friend) if this is the same girl. I did not even remember her face. If she had passed me on the street, I would not even have recognized her and walked right past. A few months ago, I checked her profile to see something my friends told me about her (what that is I will not disclose so as to protect anonymity, both hers and mine). And that is when the obsession started.
I started checking her profile everyday. Slowly, I became obsessed, checking her profile multiple times a day. It grew and grew, the obsession, and I started thinking I am going crazy. I had begun comparing myself with her, feeling that she was just wholly better at everything than I am. She lives abroad, independently, whereas I have never left my hometown except for a holiday and have never lived by myself; she has a good job, whereas my job is… well something I hadn’t planned on getting into; she has a beautiful face and a hot body, and I am just… okay and am conscious of my body; she has seen more of the world, travelled to famous places I have only seen on the telly, and I have just seen a couple of places in my country; she has a degree from an abroad college, and I have only studied in my country; she works out beautifully, and me… yeah well I work out too but ehhh…; she keeps all her social media pages pretty organized, and mine seem to be messy; she has pretty clothes, seem to be prettier than mine; I have generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, she does not; I have IBS and have to be very careful with my diet, she does not and can eat whatever she wants; she seems to be much stronger than me, and I well… These are just some of the comparisons I make.
This went on and on… And I realized I was being pretty mad at myself for no reason at all, constantly scolding myself mentally. It started taking a heavy toll on my self-esteem. I began hating my life. I began hating my self. There was nothing positive coming out of this. I started getting irritated with this obsession. Like… WTF GET THE F*** OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! I was tired of thinking about her. She was living rent free in my head. What for?
What for? To answer this question, I sat myself down and introspected: Why the heck does she matter to me so much? I don’t know her personally. I actually know nothing about her except her name and what she shares on her pages. So why am I doing this? The answer came to me like a smack on my face: Envy. I was envious of her: I wanted what she had. I realized this stemmed from my own feelings of insecurity and inferiority. I was sort of “not good enough”. She was. I had always dreamed of being independent since childhood, and since I am not yet, it instilled in me a feeling of shame. Going abroad is a big fad where I’m from, makes you a sort of a big deal if you go abroad, and I stayed in my country for various reasons (my anxiety, attachments, etc.), again feelings of shame creeping in. And… And nothing. That was it. These two things were the root of my envy. I feel I like I lack these things, and she has them, so she is better than me.
What a pile of BS! I decided this was ridiculous. It was ridiculous of me to make comparisons with somebody like that. Just these two things and I decide somebody is better than me?! This doesn’t add up. I do not like how this is making me feel. So what I did was break down all the comparisons. I imagined that a friend was saying these things to me, and I would respond to them like I would to a friend; I’ve found this roleplay helps me rationalize. So, I rationalized.
She lives abroad, independently, whereas I have never left my hometown except for a holiday and have never lived by myself:
And the reason for that is that my family involves only my mother; leaving her all alone did not seem like a good idea to me. We faced some family problems a couple years ago, and thank goodness I was here to support her through it. My anxiety surrounded my mother and my boyfriend. And that was okay. Yes, I am not independent, but that does not mean I am incapable of doing that. I just chose to be here, and I am fully capable of changing that. I have no way of knowing if her anxiety is what made her leave the country because she felt left out by not following the fad.
She has a good job, whereas my job is… well something I hadn’t planned on getting into:
But man am I awesome at my job. I don’t make a fortune, but I could always work on that. I have no way of knowing if she actually loves her job and is not just stuck in her field all life now.
She has a beautiful face and a hot body, and I am just… okay and am conscious of my body:
Actually, and it makes me uncomfortable saying this, I am quite pretty myself. I am not exaggerating, but I turn heads. I have a pretty decent body myself, and people ask me what I do to maintain it. Again, it makes me uncomfortable saying this, so I won’t go ahead here. I realized that the problem lied in me not liking and being comfortable in my own body, which has been a problem with me since ages. And I also realized, I would not exchange my face or body with hers should I get the chance.
She has seen more of the world, travelled to famous places I have only seen on the telly, and I have just seen a couple of places in my country:
That doesn’t mean that I can’t travel to places. I mean, I’m not dying tomorrow.
She has a degree from an abroad college, and I have only studied in my country:
Actually, she and I have the same level of education. The only difference is that she has studied abroad. That does not change the quality of education, does it? She didn’t go to an Ivy League school or anything. It’s just a college. I studied at one of the best colleges in my city. I love what I studied, I worked very hard, and I have no regrets. If I had to do it again, I would not change a thing.
She works out beautifully, and me… yeah well I work out too but ehhh…:
Why ehhh? I work out 6 days a week (albeit it has gone down to 3 in the pandemic lockdown). I work out mighty well myself. I am conscious of my diet. I look after my body. I just need to learn to love myself.
She keeps all her social media pages pretty organized, and mine seem to be messy:
I organized mine too. This was a good learning.
She has pretty clothes, seem to be prettier than mine:
I have pretty clothes myself actually. Except for a couple of her clothes, I would not buy her clothes if she had a garage sale. They’re not really my style. And what I like about her dressing style, nothing wrong in trying it out myself, yeah?
I have generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, she does not:
Yeah. I do. My days can be filled with anxiety, and I can find it difficult to push through. But this is something out of my hands. Her not having anxiety does not make her special. There are a gazillion people on the planet who don’t have it. I realized how strong I actually am. Also, I have no way of knowing what and if she suffers from anything at all.
I have IBS and have to be very careful of my diet, she does not and can eat whatever she wants:
Again, I have no way of knowing if she has any health troubles.
She seems to be much stronger than me, and I well…:
I know about her only what she shows on her page and what she says about herself on her page. I am pretty strong myself. I have no doubt about it.
So you see, I rationalized. Another way I rationalized is using the logic Anita talked about. I see what she chooses to show me. She shows me she is having fun. I think her life is awesome. She may have cried herself to sleep that night. She openly talks about how strong she thinks she is. I think she is badass. I have no way of knowing if talking about herself this way is a way she feels better about her self and deals with her own insecurities. She shows me herself in her best clothes. I think she has amazing clothes. I have no way of knowing how many times she deliberately changed so she could look good in the picture, and what she wears when she knows she is not going to click a picture or shoot a video. She shows me she is working out. I think wow! I have no way of knowing if she stuffed 10 cookies after the workout. I have no way of knowing what happens behind the scenes, when the camera is off. I have no way of knowing what actually is up with her life.
I also realized that I actually have an image of somebody I want to be, and I have plastered her face on that image, all because of what she and her life “seem” to be.
To add to this rationalization, let me tell you something else. She had been posting about some things, telling people her opinion on that thing (a current affair thing, nothing bad/nasty), and I thought: OMG she is so stupid! That came out of nowhere, which was different because I had felt nothing but awe for her. And I can assure you, me thinking she is stupid was not only my envy talking, as some of my friends who actually have known her said the same thing: She’s so stupid!! Not only them, she had loads of people commenting and disagreeing with her (you probably would too if you read it). Her opinions were self-contradictory and incohesive and not at all based on facts. This showed me her thoughts, something you can’t see much on some social media. And to add to the fact that she shows me what she wants to show me, she kept deleting a lot of those comments. Now, all those posts are gone as well, so say somebody like me comes across her profile, they will never know her thoughts on that, again seeing what she wants them to see. Also, my friends who have known her told me she is very attention-seeking and is a self-proclaimed influencer (you would understand from her page too), kind of showing that she needs a lot of external validation, like so many of us do actually. No? So you see how all the posting fits in? She may be a narcissist, from what I hear about her and from what I saw when I looked at her page with a neutral mind. I also came to know some things about her, which I won’t disclose here, but it made me realize she is nothing special, and I realized I need to stop putting her on a pedestal. She’s only human, with good and bad, as I am. She is good, may be great, at some things. And so am I. She may have some wonderful qualities, which I can learn from. Things I like about her when it comes to fashion, I could try and see if it looks good on me too. Nothing wrong with absorbing positive things, like Deena said. Nothing wrong with some parts of her inspiring me. But I realized none of this means I am not worthy.
This tornado of comparison and envy must end. Because say I do and achieve things that make me envious of her today, tomorrow, I will have a new envy, someone who has a bigger house or a better car or has a better wardrobe. It might never end. That is not something I want. We don’t live each other’s lives. We have different minds and bodies and upbringings. Comparison is simply unfair.
And let’s just say that she is better than me in every way. I asked myself, “So what?” And the only answer I could come up with was… “So… nothing”. Really. It does not matter. At all. She does not matter. I do.
To stop myself from opening her profile, I have uninstalled some apps. I am actively stopping myself from opening her page. I am actively reminding myself to not think of her and focus on myself every time I think about her. I am more important to me than her. No?
I realize I need to work on my self-esteem. I need to raise my worth in my own eyes. And I am now taking tiny steps.
I am sorry for this long post, but I hope it helps you. Thank you for reading it, if you have. That obsession is a terrible phase to be in, taking away so much time and energy. I also wrote this for myself, to get things off my chest. Nobody knows about all this, as I am too ashamed to talk about this openly. Not even my therapist. But maybe I should talk to her. This is the only place that gave me the courage to open up. If I hadn’t found your post, I would not have talked about this. I feel lighter, so thank you.
Before I end this post, have you ever considered that you might be somebody’s “stalkee” too? That somebody checks your page everyday and goes: MY GOD I WANT WHAT SHE HAS!!? That somebody is trying to copy the way you wear your hair? Or scarf? Or somebody is trying to emulate your work ethic because that is one of the positives they see in you? I mentioned she followed me first, after years of meeting her, that too only for two hours. I have no way of knowing if she does exactly with my page what I do with hers. 😉
It’s just this social media whirlpool…
ParticipantHi Dan,
I am going through something very very similar. It probably is more difficult for me because my bf is on the other side of the world. So we can’t be with each other physically.
I lost my father in my teens. I haven’t had a great relationship with my mother – too much friction, fights, not talking and the such – and she too is much better now, but the damage is kinda done. I am unable to be close to her, even though we live together.
I don’t really have any words of advice for you; I’m just posting this to let you know you aren’t alone.
Feel free to post anytime…
ParticipantHi Anita,
I await the rest of your response.
Another thing I have noticed about my mom is that she talks in a depressive manner many times. For eg, I’d say, “What are you watching on TV?” and she’d say, “Something. I just want to pass time till it’s bedtime. So it doesn’t matter.” Or today, she said she always had to visit Nepal. I said well we could visit it. She said no I don’t feel like it now. Life is over. Or I asked something about her work, and she said, “Doesn’t matter. I don’t have any aspirations now at this age. Just need money to survive”.
I feel really guilty and bad when she says that too.
Waiting for your response…
ParticipantHi Sofioula,
Your virtual hug made me feel so much better. I have nobody to hug me right now.
I’m sorry for replying late: it takes me a while to articulate what all I really wanna say.
Thank you for sharing your story with me. I could have read your other threads, but it didn’t cross my mind, I’m sorry. You seem to have gone through such a hard time. You’re so brave for having overcome all of that. You deserve the best for yourself.
I could tell you my thoughts. I have so many… I don’t know if it counts as OCD though…
Some of them are…
When I was with my ex…
He’s not that smart. (If I read anything smart on the net, I’d think nope, he will never be able to write such a thing)
He’s dull.
His hair is weird.
Why he gotta slouch like that? Why can’t he sit straight?
His dressing sense sucks.
I don’t think I really love him.
I don’t think we have a good connection.
I think I can do better.
After the breakup, I realized all of that was bullshit. After the breakup, I got these thoughts…
If I would have been a better girlfriend, more supportive, less critical, less… like my mom… He would have opened up to me.
If I would have given him the space he’d asked for, he would have stayed.
If I wouldn’t have freaked out when he asked for a break, he would have stayed.
I drove him away with my negative vibes.
Everything is my fault.
What if he is “the one”?
What if I can never feel for somebody the way I felt for him?
I am liar.
I lied to B. I never felt anything. All those feelings are a lie.
You should never have gotten with B. That was a mistake.
I don’t want this life. I’m trapped in it.
I am hurting people.
Everything is my fault.
Why did I get with B?
I’m very ashamed of all these thoughts. But it feels good to get them out.
Do any of these make sense to you?
Hours after her first cry session, she cried again. I asked her what she was afraid of so much. She said, “regarding your marriage. You can’t keep dating and all. You have done that till now (Reminder: i dated someone for 8 years and thought was gonna marry him until he dumped me). Now it’s time to be serious.” I said, “all I’m asking is you be patient. It will happen in good time.” But she cried again, saying that she gets scared, and when she gets scared, she remembers all her past (she has struggled significantly, lost her sister to suicide, emotionally and verbally abused by her mother-in-law, that’s all I am aware of). She says this and I’m stumped. I don’t know what to say to that.
In the afternoon, she said she needs to cry and get it all out in front of me because I am all she has.
I feel terrible, but I don’t know how to help her. She makes me feel like a monster.