
Posts by Elloa Atkinson

Elloa Atkinson is a transformational coach, writer, and teacher who is fascinated by somewhat uncomfortable topics such as vulnerability, shame, emotional responsibility, and how to become fully expressed and alive—a psychological grown up as well as a chronological one. She lives in Sussex with her husband Nige and their rescue dog, Molly Miracle. Visit elloaatkinson.com

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When Things Don’t Work Out: Who Knows If It’s Good or Bad?

“It’s not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean.” ~Tony Robbins

I recently received a rejection letter for a voluntary role befriending and supporting a child in the care system. I was excited at the prospect of supporting a child who had likely been through a lot, and had been quietly confident that I would be great in the role.

After all, I am an emotionally responsible, fun-loving, deeply caring adult who had lived through a ton of difficulty: addiction and alcoholism (my own and my mother’s); growing up in …