
Posts by Cheryl J Reynolds

Cheryl is a mindfulness coach and podcaster of the One Minute of Mindfulness Podcast. She helps people create more peace in their life with easy techniques and a simple ,indfulness practice. She enjoys walking, quilt making, writing, and reading. She lives in North Carolina, You can also follow on Instagram and Facebook.

Cheryl J Reynolds's Website

How One Fleeting Mindful Minute Completely Changed My Life

“Don’t believe everything you think.” ~Unknown

I am a self-confessed overthinker. I could spend hours thinking and going down the rabbit hole in my mind trying to find answers to all sorts of situations.

About ten years ago, I struggled with burnout. I was a nurse for about twenty-two years. All I knew was nursing, and I was defined by it. As they say, “A nurse is always a nurse.”

This makes leaving nursing something hard to do, even when it’s unhealthy.

I’ve always worked in high-stress areas like intensive care and trauma emergency rooms, but burnout made it …