
Posts by Ohana

Ohana is a 25-year-old brazilian journalist and  lawyer specialized in Criminology, Criminal Policy and Public safety.  Her life changed when she began to practice yoga and meditation. She realized that any change in the world starts inside of every human core and now she is speaking from heart to heart. Visit her at www.ohananery.com.

Simple Ways to Improve Our Relationships, Starting Today

“My experience is that the teachers we need most are the people we’re living with right now.” ~Byron Katie

I never had a good relationship with my father when I was younger.

Sometimes he expressed his opinions in a rude way, sounding more like an attack than advice.

Many times he apologized after being rude, but I was too cold to forgive or listen.

The years passed, and I never made an effort to improve our relationship. It felt easier to deal with my mother. She was the one I always went to when I needed something, had a question, …