
How to Help a Friend Through Grief

Comforting Friend

ā€œGrief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.ā€ ~Vicki Harrison

Iā€™m no stranger to grief. When I was twenty-three I lost my mum, and then eight years later I lost my second daughter, Grace, when she was only one day old.

Soon after Grace died, my husband and I saw a grief counselor. He said something about other peopleā€™s reactions to grief that turned out to be one of the truest statements anyone has ever made to me.

He said, ā€œThere will be at least one friend you never hear from again because they donā€™t know what to say. At least one person will tell you not to worry because you can have another baby. And there will be one shining starā€”someone who you didnā€™t consider to be that close a friendā€”who will be there for you more forcefully and consistently than anyone else.ā€

All three of his predictions came true.

If you have a friend who is grieving, I know you will want to be their shining star. Grief is awkward and difficult; itā€™s something we tend to shy away from if we can help it. If you have never experienced grief, you may be at a loss to know what to say or do.

You Donā€™t Need to Say the Right Thing

In fact, you donā€™t need to say anything at all. You just need to be there.

It may not feel like much, but your physical presence alone is a comfortā€”a hug, a hand to squeeze, a presence in the room. These are all important crutches when someone is navigating grief. Remember that you canā€™t fix this; all you can do is open your arms and open your heart.

There were a few friends I never heard from again after I lost Grace, as the counselor predicted. It seemed so unfair to lose friends at the same time as losing my baby. I wish they had known that I didnā€™t expect them to say anything profound or heal my pain, but I did expect them to stick around.

Try to Steer Clear of Platitudes

The discomfort and awkwardness outsiders often feel toward grief has given rise to many platitudes over the years. Personally, I would steer clear from saying, ā€œEverything happens for a reason,ā€ or, ā€œIt is Godā€™s will.ā€ Even someone with the strongest faith will find that hard to swallow.

Many platitudes are focused on trying to make the griever focus on the future and move on. While the intent is admirable, I just didnā€™t want to hear that time is a healer and how all would be fine. My grief is a burden I carry with me every day, and while it is true that I have learned to bear the weight of it (most of the time), I will never ā€œget over it.ā€

Try to consider your friendā€™s beliefs and values before offering words that you feel may be of comfort. Someone said to me, ā€œGrace and your mum are up there watching over you,ā€ which is a statement that just doesnā€™t match my beliefs, however much I wish it did.

Instead, I felt slightly annoyed and then guilty for feeling annoyed, because I knew how well-intentioned my friendā€™s statement was.

Remember Anniversaries

Try to remember anniversaries such as the birthday of the person who died and the anniversary of the date of their death. Sending a card or even just a text on the day will let your friend know that you are remembering too.

I have a friend who always writes Graceā€™s name on our Christmas card. This means so much to me at a time of year when Graceā€™s absence from our family is even more keenly felt.

Celebrate Together

Celebrating the life of the person your friend has lost can be as simple as reminiscing and talking about them. You could ask to look at photos and other mementos with your friend or help put together a life book.

Donā€™t be afraid to mention the person they lost. You may think it kinder to steer clear of the subject, but trust me; your friend will want to talk. Memories are all that remain after a loss, and talking about the person who died really does help to keep them alive.

If your friend is fundraising in memory of their loved one, you could offer to help. My husband and I carried out a lot of fundraising after Grace died, and it wouldnā€™t have been possible without the wonderful friends who helped out at and supported our events.

Always Remember

Deep loss causes lasting changesā€”I know Iā€™m not the same person I used to be. Your friend may seem fine one dayĀ and angry or depressed the next. Itā€™s all part of griefā€™s rhythm, which is eternal and has no logic or pattern.

Vicki Harrisonā€™s quote above really sums up what it is like to live after loss. So donā€™t take it personally if your friend seems distant or has no wish to socialize at times. He or she is just learning to swim.

I can bear the load at times; other times I simply canā€™t. One of the consequences of my loss is that I have unintentionally become more introverted. Some days I just need to stay in a safe bubble with my little family, because letting the rest of the world in is too difficult.

Itā€™s easy to remember the profound effect grief has on your friend shortly after the loss, but much tougher to keep this in mind months, years, and decades after. I donā€™t believe that time is a healer; instead, it seems to be an adapter. With much difficulty, I am learning to adapt to life without my loved ones.

The rawness may be dulled with time, but the emotions and sorrow are not. I know it canā€™t be easy for the friend of a griever, but if you can remember and be there for the long term, you will be the shining star your friend so desperately needs.

Friendship vector via Shutterstock

About Aimee Foster

Aimee Foster is mum to Susie (5), Freddy (1) and baby Grace. She is the co-founder of UK based friendship site, mumamie.com, and has helped thousands of mums reduce the loneliness that sometimes accompanies motherhood by enabling them to find like-minded mums for friendship and support.

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