
Posts by Victoria Leek

Victoria Leek is a coach helping stressed mumas transform lack, guilt and limiting beliefs to experience amazing relationships, abundant living and being present with their kids. Victoria Leek is a coach helping healers, creatives, and visionaries to own their purpose and message in their soul business, to build healthy boundaries and forget their limitations to co-create freedom, impact, and wealth. You can connect with Victoria on Facebook and Instagram, join her Facebook group: SHE – Reclaiming Your Feminine Power, or visit her at victorialeek.com.

Victoria Leek's Website

Two Types of Boundaries That Can Help You Take Good Care of Yourself

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” ~Brené Brown

Do you have the courage to love yourself and set the boundaries you need?

For years I didn’t, and wondered why my life didn’t work. I didn’t really understand what boundaries were or why I needed them.

My severe lack of boundaries allowed me to give away my energy, time, power, and love to others, leaving virtually nothing for myself.

For years I lived in a perpetual state of lack, feeling like I wasn’t enough. Looking back, it makes sense …