
20 Powerful Quotes to Help You Deal with Difficult Relationships

Relationships are never easy, especially relationships with family.

Some people seem to always push our buttons, making it hard not to react emotionally. Others trigger our deepest wounds, leaving us questioning our worth or sanity. And sometimes, without even realizing it, we’re the ones creating unnecessary conflict and drama.

We take things personally that aren’t really about us, assume the worst in people and act accordingly, and fight to be heard and understood while refusing to hear or understand the other person.

I know I’ve done all these things before, and I always wish later I’d responded more skillfully. With less emotion, defensiveness, or self-righteousness. With more composure, receptiveness, and self-awareness.

Since I know the holidays can feel like emotional landmines, I put together a collection of quotes that might help us all respond more wisely to those tense, triggering moments that could otherwise steal our peace and joy.

Read them, absorb them, carry them into your day.




















I hope these messages save you some heartache today and help you be the person you want to be.

And speaking of being the person you want to be, there’s still time to enter the Best You, Best Life Bundle Giveaway. Five winners will receive $2000+ in eCourses to help with mindfulness, emotional regulation, relationships, and more.

I wish you a wonderful holiday weekend, friends!

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others do the same. She recently created the Breaking Barriers to Self-Care eCourse to help people overcome internal blocks to meeting their needs—so they can feel their best, be their best, and live their best possible life. If you’re ready to start thriving instead of merely surviving, you can learn more and get instant access here.

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