
Stop Keeping Score in Relationships and Start Taking Care of Each Other

Loving Couple

ā€œDo your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.ā€ ~Desmond Tutu

I was recently at the grocery store, and not once, but twice, I encountered couples practically duking it out in the aisles. I mean, full on snit-fits happening here. One pair was so mad, the woman actually walked in the opposite direction down the aisle, her five- or six-year-old in tow.

Totally productive, right?

The other pair was fighting because the husband couldn’t decide which milk to get. His wife was trying to hurry him up, and finally he said, in the most frustrated voice ever, “Can’t I take a minute to decide??” Needless to say, she got upset, while he stood in front of the milk case, fuming.

This is what frequently happens in grocery stores.

I used to drag my husband to the store with me on the weekends, thinking that it was some sort of household couple karmaā€”I wash the dishes/you pay the bills; I do the laundry/you feed the dog every day; we both hit the grocery store once a week. One for one. Tit for tat. A leveling of the scales, and, if I’m honest, a somewhat misdirected homage to feminism in the household.

But what I found is that not every chore is equal, and that’s okay. What I feel to be a difficult chore may be easy for my husband, and what I find to be fun or at least tolerable, he would rather walk across hot coals than do. So it is with grocery shopping.

Every time we went together, it required hours of mental preparation:

“When do you want to go to the grocery store?” My mantra. Every weekend.


“That’s not an option. How about in an hour?”

“Fine,ā€ said in a somewhat snarky twelve-year-old voice.

Every time, this conversation. And every time, an hour would come and go, and I’d be waiting around, ready to go, while he was sitting on pins and needles waiting for me to come and nag about it.

Not pretty. Not good for our relationship. So I decided if he really doesn’t want to go, then I really don’t want to make him.

The grocery store is already a high stimulus environmentā€”BUY THIS! LOW FAT! NATURAL! HONEST! The shelves are practically screaming and my synapses are firing on full-blast as I try to navigate between product displays and random children.

I’m already apologizing to people every time I almost run someone over turning the corner; do I need to be feeling bad about dragging my husband along as well?

To be fair, we never actually had a full-on fight in (or about) the grocery storeā€”thank goodness. But it was never an easy, comfortable time. There was always mutual resentment, and who needs that?

Not me. Not my husband. Not anyone.

Besides, when he’s not there, I get to linger. I spend time looking at the ingredient lists and nutrition labels. I come up with ideas, make plans, and buy special snacks. It becomes an adventure, not a chore.

Sometimes it isn’t about equality. Sometimes it’s about taking care of each other. I do what my husband doesn’t like to do, and vice versa, so that when we’re together, it’s about us, and not about how many chores the other person has completed.

There’s no scoreboard, only gratitude.

Divide and conquer. And save your marriage, relationship, friendship, or partnership. Serve the other by doing what they hate to do. Take out the trash. Go by the bank. Do the dishes.

It isn’t a favor to cash in at a later date (though it’s always nice when it’s reciprocated). It’s an honest-to-goodness foot-washing of the 21st century.

To be clear, Iā€™m not advocating for you to doĀ everythingĀ for your partner. That would be unfair. There should still be a feeling of balanced support in any relationship. But at the end of the day, caring for one another in a balanced way is not the same thing as keeping score.Ā Ā 

We want to feel that we can lean on our partners when we need to, as much as they can lean on us. And that makes for one powerful relationship.

Of course, if you and your partner love to shop together, by all means, keep it up! Even when it’s just folding laundry, it feels good to do things together. Even though we no longer grocery shop as a couple, my husband and I do a lot of other chores togetherā€”not because we’re made to, but because we want to.

And more power to every couple who can work side by side. Just remember that it’s not the only way to get things done. I swear to all things delicious, I don’t totally love going to the grocery store. I probably never will.

But I do love doing something kind for my husband every week. It’s that simple.

Loving couple image via Shutterstock

About Valerie Nilson

Valerie Nilson is a writer, yogi, wife, and wanderer. You can read more of her writing at www.IntentionDaily.com. Valerie believes that everyone deserves to be wildly happy. To get a set of free writing prompts aimed at helping you find your bliss, click here.

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