
Posts by Priyanka Chatterjee

Priyanka Chatterjee is an engineer by education, a technology consultant by profession, and a light worker by her heart’s desire. Writing has transformed her life and has given her soul the channel it needed for a while. She truly believes spirituality is the panacea for a world without wars and potential extinction; and she wants to be part of the movement.

Priyanka Chatterjee's Website

Fear Is Inevitable but It Doesn’t Have to Paralyze Us

“Fear is inevitable, I have to accept that, but I cannot allow it to paralyze me.” ~Isabel Allende

I woke up with a knot at the pit of my stomach, yet again. For as long as I could remember, I carried this intangible lump inside me. It went with me everywhere.

I am fairly certain it woke up with me, and there was a small span of time when I was in the deepest of sleep when it took a break.

Terrified—that’s how I felt all the time. Muscles taut and butterflies in my stomach. I was a wreck, ready …