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ParticipantHey there Mark,
Right i get you, yes that seems to make a lot of sense, i do that quite often when i am very upset i say such deep deep things about my childhood to reflect upon how i am as a person today, if that makes sense? I do put my hands up and im not proud of it but i do suffer from emotional tantrums and they are so hard to control, i have been trying though. I will become hurtful and play the victim ( which in my relationships case most of the time i am) and say things such as ”the only man who ever accepted me or loved me was my dad, but hes dead and if i could take his place i would” I guess its still overcoming his death and the fact that he was the only man whom accepted me knowing i wasnt his, he gave me everything, never lied or mistreated me either. When i was going to the councillor she told me when i felt that this emotional tantrum would arise that i should leave the room, breathe and practice mindfulness. That did NOT help lol, when i am in that state of mind it is very hard for me to calm down then and there, i need at least half n hour, i found that going for a walk helped massively and phone on silent. Once ive calmed down i feel so embarrassed for the way i acted and then coming home to someone who doesnt even want to speak to me just makes matters worse. Ive said to him before, all i want is a hug, a touch, a sense of calm and ill be fine ill snap out of it, but i think its too much to ask.
Yes a very destructive pattern im afraid, every man i have dated has had issues with parents or disabilities, a bit like me. 1st one – Divorced parents, didnt get on with any of them, Dad and mum started a new family and he wasnt involved. 2nd one- His mum left him and his brothers when he was around 8 and never returned, left to be raised by the dad whom he loves but didnt do a very good job. Current bf – Never knew real parents, adopted at 5 and has issues with all his family as he is a closed book.
I have helped all of my partners go through things mentally, and in turn i am now mentally unstable.. ironic?
ParticipantDear Mark,
How do you know though if it is unconscious behaviour or conscious, sorry i am just curious and love to learn. I actually really like what you said.. ”I don’t try to change them or expect them to change because it is unconscious. I just decide whether it is tolerable for me to be around or not.”
I am bad for that, not that whomever i meet i want to change them, i have this Mother theresa complex where i want to help people, and if i dont succseed in helping them then i feel like a failure. I have helped all of my ex bfs..i know it must go back to my childhood, but i have always been this way. His behaviour for the past 3 years has been intolerable, but with each day that passes i think that my love and care for him will change him even though i know deep down this isnt so.
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes i know exactly, it just upsets, angers and confuses me. Sometimes like i said i really dont know if he is doing it on purpose or not. I know he is having a rough time over there where he is, but i feel every time he is mean or is abrupt with him i just excuse the behaviour by saying to myself be a little more understanding hes going through a horrible time right now. Part of me though says that he chose to be where he is today and it isnt my fault and i shouldnt be this person he feels he can take it out on all the time. He did however apologise later on in the day when he realised i stood my ground and didnt say sorry.
ParticipantDear Mark,
I have always had anxiety, but it was always very mild and it never disrupted my daily life. Since being in a situation ( as you know from my posts) i;e moving to another country and being alone, my anxiety got very bad. To the point i get very anxious to put petrol on my own in case i have to ask for help, or when i go to a shop and have to ask for assistance in case they think im stupid. I get anxious when i drive somewhere that i dont know, or go somewhere i dont know. I was never this way and its horrible. I sometimes get anxiety attacks when i get into a fight with my partner or family or friends, i used to rely on xanax to calm me down. I was also prescribed anti depressants and sleeping tabs for my insomnia. I opted for sleeping tabs until i got into a proper sleep cycle and i weaned myself off them which wasnt easy as i got slightly addicted. The anti depressants i decided not to take. Its been 2 months now ive stopped everything, even the xanax. I am going to Reiki energy healing sessions that have helped me a lot, meditating, reading self help and educational books and overall eating healthy and its really helped. My anxiety is starting to get better. 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes thats true, i had no idea what he meant, he does this often. He will tell me something doesnt feel right, or you arent your normal self etc,, i dont know if its fishing for something or his past guilty or present conscious coming into play
ParticipantHey Mark,
Yes he is taking it out on me, i know when i have done something wrong, i do always tend to be the one that apologizes in the end just to keep the peace, but this time i stood my ground.
I have always kept a journal/diary and i find that when i am angry i will vent out in there, sometimes i think its better to keep some things to yourself.
ParticipantDear Anita,
He literally said something doesnt feel right.. im guessing he meant maybe the way we spoke to one another or he had a gut feeling something wasnt right, maybe thinking i was up to something ? Who knows? Stop me from caring too much and asking what is wrong if there is anything wrong all the time as he feels this is annoying.
Well i am not implying that nothing can ever affect a happy persons emotions or feelings, because they can. But i get affected very easily around peoples emotions, i.e if someone is moody i will gradually become that way, if someone is sad i will become like that, i take on peoples emotions. I also depend my happiness on others. i.e My partner.
ParticipantThank you 🙂
ParticipantThey do indeed 🙂 Nothing better than having a doggie by your side.
ParticipantHey Anita,
I dont mind whatever name you call me by 🙂 Practice in not making external situations or people be the only cause of my happiness or my sadness. To not depend on others for MY happiness ! This is something i need to practice to do on my own and make sure i can make myself happy, this way no one else can bring me down. Its very hard though and its a 29 year old habit.
A little update of what happened this morning: Woke up after a good nights sleep so overall i was feeling good, he sent me message in the middle of the night that i only read in the morning when i got up, that he had a feeling something wasnt write and a sad face next to the message. I woke up and sent him a lovely positive message and also asking what was wrong and if anything im here to talk if he needs me. He woke up saying he tossed and turned all night but he was fine. I am used to him not talking about his feelings he hates it and doesnt tell me a lot of things, sometimes i must say it is me worrying too much and i will ask him again but if hes there in front of me i can tell with his reactions if he really is hiding his emotions from me. By text message its very hard to decipher what he actually means, he said he was about to get ready and i mentioned it again, well i hope everything is ok. He said goodbye and that he was going for breakfast. He comes back about 30 minutes later saying: ” i had to come back to the room to clear things up as this is really bothering me, can you please stop what you are doing, as this is not caring its really annoying. I love you speak later xx” I was shocked at this.. when did caring too much become a problem, or can it get annoying sometimes? I was so hurt yet so angry and i replied saying ”wow…ok. love you too” and then continued to have a go at me for not ending the messages with kisses. I honestly dont know where the hell i went wrong i am so so upset. In the end i always apologise just to keep the peace, but i wont this time, i honestly feel i did nothing wrong. 🙁
Dear Mark,
I journal every single day, it doesnt help me much in the sense that i look back at what i wrote and it makes me happy, Journaling however helps me to get out my frustrations.
ParticipantDear Anita,
You are right… practice, practice and more practice.
ParticipantHey Mark,
Thank you for your advise 🙂 I will definitely google that and see what it is all about.
ParticipantHey Chelsea,
Yes i have been toying with the Keto diet idea, i guess im scared in consuming so much fat lol. To be honest i find if i dont eat carbs i am so much flatter and don’t feel so bloated, also my weight will fluctuate massively, if i eat too many carbs i could put a kilo on! If i go throughout my day keeping my carbs down as low as 60g i loose weight lol
ParticipantHey Mark,
Yes they are exercise junkies, but unfortunately my gorgeous girl is an old girl shes coming on 12 years old. Bodhi is a beautiful name i agree with Chelsea 🙂 My doggie was also a rescue, i got her from the pound when she was 1 years old.