
Posts by Kira Barham

Kira Barham is a yoga instructor, mindfulness teacher and wellness blogger. After struggling with her mental health for many years and coming out the other side, Kira is on a mission to help others find their inner peace and start living the life they dream of. Read more on her blog www.themindfulway.co.uk or find her on Instagram.

Kira Barham's Website

How Yoga Helped Heal My Anxiety and Quiet My Overactive Mind

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are” ~Carl Jung

Yoga is often celebrated for its physical benefits: greater flexibility, increased strength, improved circulation, and so on. But nothing could have prepared me for the transformational effect that yoga has had on my mental health and well-being.

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was fourteen, and I have struggled with both for most of my life. My mind was my worst enemy, constantly worrying and criticizing to the point where it became hard to do anything. Even the things I really wanted to …