
Posts by Gray-Miller

Gray Miller’s writing and presentations from LoveLifePractice.com have inspired audiences around the world to take a deeper and slightly askew look at the world around us and our roles in it. He currently lives in Madison, WI doing his best to be the coolest grandpa in the world.

Gray-Miller's Website

The Story So Far: Your Life Is How You Interpret It

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~Carl Bard

My life has been a long string of failures.

The earliest I can remember is having my teeth knocked out when my grandpa braked too hard at a stoplight on our way to a church Easter pageant. I was supposed to be singing a solo, the part of the “little gray lamb,” and I did it—performing while clutching a bloodstained washcloth wrapped around ice cubes to hold to my front gums in between verses.
