
Posts by Emmanuel Dagher

Emmanuel Dagher has been recognized internationally as a Modern Day Mystic, Humanitarian, Transformation Specialist, and Visionary Healer for over ten years. He has dedicated his life helping people remember who they are at their core and realize their full potential as amazing divine beings of love. Visit him at emmanueldagher.com and on Facebook.

Emmanuel Dagher's Website

The Best Christmas Gift Ever: Finding Blessings in Challenges

“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.” ~Richard Bach

Recently, I began reflecting on a time in my life I hadn’t thought about in a while.

I began remembering the time when I was five years old and staying with my great aunt and uncle, because the town my mom and I lived in was under siege and unsafe.

Our town was experiencing some of the heightened turbulence that became quite common in many towns and cities during the Lebanese Civil War, which lasted from the mid-seventies to the early nineties.…