
Worrying Is a Useless Mulling Over of Things We Cannot Change


Sometimes Music Is the Only Medicine the Heart and Soul Need


Try and Fail, but Don’t Fail to Try

Try and fail

You Can Go Through Darkness and Still Become Something Beautiful

Something beautiful

You Can Still Enjoy Your Life

You can still enjoy your life

All Endings Are Also New Beginnings

Endings are also beginnings

Embrace the Pain of Letting Go

Embrace the pain of letting go

Cheers to All the Good Things 2017 May Bring!

All the good things

A New Year Is On the Way and the Possibilities Are Endless!

A new year is on the wayand the possibilities are endless.

Keep Singing Your Own Song

Keep singing your own song

You Only Have So Much Emotional Energy Each Day

Emotional energy

By Letting Go of the Past, We Make Room for Miracles


Today I Will Not Stress Over Things I Can’t Control

I will not stress

Always Try to Leave People Better Than You Found Them

Always try to leave people better than you found them

Breathe. You’re Going to Be Okay.

Breathe. You’re going to be okay.

Love Is Allowing People to Be What They Choose for Themselves

Love Is

Today Be Thankful and Think How Rich You Are

Today, be thankful

One of the Greatest Gifts You Can Give Someone

One of the greatest gifts

My Only Wish Today

My only wish

Always Let People Know How Important They Are to You

Let people know how important they are