
Posts by Rachael Sternhagen

Rachael Sternhagen is a Spiritual Life Coach who helps others reconnect and realign with their SOUL desires in order to manifest more fulfillment and co-create deeply nourishing lives. She is on a mission to provide unconditional love to a world that is starving to be more accepted, understood, and seen.  If you're struggling to find balance in your life, you don’t have to do it alone. You can connect with Rachael for support on Instagram or her website.

Rachael Sternhagen's Website

The Areas of Our Lives We Need to Balance to Find Peace and Contentment

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” ~Thomas Merton

Balance is everything and is really what we are striving to find in life. Balancing work and play. Balancing food and exercise. Balancing a social life and solitude. Balancing being and doing. Finding balance is finding freedom.

Once I was truly able to comprehend this it was a game changer on my healing journey. Any suffering you experience in life can be attributed to a lack of balance.

What is balance? The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu speaks of The Dao, which …