
Posts by Lisa Cox

Lisa Cox is on a mission to muse and is committed to helping you Find Fearless Freedom. She is an Australian based, award-wining Writer (Author, Copywriter and Blogger), public Speaker and consultant. Lisa’s website, including social media links is at www.LISACOX.CO

Lisa Cox's Website

5 Common Regrets and How to Avoid Them

“I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” ~Unknown

If you had a second chance at life, what would you resolve to do differently? What would you regret from your past if you had the power to change it in your future?

In 2011, Bronnie Ware wrote a wonderful book called Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying.

As a palliative care nurse, Bronnie spent several years working with patients during their final weeks of life. She documented the dying epiphanies of her patients and began to notice some …