
Posts by Therese Schwenkler

Therese writes for the young and confused at www.theunlost.com, proving that good advice doesn’t have to be boring or uncool. Her mission: to bring more and better direction to today’s mainstream generation. Find out why it’s OK to be lost & confused -OR- Take Therese’s hilarious happiness quiz here.

Therese Schwenkler's Website

Why Happiness Will Never Come To You

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.” ~James Openheim

December 19, 2001: this will forever be written in history as the day I was pitied by a 90 year-old.

I was holiday shopping at the mall, grimacing in pain with each step I took. “One… two… three…” I counted my steps, hoping to distract myself from the painful task before me: reaching the Bath and Body Works store roughly 300 yards ahead.

After several torturous minutes, I looked up. The store was still an oasis in the distance—perhaps a mirage in this …