
Posts by Maj Wismann

Maj Wismann is a relationship therapist and mom of two sons. She helps women around the world get their love life back. Visit her at majwismann.com and follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Maj Wismann's Website

Courage Is Doing What You Really Want to Do, Even When You’re Scared

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” ~Ambrose Redmoon

It’s only 9:25am on a Saturday morning and I feel myself welling up already.

I know this is difficult. This might just be some of the hardest stuff he’s ever had to do.

I’m there. On the sidelines, watching him.

I know him so well by now and all of his little “giveaways.” His eyes looking for mine. Fidgeting.

We’ve agreed that he’ll give it a chance because he really wants to do this. REALLY, REALLY. There’s no doubt …