
Category “Quotes”

Tiny Wisdom: Little Everyday Challenges

“Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.” ā€“Winston Churchill

Have you ever purposely chosen to do something you felt resistant to doing? I do this occasionally because I recognize I sometimes limit myself by being inflexible.

I can be a creature of habit, particularly when it comes to situations that make me feel in control.

For example, I have one specific spot where I like to sit when I work in the Starbucks near my apartment. Itā€™s right by the window and sufficiently removed from the chaos of the line.

Itā€™s the best lit spot, and itā€™s both …

Tiny Wisdom: We Can Choose Right Now

“You are your choices.” -Seneca

It sounds like such a clichĆ© to say that most of what weā€™re seeking is already within us, but nonetheless, itā€™s true.

Happiness doesnā€™t only exist in some perfect tomorrow when our circumstances look ideal. Itā€™s a moment-to-moment choice that has to do with how we perceive and respond to whatā€™s in front of us. We can choose happiness right now.

Peace doesnā€™t only exist in some time without obstacles or troubles. Itā€™s something we can feel by accepting what is, doing our best, and believing thatā€™s good enough. We can choose peace right now.…

Tiny Wisdom: How Far We’ve Come

“Always concentrate on how far youā€™ve come, rather than how far you have left to go.” -Unknown

Though I write a lot about mindfulness, focusing on here and now, I think thereā€™s something empowering about looking back and realizing how far weā€™ve come. Iā€™m not just talking about our big accomplishments. Iā€™m referring to the many tiny personal victories we often achieve without taking time to honor them.

The other day, after I arrived at my local coffee shop to work, my computer died. No battery, no power from the cord, no explanationā€”and no backed up files.

I have an …

Tiny Wisdom: Authentic Connections in a Networked World

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” -Herman Melville

We spend so much time trying to improve ourselves and our lives. Is it possible that maybe we could accomplish those things more effectively if we focused on improving the quality of our relationships?

This is the question I posed when I spoke at the Wanderlust Yoga and Music Festival this past summer.

I just received the link to my presentation, Authentic Connections in a Networked World, and Iā€™m excited to share it with you! Itā€™s roughly 20 minutes long, with 10 minutes …

Tiny Wisdom: The Success You Actually Want

“Try not to become a man of success but rather a man of value.” ā€“Albert Einstein

As I was getting my coffee the other morning, I thought about this article I once read on a popular news site about a man who lost his big corporate job and accepted a barista position at Starbucks.

When he decided to don a green apron, heā€™d lost everything in lifeā€”including his marriage, his livelihood, and his health. Through his experience in the hospitality industry, he gained a sense of humility and peace, away from the hectic world of professional ambition.

When I read …

Tiny Wisdom: Let Go

“If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.” -Ajahn Chah

Itā€™s hard to feel peaceful if you dwell on why you should be angry. If you want to feel free, let the story go.

Itā€™s hard to feel good if you feel like you deserve to feel bad. If you want to feel happy, let your self-judgment go.

Itā€™s hard to feel satisfied if you feel like everything needs to be perfect. If you want to feel content, let your perfectionism go.

Itā€™s …

Tiny Wisdom: The Gains in Our Losses

“If you learn from a loss you have not lost.” ā€“Austin Oā€™Malley

Earlier this year I spent dozens of hours and nearly $1,000 on a new feature for this site. Due to some misunderstandings between me, the programmer, and the designer, things didnā€™t turn out quite how I intended.

Ultimately, I decided to cut my losses and focus my attention somewhere else. I knew I might revisit this feature down the road, but that would require more time and money, and at first that bothered me.

I finance the site independently, and Iā€™m not rolling in cash, so it felt …

Tiny Wisdom: Moving Forward After a Mistake

“A man’s errors are his portals of discovery.” -James Joyce

When you were little, did you ever rip up a picture youā€™d worked really hard on just because you colored a little out of the lines?

I was that girl; and I had a similar experience this weekend.

I decided to make lasagna for this potluck party my boyfriend and I were going to host. I donā€™t cook often, so this felt like a big deal. I got all the ingredients the night before, stacked them on the counter, and then admired them. They were the pieces of my saucy …

Tiny Wisdom: The Beauty of Starting Over

ā€œCelebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings.ā€ -Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Yesterday I spent more than an hour writing something I intended to publish todayā€”and then I lost it. Since I hadnā€™t slept much the night before, I wasnā€™t completely attentive and somehow, I must have closed out the Word document before I titled or saved it.

That same exhaustion made it somewhat difficult to communicate my thoughts clearly when writing. But I didā€”after an hour, Iā€™d expressed everything I wanted to share. Then it was gone.

Initially, I considered rewriting the post, and trying to remember exactly what Iā€™d written …

Tiny Wisdom: Do You Believe?

“The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.” ā€“James Allen

Do you believe you can do work you love? If you donā€™t believe it, you likely wonā€™t try for it.

Do you believe you can be in a happy relationship? If you donā€™t believe, you likely wonā€™t open up to it.

Do you believe you can adopt that healthier habit? If you donā€™t believe it, you likely wonā€™t stick to it.

Do you believe you can fully release your anger toward that person who hurt you? If you donā€™t believe it, you …

Tiny Wisdom: Time to Enjoy

“Donā€™t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.” -Unknown

The other morning I hopped out of bed and made a beeline for the laundry room. Although it contains numerous washers and dryers, unlike the room at my old apartment complex, far more people use it.

This means I might as well camp out in from of the building a la Black Friday if I hope to get my clothes in at some point in the AM. That morning, as luck would have it, two of the washers were still empty three seconds after the …

Tiny Wisdom: 3 Truths for Purpose and Success

“Great acts are made up of small deeds.” -Lao Tzu

“‘Tiny’ is the new big. Iā€™ve seen this phrase used in context with iPods, cell phones, purses, cars, businesses, and even houses. It might not be a phrase youā€™d think to apply to purpose and success, but Iā€™ve found that the smallest of things can sometimes have the most power. Today Iā€™d like to share with you a little of my journey to Tiny Buddha, as well as three tiny truths for a meaningful, successful life.”

And thus began my presentation for Bonfire Heights in September.Ā Iā€™ve been waiting to …

Tiny Wisdom: Not Choosing Is a Choice

ā€œWhen you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.ā€Ā -William James

ā€œI donā€™t knowā€”what do you think?ā€

Recently I find myself asking this when my boyfriend asks what I want to doā€”what movie I want to see, where I want to eat, or how Iā€™d like to spend an off-day.

At first I thought this was just a residual people-pleasing tendency from a time when I measured my worth in approval. But when I look at this more closely, I realize itā€™s actually about relinquishing the tiny decisions, since inevitably there are …

Tiny Wisdom: Make the Most of Yourself

“Make the most of yourself, because thatā€™s all there is of you.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I recently started yoga again after an extended period of time away from my mat. People once knew me for my flexibility and my passion for downward dog; but over the past couple of years, I somehow reduced my practice from six days per week, to four, to two, to sporadically deep breathing while touching my toes.

When I learned my new apartment community offers classes by the pool, I decided to jump back in. I felt excited to start again, but I imagined Iā€™d …

Tiny Gratitude from Tiny Buddha to You

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”Ā  -G.K. Chesterton

Thank you for being you, and being here. Happy Thanksgiving friends! šŸ™‚

Photo by CarbonNYC

Tiny Wisdom: Dealing with Public Criticism

“Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best.” -Andrew Carnegie

I used to follow a popular blog ran by a woman whoā€™d lost a lot of weight and wrote about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

One day, she saw a teenager smoking a cigarette on the street. She decided to walk up to him and let him know this was dumbā€”and then she blogged about it.

Her followers unanimously agreed it was judgmental and righteous to harshly criticize someone who didnā€™t ask for her opinion, especially since she had no way of knowing if he might …

Tiny Wisdom: The Lessons That Hurt

“Don’t postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons. Joy is your lesson.” -Alan Cohen

There have been times when Iā€™ve hurt tremendously and then felt a strong need to punish myself for my part in causing that pain. Usually itā€™s when Iā€™ve made a mistake, and I feel ashamed, like I should have known and done better.

This is kind of ironic when you think about itā€”clearly I wanted to know and do better to avoid hurting, and yet instead of letting it go, Iā€™ve continued to make myself feel bad.

When I was younger, someone once …

Tiny Wisdom: Learning to Read What We Need

ā€œInformation is not knowledge.ā€ -Einstein

Itā€™s an interesting time to be a publisher. Before magazines had online counterparts, choosing articles to feature was a much more selective process, as there was no need to solicit more pieces than you could feasibly fit in an issue.

Now that page views are dollars, quality hasnā€™t necessarily become less important, but publishers are certainly more focused on providing more to readersā€”more links to click on, more posts to tweet, and more places to get involved in conversations.

Recently, Iā€™ve received a few requests from larger sites asking if Iā€™d like to participate in …

Tiny Wisdom: Taking Things Away

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” -Socrates

If thereā€™s one thing Iā€™ve learned from writing, itā€™s that knowing what to remove is often just as important as knowing what to add.

Surprisingly, it sometimes take just as much time to write something short as it does to write something long because it entails rewriting and editing to capture the most important points with the most specific words.

Iā€™ve found that this same idea applies to other things in life: sometimes creating peace, happiness, or satisfaction has everything to do with what we choose to take away.

You can love …

Tiny Wisdom: What We Choose to See

ā€œItā€™s not what you look at that matters, itā€™s what you see.ā€ -Henry David Thoreau

Yesterday while driving home from the dentist, I listened to this CD my boyfriend made with theme songs from various movies.

While I generally would rather do a low crawl down a muddy sidewalk than sit in LA traffic, I couldnā€™t have been more blissful lost in the tunes of my favorite films.

I noticed something interesting during this peaceful drive.

While listening to The Pirates of the Caribbean theme song, I recognized all kinds of exciting things happening around me. This kid did a …