
Posts by Helen Butler

Owner and Director of Clutter Rescue, Helen Butler is an Accredited Expert Professional Organiser working with Mums to organize and declutter their home, schedule and life. Visit the Clutter Rescue website to sign up for the FREE five-day mini organizing course and learn to look at ‘busy’ in a new way.

Finding Calm in this Busy, Chaotic World

“At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.” ~Christine Mason Miller

A while back I was completely overwhelmed. I was drowning in conflicting work commitments, our son’s crazy end of term schedule, over-commitment to a volunteer role, and a pounding headache I just couldn’t shift. Everything was about to go seriously pear-shaped if I didn’t do something stat!

Now, if you knew me you’d know I am a “fixer.” So, because I fix things all the time (usually for other people!) I decided to book myself in for …