
Posts by Elizabeth Mintun

Elizabeth Mintun is a mindful coach and psychotherapist. She is the creator and host of The Calming Ground podcast. Elizabeth has a psychotherapy private practice and mindful life coaching practice. She also runs an online self-care membership for women called The Calming Ground. For a free guided meditation, click here. You can also follow The Calming Ground on Facebook and Instagram.

Elizabeth Mintun's Website

How to Start Saying No When You’re Afraid of Disapproval

“Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.” ~Robert Tew

When I say that my need for people to like me has been one of the hidden rulers of my life, I’m not kidding!

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted everyone to like me, and I had significant anxiety if they didn’t. My fear of the disapproval of others quietly lurked beneath the surface like a shadow under my skin, dictating my behavior and my mood.

I was so afraid of the disapproval of others that I would ruminate over