
Posts by Melissa_Hart

Melissa Hart is a life coach, speaker, and mentor at www.melissahart.org. Melissa supports women feeling lost and overwhelmed by life’s changes to find clarity and build confidence so they can step bravely into the next chapter of their lives with renewed purpose and freedom. Grab her FREE journal guide 30 Minutes to Disarming Fear & Taking Purposeful Action.

Melissa_Hart's Website

How I Learned to Love My Body Instead of Hating Her

“Your body does not need to be fixed, because your body is not a problem. Your body is a person.” ~Jamie Lee Finch

I was thirty years old when I realized that I was completely dissociated from my body.

I grew up in the height of the purity culture movement in American Evangelicalism. Purity culture was based on one primary concept: abstain from sex until marriage. But the messaging went further than this.

I sat next to my peers in youth group while the male pastor stood on stage and told us young women to always cover our bodies. For …