
Category “letting go”

Nothing You Do Will Be Enough If the Relationship Isnā€™t Right

ā€œRelationships are like glass. Sometimes itā€™s better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put them back together.ā€ ~Unknown

A couple of months ago my dear friend and I were chatting over coffee.

The subject turned into past relationships and the reasons why they didnā€™t work. My friend shared a story about her ex-fiancĆ©ā€”one of those “this clearly isn’t going to work, but I sure will try my hardest since I don’t give up” ones. Yeah, that kind.

Itā€™s the kind of story that, telling it now, with hindsight and time on our sides, seems absurd. Itā€™s the …

How I Learned the Power of Letting Go After My Father Developed Dementia

ā€œThere is beauty in everything, even in silence and darkness.ā€ ~Helen Keller

When I was eleven years old, I would force myself to stay awake until the wee hours of the morning.

I was severely anorexic at a time when eating disorders were considered an ā€œinconvenienceā€ you brought on yourself. Anorexia was dismissed as a rich, white girlā€™s disease (although we were certainly not rich)ā€”a disease that was easily curable with a prescription for a chocolate cake.

Although my emaciated body was a dead giveaway of my condition, it was school that noticed the change in me first. My once …

7 False Beliefs That Will Keep You Trapped in Your Head Forever

ā€œThere is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.ā€ā€Š~Anthony de Mello

When people come to me suffering from anxiety, fear, anger, self-judgment etc., there are five things they invariably believe to be true.

Letā€™s take anxiety as an example. Most (if not all) people with anxiety believe that:

1. Itā€™s bad or wrong to feel anxious.
2. It shouldnā€™t be there.
3. Thereā€™s something wrong with me (for being anxious).
4. My mind should be peaceful.
5. I …

Mindful Forgiveness: 4 Steps to Unlock the Healing Power of Your Mind

ā€œThe truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.ā€ ~Steve Maraboli

The key to healing is learning to let go of negative thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness will allow you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings; forgiveness will help in letting them go.

Simple as it is in theory, putting it into practice may be harder.

Mindfulness, being aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment, is not that difficult. But the trick is to do it amidst …

How I Reframed Letting Go So I Could Move on from My Painful Past

We are truly free when we let go of the thought that the past could or should have been any different than it was. This is so hard.

The challenge is born from our desperate need to validate our feelings and experiences. It often feels like we are invalidating ourselves if we let go of the thought that the past should have been different. We have been through hell, experienced things most people donā€™t know about, and it initially feels so devastating to think of just letting it go like it never happened. Where is the justice in that?

I …

4 Things I Needed to Accept to Let Go and Heal After Trauma

TRIGGER WARNING: This post references sexual abuse and may be triggered to some people.

ā€œThe truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.ā€ ~Steve Maraboli

My family immigrated to the U.S. from India when I was sixteen. Being Indian, my traditional family expected me to have an arranged marriage.

At twenty-two, as a graduate music student, I fell in love with an American man. When my family found out about our secret relationship, they took me back to India and …

How Releasing Control Opened Me Up to a Limitless Life

ā€œWhat the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.ā€ ~Richard Bach

I have always wanted to create a family.

As a child, I lovingly cared for my dolls and fell head over heels for my college boyfriend. Kneeling before me with a ring, he said, ā€œI want you to be the mother of our children.ā€ I swooned as we walked down the aisle at the tender age of twenty-two, convinced I was set for life. I had the husband, and I would have the family.

I entered into our marriage with the expectation and security …

How to Release the Fear That Holds You Back and Keeps You Small

“The purpose of fear is to raise your awareness, not to stop your progress.” ~Steve Maraboli

I used to hate my fear because it scared me. It terrified me that when fear arose, it often felt like it was driving me at full speed toward the edge of a cliff.

And if I were driven off a cliff, I would lose all control, all function, perhaps I would collapse, perhaps I would shatter into a million pieces. I was never totally clear on the details of what would happen if I let the fear get out of control. That’s …

Coping with the Grief of a Layoff: 5 Tips If You’re Looking for a Job

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” ~Seneca

We are in such a hard season of the economy, and the implications of people getting laid off are so real and unfortunately painful.

No matter how competent or qualified you are, the job search process is hard. And even when you know your layoff was due to reasons completely outside your control, it still hurts.

The fear, instability, and uncertainty about what your next job will be or when it will come to fruition are emotionally unsettling, and our collective toxic positivity conditioning isnā€™t always helpful.

Yes, itā€™s true …

5 Powerful Mindset Shifts to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think

ā€œCare about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.ā€ ~Lao Tzu

We carefully pick out what we wear to the gym to make sure we look good in the eyes of the other gym goers.

We beat ourselves up after meetings running through everything we said (or didnā€™t say), worried that coworkers will think we arenā€™t smart or talented enough.

We post only the best picture out of the twenty-seven selfies we took and add a flattering filter to get the most likes to prove to ourselves that we are pretty and likable.

We live in

Take Your Power Back: 15 Things You Don’t Have to Do Anymore

Thereā€™s little more frustrating than feeling stuck or trappedā€”like you have to accept things that arenā€™t good for you and canā€™t do the things you need to do to feel and be your best.

I think we all feel this way at times, and sometimes we do have to accept things that arenā€™t ideal, at least in the short term while we figure out a plan to make things better.Ā Until we address our health issues, or find a less stressful job, or slowly unravel layers of grief or trauma to find some modicum of peace and healing.

But when

7 Tips to Help Soothe Your Separation Anxiety

ā€œA little space, time, and distance can often be just what a relationship needs to bloom at its best.ā€ ~Karen SalmansohnĀ 

If you feel insecure in your relationships, there are many scenarios that can activate your anxious attachment; however, there is one trigger that can throw you abruptly into a state of despair and sheer panic.

That is the experience or threat of separation from the person you are currently attached to.

That lingering uncertainty when you donā€™t know when you will see your love interest next, when your partner tells you they have booked a weekend away, or …

Dealing with a Big Disappointment: How to Soften the Blow and Move On

ā€œNew beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.ā€ ~Lao Tzu

In the middle of a storm, it is difficult to see any way out. But on the other side, we usually can recognize a silver liningā€”something we gained from the experience that enhanced our lives in some way.

When my husband unexpectedly died and left me a single mother to three young children, I could not conceptualize anything good coming out of it.

Yet, years later, I am here to tell you that the gutting, heart-wrenching experience taught me invaluable lessons that have helped me to not just survive but …

How I Lighten My Mood by Making a Bargain with the Universe

ā€œPain is what the world does to you; suffering is what you do yourself.ā€ ~Gautama Buddha

I donā€™t expect things to be a steady state of bliss.

In fact, I agree with the Buddha that suffering is pretty much part of the human condition. Our expectations just get in the way of our experiences. Iā€™m talking about your garden-variety suffering here, not the kind that comes with traumatic events that take you out at the knees or devastating clinical depression.

I see the now-and-then emergence of lethargy or melancholy as part of the whole emotional spectrum. And, like stepping in …

The Childhood Wounds We All Carry and How to Heal Our Pain

“As traumatized children, we always dreamed that someone would come and save us. We never dreamed that it would, in fact, be ourselves as adults.” ~Alice Little

Like most people, I used to run away from my pain.

I did it in lots of different and creative ways.

I would starve myself and only focus on what I could and couldnā€™t eat based on calories.

I would make bad choices for myself and then struggle with the consequences, not realizing that I had made any choice at all. It all just seemed like bad luck. Really bad luck.

Or I …

My Dad Died From Depression: This Is How I Coped with His Suicide

ā€œGrief is really just love. Itā€™s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.ā€ ~Jamie Anderson

When I was seventeen, my dad died from depression. This is now almost twenty-two years ago.

The first fifteen years after his death, however, Iā€™d say he died from a diseaseā€”which is true, I just didnā€™t want to say it was a psychological disease. Cancer, people probably assumed.

I …

How to Enjoy Life Without Buying Lots of Stuff

ā€œMinimalism isnā€™t about removing the things you love. Itā€™s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.ā€ ~Joshua Becker

Over the recent few years of being a digital nomad, I got a chance to live in Spain, Sri Lanka, Mexico, and Canada for a month or longer. As I didnā€™t have a home base and only had one medium-sized suitcase with me (still do), I couldnā€™t really afford to buy new things.

I mean, I would need to put them somewhere, and my suitcase is already over forty-five pounds while most airlines only allow up to …

The Surprising Lesson I Learned About Why People Leave Us

ā€œWhen the student is ready, the teacher will appear.ā€ ~Lao Tzu

While this Lao Tzu quote may sound familiar, I recently learned there is a second portion of that quote that often gets omitted.

ā€œWhen the student is truly ready…the teacher will disappear.ā€

The first part of this quote was a healing anchor for me as I went through what I call a thirteen, or a divine storm.

In one yearā€™s time, I went through a devastating divorce, was robbed, got in two car accidents, and lost a dear friend to a heart attack. I felt like I was watching …

The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Our Worth and How Iā€™ve Let Them Go

ā€œYou either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside and hustle for your worthiness.ā€ Brene Brown

I was shaking and sweating with fear as I stood in front of my graduate professor for the final test of the semester. I was twenty-two years old at the time and felt like a fish out of water in my graduate program. I dreamed of being a professor, studying, and writing, but deep down I thought, ā€œIā€™m not smart enough. I donā€™t fit in here.Ā  No one likes me.ā€

When my religion professor announced that the final wasn’t a …

5 Questions I Ask Myself Nightly Since My Fatherā€™s Sudden Death

ā€œLife is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid.ā€ ~Langston Hughes

Nine years ago, I was sitting mindlessly in my office cubicle in Omaha, Nebraska, when the receptionist called to inform me that my dad was in the lobby.

I walked out to greet him: He was happy, smiling, and donning one of his favorite double-breasted suits. He was there because he needed my signature on some tax preparation forms before he handed them over to his accountant. My dad always took care of things like that.

It was …